
"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

author:Foraging in the market

"Autumn wind and rain through the south building, a new cool night is liqiu", liqiu does not represent the end of the hot weather, in the three-volt day, the heat is difficult to dissipate for a while, "autumn tiger" will continue for a long time.

Many people want to hurry up as soon as they enter the autumn, up is the big fish and big meat, this is not right, but to gradually eat, first from the light and nutritious ingredients to start eating, so that the long summer brought about by the deficit gradually recovered, absorb well to achieve the effect of autumn supplementation, of which there are 8 kinds of water ingredients called "Water Eight Immortals" are very suitable for eating more before and after the autumn.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

The old saying goes, "Eight Immortals in Autumn Eat Water, Race Over Little Immortals", but many people don't know what the Eight Immortals of Water are? The following is a specific introduction to the eight ingredients of the Eight Immortals of Water, and how should they be eaten before and after autumn?

First, the white

"Autumn wind blows and folds the blue, cutting jade like a fang root", depicting one of the eight immortals of water, Zibai, which is born on the water and is also known as "water ginseng", which is one of the three famous dishes in Jiangnan. Zibai is not only sweet in taste, but also a good ingredient for medicinal and food use, which is rich in vitamins and minerals, and is also a good ingredient to relieve autumn dryness.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried pork slices with white sauce

Ingredients: Pork belly.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1: Peel off the skin of the delicate white, cut off the older part to leave the white and tender part, clean and slice, millet pepper to the stem and wash after cleaning, cut the circle, peel the garlic and cut the minced garlic, and chop the shallots.

2: Cut the pork belly into thin slices, use a spoonful of soy sauce, a small amount of cooking wine and an appropriate amount of salt to marinate for 10 minutes.

3: Add the right amount of oil to the wok, pour in the marinated pork belly after the oil is hot, sauté the oil, pour in the chopped shallots and minced garlic to fry the aroma.

4: Pour the white from the water and pour it into the pot, stir-fry evenly, pour in a small amount of boiling water, a spoonful of soy sauce, a small amount of soy sauce and an appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry until stirring. Pour in the chopped millet peppers before leaving the pan, put them on the plate and sprinkle with chopped shallots.

2. Cress

"Si le pan water, thin picking of its celery", cress is often said to be small celery, compared to dry parsley, cress taste more crisp and tender, in addition to rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, etc., the taste is spicy and cool, has a certain drying effect.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

Recommended recipe: Cress beef stuffed dumplings

Ingredients: cress, beef, flour.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1: After the beef is washed off and the blood water is controlled, chopped into meat fillings, half of the green onion is cut into green onions, the other half is chopped, the ginger is peeled and half sliced, the other half is chopped, take the appropriate amount of flour and add it to the appropriate amount of light salt water, and form a dough.

2, prepare the cooking water and oil, add peppercorns, fragrant leaves, green onion and ginger slices in the pot, pour in 1 bowl of water and cook for 10 minutes, cook out the aroma, filter out the spices, add more oil, fragrant leaves, green onions, ginger slices and peppercorns in the oil pot, fry until brown, fish out the residue, turn off the heat, and let the oil cool.

3: Add 2 spoonfuls of light soy sauce, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, salt and ginger minced to the meat filling, pour in the water in a small amount and many times, let the beef fully absorb the water, stir until it is strong, and then pour 2 spoons of oil to lock in the water.

4: Wash and chop the celery, pour it into the meat filling and stir it evenly, the meat filling is on the plate, and the dumplings can be boiled.

3. Lotus root

"Lotus root is a treasure, autumn lotus is the most nourishing", in the mainland traditional health care pay attention to "spring and summer yang, autumn and winter yin", after the autumn in daily life from the yang gradually adjusted to the yin, and the lotus root is a good yin ingredient, after the autumn can often eat.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

Recommended recipe: Peanut lotus root glutinous rice soup

Ingredients: peanuts, lotus root, glutinous rice.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1, peanuts clean and pick out the dry, put in water to soak for 30 minutes, glutinous rice is also cleaned and soaked in water for 30 minutes, lotus root cleaned and peeled and cut into small pieces.

2. Pour glutinous rice, lotus root blocks and peanuts into the wall breaker, pour 4 times the amount of water of glutinous rice, and press the confused button to open the wall breaker.

3: About 20 minutes or so, the peanut lotus root glutinous rice soup is beaten, add the appropriate amount of rock sugar and stir well, then pour into the bowl, sprinkle with osmanthus flowers and put a goji berry garnish.

Fourth, the truth

It is known as the "holy medicine of the ages", and the ancients advocated eating more mushrooms after entering the autumn. Qi Shi can adjust the spleen and stomach damaged by the long summer, and the spleen and stomach can digest the ingredients of the autumn supplement, which is the meaning of eating Qi Shi in autumn.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

Recommended recipe: Apple Four Gods Soup

Ingredients: dates, apples, tangerine peels, lotus seeds, mustards, poria and Huai yam.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1, lotus seeds, mustard fruit, poria and Huai yam are prepared about 15 grams, soaked in water for about 2 hours, tangerine peel into water soaked for about 1 hour.

2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, bring to a boil, add the herbs, lotus seeds, Huai yam and poria and cook for about half an hour.

3, peel the apple cut into small pieces, with the dates, soaked tangerine peel together into the pot, cook for about 10 minutes, due to the addition of dates and apples, the taste of the soup is already very sweet, no need to add additional sugar.

5. Water chestnut

The shape of the water chestnut is very similar to a horse's hoof, so it is also called a horse's hoof. Don't look at this little water chestnut, but it is a master of clearing the fire and relieving the dryness, the autumn weather is dry, eating some horseshoes can just alleviate the symptoms of fire caused by dry weather.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

Recommended recipe: Sugarcane water chestnut tangerine peel water

Ingredients to prepare: sugar cane, water chestnut, tangerine peel, rock sugar.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1, sugarcane is not the season now, you can buy that kind of vacuum-packed sugarcane, water chestnut clean with a knife to cut off the outer skin and clean again, tangerine peel into water soaking.

2, add the right amount of water to the pot, add sugar cane and water chestnut, cook for about 20 minutes on low heat, then you can already smell the fragrance of sugarcane and water chestnut.

3: Pour in the soaked tangerine peel, simmer for about 10 minutes, add the right amount of rock sugar and stir well.

6. Diamond angles

"Red diamond out of the water, crisp and beautiful", after the autumn, tender and crisp diamond horn began to be listed, the ancients believe that eating more diamond horn can supplement the five viscera, to go to the disease, the diamond horn contains a variety of vitamins, protein and rich starch, etc., has the effect of relieving internal heat, very suitable for summer and autumn when the conversion to eat.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried pork slices with diamond horn rice

Ingredients required: pork, diamond horn, green and pickled peppers, dried chili peppers.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1: Clean and peel the horns, get the rice, slice the pork, remove the seeds and cut them into slices, and cut the green onions into pieces.

2: Add an appropriate amount of oil to the wok, pour in the pickled pepper, dried pepper and green onion after the oil is hot, stir-fry evenly, stir-fry the aroma and pour in the meat slices, continue to stir-fry until the meat slices change color.

3: Pour in the diamond angle rice, 2 spoons of raw soy sauce, an appropriate amount of salt chicken essence, continue to add a small half bowl of water, stir-fry evenly and then collect the juice on high heat.

7. Lettuce

"Perch, lettuce soup", lettuce is a precious wild water vegetable, rich in Jiangnan water town, very strange to northerners, but it is a favorite food of southerners.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

The color emerald green tastes delicious, refreshing and tender, its biggest feature is that the curly leaves are glued with a thick layer of gum, rich in collagen. As one of the eight immortals, lettuce, in addition to the taste and texture online, also has the effect of clearing heat, just enough to alleviate the dry heat before and after the autumn, often eat the whole body is comfortable.

Recommended recipe: Silver fish lettuce soup

Ingredients: silver fish, lettuce, eggs.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1: Dispose of the silver fish and put it aside, wash the lettuce, separate the yolk and egg white of the egg, and beat the egg white with chopsticks for later.

2: Add an appropriate amount of water to the boiling pot, boil and pour in the clean lettuce, blanch for about 2 minutes to remove the dried water.

3: Re-add the broth to a boiling pot, pour in the processed silver fish and lettuce and bring to a boil again.

4: Pour in the right amount of water starch, let the sauce become thick, stir along the side of the pot while pouring egg white, and finally add salt, white pepper, turn off the heat and drop the sesame oil.

8. Ci mushrooms

Folk have "inner fire to drink Ci mushroom soup" said, Ci mushrooms also called Cigu, belongs to the autumn seasonal ingredients, sweet and flat, has the role of moisturizing the lungs, after the autumn weather began to become dry, is a very suitable for autumn health ingredients.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

Recommended recipe: Braised pork with mushrooms

Ingredients: pork belly, mushrooms.

"Eight Immortals of Autumn Eat water, race past the little immortals", "Eight Immortals of Water" refer to what? How to eat before and after the autumn

1: Cut the pork belly into large pieces, remove the skin and clean the mushrooms, slice the ginger and garlic.

2: Add an appropriate amount of oil and rock sugar to the oil pot, stir-fry slowly until the sugar color is fried and pour into the pork belly, stir-fry until the pork belly is evenly wrapped in sugar color, add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, ginger slices, garlic slices, peppercorns, star anise, fragrant leaves and other spices.

3: Pour in the right amount of hot water, cook for about 10 minutes, pour in the washed mushrooms, cook for about half an hour, add the right amount of salt, and collect the juice on high heat.

——Lao Jing said——

Autumn is also the season of harvest, and the hard work of farmers in the hot summer will eventually condense into fruitful fruits. Therefore, after the autumn, it is best to choose seasonal ingredients in the diet, not only good taste, good taste, nutrition is also the best. Some cold melons should be eaten less, so as not to cause diarrhea and other symptoms and affect physical health.

I am a foraging record of the city, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! Like to focus on eating, drinking and having fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, paying attention to me, enjoying food without getting lost.