
Whole grain coarse grains will be selected with coarse crops to satisfy the stomach with low glycemic sugar

author:Nutrition & Health

The core recommendation of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022): Adhere to a balanced dietary model based on cereals. The daily intake of cereals is 200 to 300 g, including 50 to 150 g of whole grains and mixed beans, and 50 to 100 g of potatoes per day. Ordinary people should eat whole grains and whole grains every day. Whole grains and whole grains are favored by people such as weight loss and diabetes because of their high nutritional value, strong satiety and relatively low glycemic index.

First, the selection and purchase of whole grains

Whole grains are grain grains that have been cleaned but not further processed to retain the intact fruit structure; Or grain products that have been milled, crushed, extruded and other processing methods, but the relative proportions of cortex, endosperm and germ are still consistent with the intact yingguo. The whole grains of wheat, barley, corn, oats, black rice, buckwheat, barley, brown rice, wheat kernels, sorghum, yellow rice, millet, barley that have been peeled off the seed coat, oatmeal flakes and cereals pressed into pieces, corn ballast that break into large grains, corn grits with small grains, and whole wheat flour are all whole grains.

Whole grain coarse grains will be selected with coarse crops to satisfy the stomach with low glycemic sugar

Compared with refined grains, whole grains can better retain the dietary fiber, B vitamins, minerals and plant active substances in the grain (dietary fiber, minerals, part of the protein, vitamins, phytochemicals, etc. are mainly in the grain skin, paste layer and germ). At present, a large number of research evidence shows that regular consumption of more whole grains has multiple benefits for human health, such as maintaining a healthy weight, promoting the stability and diversity of the intestinal flora, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and intestinal diseases.

Refined grain refers to the grain after fine processing, only the endosperm, embryo part and a little paste powder, so it can only be called refined grain. The white rice noodles and multigrain noodles we usually buy (buckwheat noodles, corn flour, sorghum noodles, etc.) are refined grains, and the nutrition is less than 10% of the whole grain. Although germ rice retains germ, its nutrition is only 20% of that of whole rice.

Coarse grains are grains relative to fine grains such as refined white rice noodles that we usually eat, including corn, barley, buckwheat, oats and other grains; Beans: soybeans and red adzuki beans, peas and other miscellaneous beans; Potatoes: sweet potatoes, yams, taro, potatoes, etc.

Grains other than wheat and rice are also commonly known as miscellaneous grains.

Whole grain coarse grains will be selected with coarse crops to satisfy the stomach with low glycemic sugar

The processing of coarse grains is simple, preserving many nutrients that are not found in fine grains. From the perspective of nutritional composition, in addition to soybeans containing more protein, most of the whole grains have relatively little protein content, starch, fiber, minerals, as well as B vitamins, dietary fiber, and phytochemicals are rich. Regular consumption of certain coarse grains has the effect of preventing and treating hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and so on.

If coarse grains are finely processed, strictly speaking, the meaning of coarse grains has been lost, such as various kinds of coarse grain noodles such as corn flour, bean noodles, buckwheat noodles, etc.

Second, the consumption and cooking of whole grains

1. The quantity is suitable and the cooking is reasonable.

The elderly and children with slightly weaker digestion ability, weak bodies, patients after gastrointestinal surgery and other special groups should eat less appropriately, and can choose whole wheat steamed buns, millet yam porridge, eight treasure porridge, grain soy milk and so on. If the stomach is not good, try not to eat the coarse grains that produce gas, such as sweet potatoes and beans.

Whole grain coarse grains will be selected with coarse crops to satisfy the stomach with low glycemic sugar

Teenagers and adults with strong digestion can choose the amount of consumption according to their own digestive ability, it is best to eat some whole grains and coarse grains every day, such as boiled corn cob, two rice (rice + millet), brown rice, red bean rice, whole wheat steamed buns, sweet potato yam taro, etc., the amount of consumption refers to the recommended number of "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" (referring to the weight of dry ingredients).

For people with weight loss and diabetes, the number of whole grains and coarse grains can be increased on the basis of recommendations, and whole grains and coarse grains should be treated as extensively as possible, such as corn cakes, mixed grain rice, whole wheat steamed buns, etc. Cornmeal steamed buns, sweet potatoes, fried potatoes, etc. are high GI foods; Instant oatmeal and multigrain noodles are medium to high GI foods, try to eat as little as possible.

Many people who lose weight and diabetes love to eat soba noodles. Although buckwheat noodles are lower than white noodles (Gi81), soba noodles are medium Gi59, and they eat more and are also high in sugar. If eaten, try to reduce noodles and multi-dish. In fact, from the perspective of low glycemic sugar, eating soba noodles is not as good as eating pasta, pasta Gi49, dry noodles are lower.

If you eat multigrain porridge, don't stay up for too long, the more rotten the porridge, the faster the sugar.

Third, the collocation of whole grains

Whole grains contain phytic acid, which is not conducive to digestion and also affects the absorption of minerals, usually by fermentation to remove phytic acid. Some of the whole wheat steamed buns and whole wheat bread purchased online are not all made of whole wheat flour, (according to the regulations of the Chinese Nutrition Society, the whole grain content > 51% can become a whole grain), so diabetics are best to buy whole wheat flour to make whole wheat steamed buns, and can also be mixed with some corn grits to make cornmeal steamed buns.

Mixed grain rice can be used rice with one or two kinds of mixed grains, such as millet, buckwheat, oats, red adzuki beans, mung beans, peas, etc., when making rice, first soak the oats, buckwheat, mung beans, etc. in advance, and then steam with the rice.

Weight loss, diabetics because of the control of food intake is easy to cause nutritional deficiencies, so should try to achieve whole grain, coarse grain, vegetable diversity to meet the balance of diet. For example, diabetics eat a day: eat whole wheat steamed buns with milk eggs and cold vegetables in the morning, brown rice and pea rice with green vegetables fried lean meat with shiitake mushroom fungus soup at noon, and eight treasure porridge (black rice, yellow rice, corn ballast, oats, buckwheat, mung beans, red beans, peanuts) green vegetables, tofu stewed silver carp. The proportion of grains can be increased gradually. If you eat less of a staple food per meal, add half an apple or pear between meals.

Whole grain coarse grains will be selected with coarse crops to satisfy the stomach with low glycemic sugar

I personally (normal blood sugar, normal weight) is lazy, multigrain rice with black rice, buckwheat, oats, red adzuki beans, mung beans, black beans, peanuts, etc. once a time, cooked once or twice a day multigrain rice to eat.

The nutritional value of whole grains is higher than that of finely processed white rice and white noodles; Dietary fiber is high, coarse and coarse feeling of fullness is strong. Although the sugar index is low, they also contain high energy, so people with weight loss and diabetes still need to control the amount of food they eat.

What if I don't have enough to eat? Eat more vegetables! Most vegetables are also low in energy, high in dietary fiber, mineral vitamins, and phytochemicals. Eat as many dark vegetables and leafy vegetables as possible! (Eat less carrots and other high GI).