
Prehistoric creatures that have the potential to be resurrected

author:Fun bulldozer chicken

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(1) Saber-toothed tiger

Prehistoric creatures that have the potential to be resurrected

Saber-toothed tiger

At present, the United States has excavated more than 2,000 saber-toothed tiger fossils in Los Angeles, and extracted the DNA of saber-toothed tigers from the fossils. The Saber-Toothed Tiger Research Institute in California said it was only a matter of time before the saber-toothed tiger was revived.

Saber-toothed tigers are one of the largest cats on Earth, living in a newer period dating from 3 million to 10,000 years ago. The saber-toothed tiger is mainly distributed in North America and Africa, and its size is similar to that of today's cats, with a body length of about three meters. It has a signature feature, which is its upper canine teeth that are more than ten centimeters long.

The saber-toothed tiger eventually became extinct 10,000 years ago, and the reason for the extinction is unknown, but some scientists speculate that perhaps the increase in the range of human activities has competed for the living environment of the saber-toothed tiger, and even hunted it directly.

(2) Big sloth (earth sloth, American sloth)

Prehistoric creatures that have the potential to be resurrected

Earth lazy

In 1788, the fossil of the sloth was first discovered by humans, and after research, it was found that the DNA of the sloth and the big sloth was very similar, and if the sloth gene was used to make up for the missing genes of the ground sloth fossil, it was still very likely that the sloth beast would be successfully resurrected.

The Great Sloth lived in the same period as the saber-toothed tiger, and also lived on the American continent, and the Great Sloth was very large. It can grow to six meters long and weigh five tons, even compared to today's elephants. Although they are larger, they can walk upright, a way of walking that is their liberated forelimb and can inflict fatal damage on other powerful predators.

(3) Dodo

Prehistoric creatures that have the potential to be resurrected


The dodo is a creature endemic to the island of Mauritius, and although it has a bird in its name, it is as flightless as the ostrich. This bird is much larger than the average bird, with a body length of 90 cm and a weight of 60 pounds.

The extinction of the dodo is only a few hundred years old. Hundreds of years ago, dodos lived carefree on this isolated island, but the arrival of Portuguese sailing teams plunged them into endless darkness.

In just 200 years, the dodo bird was eaten and extinct. It is precisely because of the short time that the dodo is very likely to be revived.

(4) Thylacine

Prehistoric creatures that have the potential to be resurrected


The size of the thylacine and the average wolf is not much different, the significant difference is that the thylacine has a kangaroo-like pouch, and the thylacine cub can grow safely in the parenting generation.

The thylacine first appeared 4 million years ago, and it was also a carefree survival at the beginning, but the rise of the dingo 5,000 years ago made the living space of the thylacine greatly suppressed. Later, when the dingo sneaked up on the herders' flock, the herders mistakenly believed that the killer was a thylacine, and then slaughtered the thylacine, and the poor thylacine was slaughtered.

In 1932, the last thylacine, Benjamin, died in the zoo. In 2002, a team of researchers successfully copied the DNA of the wolf, but due to the immaturity of the cloning technology, the experiment of cloning the wolf had to be terminated.

(5) Pyrenees goats

Prehistoric creatures that have the potential to be resurrected

Pyrenees goat

The Pyrenees goat, also known as the hanging sheep, and the rock sheep of the mainland, the living habits move freely on the cliffs. They are mainly distributed in Spain and can grow to about 1.2 meters in size. Unlike the goats we saw, the Pyrenees goats had very large horns, the longest of which reached 1.4 meters in length.

The death of the last Pyrenees goat in 2000 declared his extinction, but the Pyrenees goat was the first of these extinct animals to be successfully resurrected, except that the cloned goat survived only seven minutes.

Finally, do you think there will be other prehistoric creatures that will be resurrected? Welcome to the comments section