
Pelosi Channeling What doorways can be seen in the reaction of various countries?

author:Straight news

U.S. House Speaker Pelosi disregarded China's strong opposition and solemn representations and visited Taiwan. The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, but the Sino-US game around the Taiwan Strait is not only in the Taiwan Strait itself, but also in the international diplomatic battlefield. Although the United States has long had an advantage in the international public opinion field, this time Pelosi has obviously provoked and the Chinese side has a moral advantage.

In recent days, more than 160 countries and international organizations have supported China's legitimate position in different ways, which surprised the US side, further consolidated and strengthened the one-China consensus of the international community, and formed the just voice of all countries opposing interference in internal affairs and safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity.

While it is mainly western countries such as the Group of Seven that are on the side of the United States, it is worth noting that even the countries of the Western camp have very different attitudes towards this matter. Japan jumped the highest, while countries such as South Korea and New Zealand clearly distanced themselves from the attitude of the United States. Studying the different reactions of these countries is of great reference significance for our subsequent Taiwan-related struggle.

Pelosi Channeling What doorways can be seen in the reaction of various countries?

U.S. Congressional Speaker Pelosi

The attitudes of various countries and international organizations are not fully counted as follows, and they are divided according to the changes in attitudes towards the Pelosi visit.

Category I: Countries and international organizations that support China + condemn the United States: Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Syria, Eritrea, etc

On August 6, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahyan at the invitation. Abdullahyan stressed that Iran firmly pursues the one-China policy and strongly condemns the unreasonable acts of the US side on the Taiwan issue. The one-China principle is the prerequisite for guaranteeing regional peace and security.

Pelosi Channeling What doorways can be seen in the reaction of various countries?

Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahyan

The Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that it firmly opposes the ATTEMPT of the United States to undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and condemns the US interference in China's internal affairs. Cuba reaffirms its support for the one-China principle and recognizes Taiwan as an inalienable part of Chinese territory. The provocative activities of the United States undermine regional and international peace and security.

A spokesman for the DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that the DPRK condemns and opposes the interference of external forces on the Taiwan issue and fully supports the Chinese Government's just stand of resolutely defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Venezuela's Foreign Ministry issued a government communiqué saying that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is a serious interference in China's internal affairs, and the Venezuelan government strongly condemns this. The Venezuelan Government calls on the international community to pay attention to and be vigilant against the US violation of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and its disregard for GENERAL ASSEMBLY Resolution 2758. The Venezuelan Government reaffirms its unswerving adherence to the one-China principle.

Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Moncada issued a statement saying he strongly condemned Pelosi's provocation of China. The statement said that the Nepalese government firmly opposes the actions of the US side. On the Taiwan issue, Nicaragua firmly supports China in defending its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Eritrean Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that Pelosi's provocative visit to Taiwan should be strongly condemned because it violates international law and the one-China principle in an attempt to undermine China's reunification process.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying it strongly condemned the US provocation against China. Pelosi's visit to Taiwan violates China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding to global instability, the statement said. The Syrian side reiterates its full support for China's efforts and principled position against interference in internal affairs by external forces, and for all measures and actions taken by China to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Generally speaking, this type of country is characterized by a country with the United States that has poor relations, has no interests in the United States, and has relatively good relations with China; The second feature is that these countries are geographically widely distributed, including North Korea, Iran, and Syria in Asia, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua in the Americas, and Eritrea in Africa, which shows that Asian, African, and Latin American countries are indeed China's main supporters in the world; Third, although these countries are small countries, it is still very rare to be able to stand in such a clear position.

The second category: countries and international organizations that support one China + measures to safeguard China's reunification: Russia, Belarus, Pakistan, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, SCO, Arab League, etc

The Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the Taiwan issue is entirely China's internal affair, and China has the right to take all necessary measures on the Taiwan issue to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Pelosi Channeling What doorways can be seen in the reaction of various countries?

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova

The Belarusian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that it was closely following the tension caused by Pelosi's visit to Taiwan and expressed concern about the SABOT ACTS of the US side in interfering in China's internal affairs and escalating the situation. The Belarusian side adheres to the one-China principle and supports the necessary measures taken by China to realize national reunification.

The Spokesperson's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan issued a statement reiterating its firm adherence to the one-China policy and its firm support for China in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Palestinian side believes that the development of relations between countries should be based on the principles of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs.

The Lao Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that the Lao Government has always firmly pursued the one-China policy and reaffirmed that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. The Lao government firmly supports China's cause of national reunification and opposes any act of creating "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan."

On August 3, King Sihamoni of Cambodia met with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and stressed that Cambodia will continue to adhere to the one-China principle and firmly stand with China. The official social account of the Cambodian royal family also specially released a message to revisit the late Emperor Sihanouk's statement that "there is only one China, and Taiwan is a province of China".

Myanmar's Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that Myanmar opposes any provocative acts that affect regional stability and opposes any attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. We call on all parties concerned to ease tensions through constructive dialogue and peaceful negotiations and promote peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. The Myanmar side fully supports the one-China principle and reaffirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Dominica issued a statement saying that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has seriously violated the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiques, seriously violated China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and seriously endangered peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Dominica firmly supports the one-China principle and recognizes that there is only one China in the world and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory.

Zhang Ming, secretary general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, said that the SCO adheres to the one-China principle, resolutely opposes interference by any external forces in the internal affairs of member states, supports member states in safeguarding national unity and safeguarding their own sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will continue to push member states to strengthen cooperation in this regard to ensure peace, security and stability in the region.

The Chief Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States and Director of the Office of the Secretary-General, Zazi, issued a statement on the official website of the League, saying that he opposes acts that violate relevant United Nations resolutions and undermine regional peace and stability. The Arab League supports China in resolutely safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity and firmly adhering to the one-China principle.

Overall analysis, the number of countries that support one-China + support China's measures to maintain reunification accounts for a considerable proportion of the international community, including both major countries such as Russia and representatives of important regional organizations such as the Arab League and the Shanghai Cooperation Association. Especially as an organization that currently has 21 member states, the Arab League can basically represent the attitude of the Arab world, including the attitude of Saudi Arabia, an important oil producer. Now, the organization has clearly stood by China's side on the Taiwan issue, which directly reflects China's effective strategic layout in the Middle East region for so many years.

Second, compared with the first type of countries, the second type of countries and organizations did not condemn the United States on this matter, which is actually understandable, because many of these countries actually have a lot of interests with the United States, such as Saudi Arabia and other countries, but even so, Saudi Arabia made a clear commitment to refuse hostility to China after the end of Last Month's Biden trip to the Middle East.

The third category: countries and international organizations that express their support for one China: South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, South Africa, the United Nations, ASEAN, etc

When answering a reporter's question about the visit of U.S. House Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan on 2 July, SPOKESMan for the Secretary-General of the United Nations Dugaric said that the policy of the United Nations on this issue follows 1971 UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 on One China.

South Africa's Special Envoy for Asia, the Middle East and BRICS Affairs, Suklar, said pelosi's visit to Taiwan gives South Africa an opportunity to reaffirm its commitment to the one-China principle and call on the international community to respect China's safeguarding of sovereignty and territorial integrity. The one-China principle has become the basic norm governing international relations, and all States Members of the United Nations should abide by it.

South Korean Foreign Ministry Deputy Spokesperson An Eun-joo said that the Rok government is paying close attention to the recent developments in the Taiwan Strait, and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are very important for the security and prosperity of the region. The ROK Government has always adhered to the one-China stand.

Thani, spokesman for the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs and director of the Information Department, said that Thailand adheres to the one-China principle and does not want to see any action that aggravates tensions and undermines regional peace and stability.

The Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that vietnam adheres to the one-China policy and hopes that all parties concerned will exercise restraint, not to make tension in the Taiwan Strait, and make positive contributions to maintaining regional and even world peace and stability and promoting cooperation and development.

The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs issued a statement reiterating the Philippine side's adherence to the one-China policy. Philippine Information Minister Angeles said that the Philippine side's position of adhering to the one-China policy has not changed, and the Philippine side is paying close attention to the situation in the Taiwan Strait and will cautiously handle issues related to international relations.

The 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting issued a statement expressing deep concern about the situation in the Taiwan Strait, reaffirming that ASEAN member states adhere to the one-China principle and calling on all parties to exercise maximum restraint.

Among such countries and international organizations, the attitude of the United Nations can actually best represent the general consensus of the international community, which is the general meaning of the international community. Among the ASEAN countries, the Philippines and Thailand are allies of the United States, both have US military bases, and they do not side with the United States, but reaffirm their support for the one-China policy, of course, as China's close neighbors, these countries are understandably calling for peace and stability.

Pelosi Channeling What doorways can be seen in the reaction of various countries?

South Korean President Yoon Seok-wook

Another country that is well worth mentioning separately is South Korea: South Korea, an ally of the United States and the election of a relatively pro-American president, treats Pelosi coldly to visit South Korea, and South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue refuses to meet with her on the grounds of sabbatical, but only talks on the phone and does not send a representative to pick her up. The South Korean foreign minister also did not see Pelosi on the pretext of participating in the ASEAN series of meetings, but instead in order to consolidate the Sino-Rok economic and trade and supply chain, the South Korean foreign minister was invited to visit China this week, which showed that South Korea is not willing to follow the United States in everything.

Overall, the first three categories add up to most countries in the world, so we can say with great confidence that the one-China principle has become the consensus of the international community and the basic norm of international relations.

Category IV: Countries and international organizations that do not take a stand: India, Brazil, New Zealand, etc

During the political turmoil caused by Pelosi's channeling, New Delhi did not make a clear statement on the incident. It is worth mentioning that during the Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the East Asia Summit held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the Indian Foreign Minister held bilateral meetings with US Secretary of State Blinken, but did not mention the Taiwan Strait issue. Clearly, New Delhi's attitude toward this is that "neither side wants to offend.".

When formulating foreign policy, India generally considers it from the perspective of self-interest. For example, when the United States pressured India to oppose Russia, India refused and continued to import a large amount of oil and coal from Russia, so this time India's silence on the Taiwan Strait issue is actually beneficial to China. At the very least, India's silence has made the United States can only come up with a so-called "joint Taiwan-related statement by the foreign ministers of the United States, Japan, and Australia, instead of the four countries of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia."

Similar to India, the remaining big powers are G20 members such as Brazil. Another country that has so far been noteworthy is New Zealand.

Pelosi Channeling What doorways can be seen in the reaction of various countries?

New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern

As one of the "Five Eyes Alliance" of New Zealand, before Pelosi channeled the platform, has taken the initiative to release goodwill to the Chinese side, local time on August 1, New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern in attendance at the China Business Summit delivered a speech, Ardern said that in some areas, China and New Zealand can benefit together, but there are also some areas, China and New Zealand in the interests and values of differences, it is not easy to deal with the differences between the two countries, but China-Singapore relations should not be defined by differences. Ardern also said she looked forward to ministerial exchanges between the two countries and hoped to personally lead a business delegation to Visit China if the COVID-19 pandemic allowed.

As a member of the Five Eyes Alliance, it is also very rare that New Zealand has remained silent so far. Because several other countries in the "Five Eyes Alliance" (Britain, Canada, Australia) have actually expressed their positions through the G7 Foreign Ministers' Statement and the Us,Japan-Australia Three Foreign Ministers' Statement. New Zealand's silence should be the key to the United States' inability to come up with the so-called "Joint Taiwan-related Statement" in the name of the "Five Eyes Alliance."

Category V: Countries and international organizations that support the U.S. position: Japan, Australia, G7

After Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, the main diplomatic move of the United States was to make two statements, one G7 foreign minister's statement and the other to ask the us, Japan, and Australia foreign ministers to make a statement.

Pelosi Channeling What doorways can be seen in the reaction of various countries?

G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting

On August 3, the G7 foreign minister and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy issued a statement saying that China's actions in response to Pelosi's visit to Taiwan could escalate tensions and cause regional instability, and called on China not to unilaterally change the status quo by force and resolve cross-strait differences through peaceful means.

In this regard, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said on the 4th that before Pelosi's sneaky visit to Taiwan, the Group of Seven pretended to be deaf and dumb, but now it has jumped out to make wild accusations against China, and its hypocrisy and ugly face have been exposed. Hua Chunying said that these seven countries should not forget that they do not represent the international community, and their views are only a very small minority. "Their dreams of great powers should wake up."

On August 6, the foreign ministers of Japan, the United States, and Australia issued a joint statement opposing China's military exercises in waters near the island of Taiwan, accusing China of launching missiles into the so-called "Japan's exclusive economic zone." In this regard, the spokesman of the Chinese Embassy in Australia expressed the hope that the Australian side will be cautious in its words and deeds on Taiwan-related issues, will not echo or cooperate with the erroneous strategy of individual countries to "use Taiwan to contain China," and will not be led by others to create new troubles and interference for China-Australia relations.

The outside world has noticed that Australia, which has been the vanguard of anti-China in recent years, has changed its position since the new Labor Party government took the stage at the end of May; after a three-year absence between the Chinese and Australian foreign ministers and after meeting at the beginning of last month, China resumed importing Australian coal, and Australia's sales of iron ore to China were settled in renminbi for the first time. Compared with the previous government's COVID-19 epidemic, the radical approach on Xinjiang issues has been somewhat scrupulous.

However, if we list the signatories to the two Taiwan-related declarations, we will find that only the United States and Japan have signed them. In fact, in this Pelosi visit, the U.S. ally with the highest jump is Japan.

Compared with South Korea's cold reception of Pelosi, Japan's reception of pelosi is a high-standard reception, and Kishida Fumio personally talks with Pelosi. At present, China's exercises around the Taiwan Strait have nothing to do with Japan, but Japan has conveyed so-called condemnation and protest to the Chinese side and demanded that the Chinese side immediately stop the exercises.

In this regard, the Chinese Embassy in Japan said that the relevant waters between China and Japan have not yet been demarcated, and the so-called "Chinese missiles fell into Japan's exclusive economic zone" are simply untenable. The Japanese side is manipulative and hides selfish desires. We solemnly urge the Japanese side once again not to play the political trick of "using Taiwan to control China" and not to continue on the wrong road.

At present, China has canceled the China-Japan foreign ministers' meeting scheduled for Phnom Penh, and there may be more countermeasures against Japan in the future.

From the previous analysis, it can be seen that even if it is an ally of the United States, China must distinguish between countries that are just waving their flags and shouting and those that want to take advantage of the fire and robbery. Pelosi's visit was also a stress test, showing that the biggest external intervention forces in the Settlement of the Taiwan Strait problem were the United States and Japan, which is also consistent with the inner feelings of most Chinese people. It is believed that the Chinese government will have a more in-depth analysis of this "diplomatic war" and will therefore formulate a more perfect plan. It is still the saying that "he who makes many friends and few enemies."

The author 丨 Chen Renhuan, the editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Editor 丨Liu Liping, the chief writer of Shenzhen Satellite TV