
10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

Source: China Daily


Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Pelosi

Despite China's strong opposition and solemn representations

Insisting on visiting the Taiwan region

This has triggered an escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

Midterm elections are looming

The domestic situation in the United States is not optimistic

Pandemics, inflation, Ukraine and oil and gas shortages

It puts a four-fold pressure on the U.S. government

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

For the immediate votes

US politicians are bent on going their own way and taking risks

Do not try to solve the domestic problem at its roots

I don't know what it means to start in the long run

It is just blindly adding fuel to the fire on the Taiwan issue

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

On the Taiwan issue

The United States has repeatedly declared that it adheres to the one-China policy

Pelosi's sneaking behavior exposed the inconsistency between words and deeds in the United States

Openly encroaching on the one-China principle

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

Look at the Taiwan authorities

Since the DPP came to power

Has been trying to "rely on the United States and seek independence"

They squeeze the "hard-earned money" of the Taiwanese people

He did not hesitate to feed American political brokers with heavy money

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

Pelosi visits

Not only to extract political capital

You can also get real money

The "Taiwan independence" forces wag their tails and beg for mercy

Be an American lackey for "one bone"

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

I don't know

The United States will only borrow the name of liberal democracy

Practice violent interference

Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Syria


"Made in the USA" in these countries and regions

What comes with it is war, chaos and misfortune

Taiwan is no exception

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

US politicians are trying to manipulate Taiwan

Wage proxy wars

"Fight to the last Taiwanese"

This is the US politician whom the Taiwan authorities have paid a lot of money to invite

Published "Takami"

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

The "Taiwan independence" separatist forces collude with external forces and collude and stir up trouble

It is a self-inflicted death

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

Us politicians are crazy to play the Taiwan card

It's about lifting a rock and dropping it on your own feet

10 cartoons tell you, who is at fault for the escalation of tension in the Taiwan Strait?

The "Taiwan Card" that must be lost every game

The United States can rest

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