
It is a fierce struggle, with more than 160 countries behind China

Source: Niu Playing Qin WeChat public account

It was a fierce struggle, but this time, there were more than 160 countries behind China.

This is by no means an exaggeration.

According to the statistics of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than 160 countries have expressed their position condemning Pelosi's provocations and supporting the one-China principle; Poor, on the side of the United States, there are only a few limited small followers.

In other words, the people of more than 80% of the world's population and close to 90% of the people of the country are all standing with China this time. In the words of a Foreign Ministry spokesman, behind China are more than 160 countries, jointly standing on the right side of history and on the side of fairness and justice.

Why is that?

I think there are at least two dimensions.

The first dimension, the world is very clear, the United States is the initiator.

The eyes of the people of the world are shining, and they all know very well that this time, it is entirely the fault of the United States and Pelosi.

The United States is the perpetrator, the initiator, the United States violating its political commitments, maliciously provoking first, and China's legitimate defense later.

For example, in Singapore this time, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong advised Pelosi in person that stable Sino-US relations are important to regional peace and security; In Malaysia, local scholars also wrote an open letter to Pelosi, advising her that "it is better to spend time on solving the U.S. problem and not doing anything that angers China."

The result?

The warning of the international community, Pelosi did not listen, insisted on going to Taiwan, which is behind the flood.

Interestingly, Pelosi then left Taiwan for South Korea and did not even meet South Korean President Yoon Seok-wook. The reason why the latter is missing is to take a vacation at home in Seoul these days. In the end, the two had a polite phone call, but did not mention Taiwan in a word.

Justice is in the hearts of the people. The international community is well aware that Pelosi's obstinate actions are not only a provocation to the Chinese, but also a challenge to the peace-loving forces of the international community.

The essence of the Taiwan issue is not the so-called democratic issue, but a major issue of principle that has a bearing on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Many countries can't watch Pelosi's visit.

There are shooting cases. So, we see one country after another taking the position of condemning Pelosi's provocations. Of course, considering the obscenity of the United States, there are also those who dare to be angry and dare not speak out. A New York Times article says that, in fact, european countries except Lithuania are generally silent.

Silence is also dissatisfaction with the United States.

The United Nations has made it clear, with UN Secretary-General António Guterres saying: "Our position is very clear. We abide by the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and abide by the one-China principle. All our actions are based on this. ”

Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Therefore, the Foreign Ministry spokesman asked: The US side should think differently, if a certain state of the United States tries to split from the United States and establish a country alone, and another country provides weapons and political support to it, can the US government and people allow it?

This is the first dimension.

The second dimension, the world is very clear, China is upholding the basic international norms.

China is defending its legitimate rights and interests, but I think it is more than that.

The foreign ministry spokesperson has two paragraphs, which I think are very well said. She said:

Over the past few decades, we have seen the United States and the US-led NATO use international law in accordance with international law, abandon it if they do not, fabricate all kinds of so-called "threat" pretexts such as weapons of mass destruction, and even launch military wars against other sovereign countries without any reason, and how many human tragedies and massacres have been created in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and other places? How many innocent civilian casualties, how many families and wives are separated, how many families are destroyed, have they ever reflected on this? Have you ever felt any guilt for the serious consequences and disasters you've caused? Have they ever apologized to the people of these countries? Have there been any compensation?

Today, in the 21st century, we must not allow the United States to claim to be the world's policeman and international judge, and continue to regard other sovereign countries as Freud who can kneel and kill at will. If China remains indifferent to the US side's step-by-step interference in internal affairs and acts undermining sovereignty, and does not resolutely resist the manic and irresponsible behavior of the US side, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and other purposes of the UN Charter and the basic norms governing international relations will be reduced to a blank piece of paper, and the vast number of developing countries, which account for more than 80% of the world's population, may become the next target at any time.

Straight to the point!

Leaving aside the past two hundred years, in the past few decades, have there been fewer human tragedies and massacres in the United States? In particular, the phrase "treat other sovereign states as Freud who can kneel and kill at will" is too graphic.

If China cannot come forward, other developing countries may become the target of US oppression.

In fact, the consistent practice of the United States is to deliberately create a problem, and then throw the pot to blame the other party, and achieve its own goals through the problem.

From this dimension, it is true that China's hard shouldering of the United States has a special significance for other countries. To safeguard China's just stance is to resist hegemony and safeguard the interests of other countries themselves.

So, in the words of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, more than 160 countries have spoken out for justice, and this is not just a diplomatic struggle around Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, but a major struggle between hegemony and anti-hegemony, interference and anti-interference, and separatism and anti-separatism.

Finally, what do you think?

Let's be three points shallow.

First, it is really "more help for the righteous and less help for the lost."

Isn't it?

Therefore, we have seen that after Pelosi visited Taiwan, on the one hand, the United States and a few other countries are still using strong words and slandering and accusing China. But I always have a feeling that even these little American brothers are actually forced by the United States to be obscene and perfunctory to the United States; On the other hand, however, more than 160 countries have sided with China and clearly expressed their respect for the one-China principle.

It can even be said that it is precisely because of this provocation by the United States that we have seen the hearts of the international people turn their backs on it, and we have also seen that the one-China principle has been recognized by the whole world. From this point on, we really want to "thank" Pelosi, and we accept this "gift".

Second, Pelosi is the troublemaker, and the United States is the peacebreaker.

This may be something that Pelosi did not expect either.

She thought that going to Taiwan and provoking China would be able to gain some political capital; who knew that China had made a historic breakthrough in the island-encirclement exercise by taking the initiative and making the world more clearly aware that China was the defender of the international order, that she was the out-and-out troublemaker, and that the United States was the biggest destroyer of peace in the Taiwan Strait.

I have seen that many foreign experts have lamented that this is actually a humiliating failure of US diplomacy. It is said that because of this incident, the White House and Pelosi have begun to complain to each other, alas, if you know today, why did you do it in the first place?

Third, other countries are also advised not to side with mistakes.

As Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng said in his dealings with Canada, the Group of Seven does not represent the international community at all. The G7 countries should clearly understand the general situation and not stand against the 1.4 billion Chinese people, not against the majority of the world's countries, and not against international justice.

What is the general trend?

That is, the world has changed, and it is no longer the era when the Eight-Power Alliance can run amok.

Gone are the days when Western invaders could seize a country by erecting a few cannons on a coast in the East for hundreds of years!

China stands on the side of international justice. Those who commit crimes against china will certainly be punished.

Perhaps looking back in 5 years and 10 years, this historic event is a key node in the process of China's reunification. We are indeed witnessing history, but the more exciting and exciting parts are yet to come.

The play must begin with the prologue, but the prologue is not yet the climax.

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