
"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

author:3DM Game Network
"New again?"

Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobuyoshi is the first original glorious history game I've bought in recent years.

Players who are not too cold to Glory may not know much about the gold content of this sentence.

Generally speaking, the history games of the Glory Family are sold in two parts. Probably the original version was sold for a year, according to the market and player feedback, Glory will add some small designs that affect the gameplay on the basis of the original content, save a thing called "Power Enhanced Version", and then sell it again.

If you buy the original version first, and then buy the Power Enhancement Pack, it will definitely be much more expensive than buying the Power Enhancement Edition directly. This kind of operation of increasing the amount and more price, the glory of a small 20 years. Therefore, if you are not a loyal fan, "Shinno" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" series players will generally choose to buy the power enhanced version directly, which is the so-called PK version.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

There are not many initial historical scripts in this work, and as a rule, they must be slowly supplemented later

Of course, if it is like the "new" generation, you can see at a glance that it took effort, not to take the rough room out to fool people, players will not hesitate to donate - anyway, this PK advance payment, I gave.

After experiencing the word-of-mouth and sales of the 15th generation of "Dazhi" in the series, Glory is probably also painful, and the propaganda offensive of "New Life" is even worse than that of previous works. Basically, before the release, players have already "clouded" the game just by looking at the trailer, and the gameplay system is highly transparent.

Let's first assume that this is obviously out of the 16th generation, the sales are still only 10 or 200,000 Ryoyu, and if there are new players, let's first talk about what is "Nobunaga Nobunaga".

According to the official version, Nobunaga Nobunaga is a strategy simulation game based on the Japanese Sengoku as the theme and focuses on the immersion of history, referred to as a history simulation game. Although the name is Nobunaga Nobuno, players can play as any one of the many Warring States daimyōs (except for the original generation of the game) and freely advance the historical process of the world's Bubu at their own pace and strategy.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

This generation does not recommend the novice Nobunaga to start, because the "Mizoya" in the east is very aggressive

In essence, whether it is the 10th or 20th or 30th generations of the series, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Nobunaga's Wild Hope" have always shared a simple set of game logic - farming to develop productive forces, transforming productive forces into military strength, and then using military strength to develop more means of production, and further improving productivity through means of production, so as to cycle until the final unification of the whole country.

Simple, but classic, but also in line with the basic development law of human history, the P society game next door is also a road. But glorious historical simulation games always have a different temperament, and they are clearly distinguished from the likes of Civilization and Victoria. People who like it are particularly fond of it, and people who hate it will be particularly annoying.

It was only in recent years, from "innovation" to "new life", watching the warriors and princesses of "Nobunaga Nobunaga", one by one , "plastic surgery" became the junhou students of the ten miles and eight townships, and gradually realized the daigo flavor in the middle - what Glory did was not a rigorous historical game, it was actually "idol cultivation".

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

The "cow-grooming" of Hori Hidemasa's image is typical

Yes, the flesh-and-blood warrior All-Star, the historical stage of Haohao Tangtang, this is the pillar of the glorious historical simulation. See the world's heroes, swallow the mountains and rivers, other strategy games can't give you this. "Total War: Three Kingdoms" sells well, do you see glory in a hurry? It's certainly not in a hurry, because neither of them would have been on the same track.

Whether it is "Nobunaga's Wild Hope" or "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", behind the vast curtain of history, they are all romantic relations between people and the times.

As the lubricating oil of the "boring circulation machine of 'farming-fighting'", the warrior naturally becomes the main medium for transmitting this layer of romantic relationship. Coincidentally, the "new life" is particularly thin and thick in this regard. The number of warriors in this game reached a staggering 2206, the highest in history. It is precisely because of such an exaggerated number of martial artists that the main system of knowledge and deeds and merit of this work can be truly established.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

Unification is imminent, and most of the military generals are already old and dead

The kingdom of this game is divided into a main city and several "counties". Each county has its own independent development degree, and by mastering the countryside and cities in the county, players can gradually increase the "stone height" and income of the county. Among them, Shigao is a measure of the level of feudal agriculture, and its quantity is directly related to the grain and soldiers of the territory.

The main city is relatively simple. The construction of different castle facilities can increase the corresponding stone height, income, and number of soldiers. Specific city defenses, iron cannons, and military horses were simply divided into under-city facilities. As mentioned at the beginning, this piece of content is most likely to be put into the PK version to complete it.

Depending on the region and location, the counties of different territorial states have different upper limits of prosperity. In the region, which is close to the center of rule, there will be more rural areas and cities under the county; In mountainous and hilly areas such as Kai and Shinano, the upper limit of the development of the county is small, but there will be more mining, hot springs and other town facilities with special effects. Correspondingly, the number of under-city facilities in different cities and pools is also different.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

Overall, "New Life" further refines and refines the map differences in the large map mode opened by "Innovation". It continues the "famous city" effect of the past generations, and at the same time, through the upper limit of the development of the county, it further simulates the geographical difference between the warring states forces.

There are a total of 206 large and small cities and 1292 counties in this game, which truly achieves the scale of administrative divisions. If it is still like the previous 60s city era, the city is finely developed, then before the "cirrhosis", the player should be the first to suffer from mouse hand, or tenosynovitis.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

What, there are mouse hands, tenosynovitis? That's fine

In order to cope with the huge internal pressure, this game joined the system of knowledge and action appointed by military generals, which is strictly speaking the "squat pit" of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 14". That is, the collected military generals were put into the county slots one-on-one, so that they could develop a vast territory on their behalf, simulating the order of division and feudalism in the history of the Japanese Warring States.

Compared with the elaborate construction of The Castle Town in the old works, and the simplified internal affairs of the 15th generation of "Dazhi", which is like a PPT, the "new life" knowledge and action system just falls in the middle comfort zone.

It will neither lead to a surge in the amount of internal affairs in the later parts of the game, nor will it be so simple that it is dispensable from beginning to end. Here we must thank the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", a test field, after experiencing the "Three Kingdoms Chronicle 11" of "LV Stacked Music" to the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12" of "One Turnip and One Pit", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 14" finally found a model of internal affairs that was generally acceptable to human beings between the internal hell and the hanging page game, and shared it with his brother, that is, his own son " Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga".

The meritorious system is a further deepening of the knowledge and practice of play. After being assigned to the rank of county, merit is calculated based on the specific workload. When a certain amount of merit is accumulated, the county can be promoted from the head of the group all the way, and the official to the foot light general, the attendant general, the general of the ministry, the family elder, and the old man, these five official ranks.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

I fully felt the abundance of talents in my family

The rank of a military general directly affects his jurisdiction. For example, the lowest-ranking group leader can only serve as a surrogate in the player's main city, and cannot be assigned to another main city until he is promoted to a foot general. In the same way, the position of city lord and regional army leader requires more powerful generals and family elders, or military generals with higher ranks.

Of course, you can say that it is still a "radish filling pit", but at least the "newborn" filling pit has evolved from a simple turnip vegetable field to an organized and framed radish farm compared to "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12".

Farm, there are more things that can be planted in the future.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

The historical events of this game also include a large number of personal deeds of military generals

Following this system of meritorious promotion, the "new student" is likely to launch the "Battle National Chronicle" with "martial general play" as the core gameplay after the power enhancement version. Although this means that a game may be sold in three parts, it is still the same sentence that players are not fools, and sales will always help quality.

However, when it comes to the specific game experience, the "newborn" knowledge and practice system still has a lot of room for optimization.

For example, in the early stage of the game, when players begin to march forward and quickly open the situation, the limited number of substitute officials in the main city will often block the cultivation speed of the county generation, and the water will not come out. In the middle of the game, the number of warriors exceeded three figures, but before the commander of the regiment was appointed, managing the county became a troublesome thing comparable to "fighting gophers".

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

Counties that need to be replaced frequently

As mentioned earlier, the number of counties in this game is huge, and even a simple pit filling mode can be annoying after being repeated many times.

According to the "fine tradition" of glorious games, convenient features such as "one-click commissioning" are generally patched up in the PK version, so you can't say that it is a thick leaf. Old players may be used to it, not much to say, but the review is still pointing out - these rough small edges and corners, can we grind the original version first?

After the internal affairs of farming, the gameplay naturally loops to the military link. This game continues the small map battle mode of the previous two generations, and the strategic command of the large map is separated from the manual battle, and each other is in the table.

The marching strategy of the large map is similar to that of the 14th generation of "creation", in which different city lords will lead their own troops from the city and follow the fixed road line to the strategic goal. The width and narrowness of the road will determine the width and narrowness of the battlefield, the small road can only be passed by 2 troops, and the main road can be walked by 4 teams.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

The ant moving march of this work can only be described as awkward in real-time micro-manipulation

Similar to the "creation" of the road design, so that this work also appeared in the army blocking the road, refueling tactics and other negative phenomena. Players need to manually control the marching route of the troops before setting a battle target with one click, brainless F2A, in order to avoid the troops being hit by the AI to deliver food.

Many times, players need to click or frame troops individually between inconspicuous strongholds and roads, and then manually arrange their destinations. Ben adapts to multi-platform interaction, and the perspective that is added follows the movement is often counterproductive at this time. After tapping on a unit, the game's perspective will suddenly zoom and increase, causing the menu to frequently block the path points and force the player to adjust the perspective frequently, which is very frustrating.

In addition, due to the fixed road setting, the strategic space of the big map of this game is still limited. At the very least, its large-map combat gameplay is far inferior to that of the "Tendo" of the same series. Some of these missing combat experiences were integrated into the warrior characteristics of the main city, and the other part was assigned to the independent battlefield of manual joint combat.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

The terrain mechanics in manual combat, which looks cool, are actually a bit rigid

The "newborn" hand combination abandons the free movement mode of the previous game and returns to the fixed route, back and forth movement of the path wargame. The entire hand-to-hand battlefield consists of several nodes and routes, and troops can only move between these dot lines. Some special points provide a global morale bonus, while others are special mechanics of the map, such as encouragement, bridge blasting, and catapulting.

Although the free marching function of "Dazhi" joint warfare has been deleted, the rules of manual joint warfare in this game are not simple. The strategic goal of hand-to-hand cooperation is not limited to destroying opponents, eliminating enemy retreats, and overall morale suppression, but can also forcibly defeat enemy forces, helping players win more with less.

Of course, single-player games, you can always bully the AI, with the pinch to quickly reduce the AI's physical strength. Troops with low physical strength will fall into a downturn and their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Therefore, sometimes the number of troops is more important than the quality. No matter how strong the teacher of the main team is, he will inevitably be beaten to death by a group of young generals.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

The AI of strategy games is deliberately weakened by limited rules, otherwise the player's experience will be very poor

There is also a way not to be killed: the characteristics of the main team are calculated according to the characteristics of the main city, and the characteristics of the main city are accumulated by the city owner and the county. That is to say, the more luxurious the county lineup in the main city, the higher the quality of the team. For example, the iron cannon and equestrian levels of this game can be accumulated through the characteristics of martial artists, and higher level combat skills can hit a large amount of instantaneous damage in the hand combination, quickly clear small batches of enemies, and avoid falling into the melee of pinch attacks.

Although the battle method performance in the hand-to-hand battlefield is still very clumsy, the effect is far less than the critical attack of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11", or the "Heavenly Dao" company is so visually explosive, but in order to make up iron cannons and equestrian skills, the strength of the team of military generals is actually given.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

Combined battles often switch perspectives frequently due to AI tactical presentations, which is really shaky, and combat performances are basically negative experiences

Seeing this, you will find that in the area of martial arts characteristics, the "new life" combat gameplay seems to have some intersection with the internal affairs link. The accumulation mechanism of the characteristics of the main city avoids the boring mode of randomly filling pits and planting "turnips", and refining pit filling is a saying. It is also because the characteristics can be stacked, the original passers-by warriors also have basic human rights, and many four-dimensional failing tool people also have the value of unity of purpose.

In order to stimulate players to pay attention to the quality of the characteristics of the combined battle, the manual combination of this game has added the "mighty wind" reward of winning more with less. When the number of players is significantly less than that of the enemy, and the opponent's main forces are complete, the headwind can trigger the mighty wind, causing the cities and counties within a certain range of the battlefield to surrender. The specific scope is determined by the prestige level of the combined battle.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

The strength or weakness of the mighty wind mainly depends on the overall strength of the enemy, and has little to do with the difference in strength of the two sides

The city that is suppressed by the mighty wind will retain its original degree of development. Compared with the construction from scratch after the forced occupation, the expansion efficiency of the prestige suppression is significantly higher. When the game enters the middle and late stages, when the big forces begin to consume each other to attack the stronghold, a powerful combination of battles can often play a one-hit and decisive effect, helping players instantly open the stalemate situation and reduce a lot of unnecessary skin grinding time.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

As a veritable "Hojo's Wild Hope", "New Life" is almost the only way to penetrate Hojo head-on

In addition to combat characteristics, internal affairs such as diplomacy and personal connections can also be accumulated step by step, and the high-level effects are triggered by the city lord. Some internal affairs effects, such as the national headhunting system added to this game- "Far Country Dengyong", can be triggered frequently after the accumulation of network characteristics, and a large number of high-quality warriors can be provided to players randomly in the early stage, making the farming experience at the beginning less rigid.

In short, through the characteristics to trigger the corresponding policies and tactics, on the one hand, simulating the experience of a daimyo similar to that reported by a military general, on the other hand, it does greatly reduce the operational burden in the semi-instant mode, and with the territorial management of the sub-sealing system, the later friendliness of the "new life" is significantly higher than that of "creation". Compared with the "Heavenly Dao", which is an infrastructure madness, the experience of "new life" in the middle and late stages is even more silky smooth.

The only point in this game that may interrupt the player's expansion rhythm is the limit of the distance between the food and the march. The food and grass of the "new" troops were determined by the city and could not be replenished at other strongholds passing by. In addition, the overall efficiency of the march in this work is low, and the average out of the battle is about 5 months, and the grain and grass of the troops will soon be exhausted. To a considerable extent, this limits the brainless snowball effect of the player's main force.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

Players can increase the amount of military food they carry through combat readiness, under-city facilities, and policies

There are advantages and disadvantages to the change in military food. First of all, it necessarily limits the player's operational advantage. If, like Tendo, the global grain and grass are used and the army is marched quickly, the player can sweep through most of Japan with the power of only one city. On the cool, that "new student" really fell behind. However, blindly abusing the advantage mechanism will definitely make the game very impatience, thereby weakening its play life and historical immersion.

For most non-speed gamers, the impact of food restrictions on the pace of expansion is not so great.

When the distance from the front line to the city exceeds the limit of the consumption of food, the player either spends money to transfer the base to the front line, while taking the risk of zero development; Or leave the distant city to the AI's legion leader to manage it. The former is suitable for players who like toss and turn; Those who are too lazy to repeat the operation can also hand over the main city to the regimental commander, all of which are indispensable.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

The AI of this game will support each other and can actively respond to the player's actions, but the player often gets in a daze when he is not moving

Combining a number of internal affairs and strategic gameplay, "New Life" is probably the culmination of the "Nobunaga Nobunaga" series, which is the culmination of the new era. However, like all glorious history games, it may not be so "new" in the eyes of real veteran players. Even every place that looks good is actually patched with old works.

But as the saying goes: "Every day is new, every day is new, and every day is new."

Without accumulating steps, "Nobunaga's Wild Hope" has grown from a simple "Nobunaga simulator" to today's "Warring States Heroes", relying on generations like "New Life" - new, but not completely new works. Generation after generation, while players have scolded glory for always "tearing over and starting over", they have also witnessed this historical simulation game series, spiraling in real history.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

To be honest, even if it is only a quasi-new player who "innovates" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 10", the glorious historical simulation game is no longer just entertainment or pastime for me.

At the beginning of the millennium, as a large, basic general education, but lack of material foundation of small town youth, it was a glorious game that deeply cultivated my curiosity and yearning for the world and history. Thankfully, before being blinded by hormones, consumerism, and the like, I saw those star-studded times.

Finally, out of personal subjective likes and dislikes, I strongly hope that Glory can outsource the music of the historical series.

Since honko's music division has completely taken over, the soundtracks of Nobunaga Nobunaga and Romance of the Three Kingdoms have really been inferior to a generation. Like "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 10" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11" led by Ike, and most of the works before "Nobunaga Nobunaga 13" led by Yasusuke Yamashita, the artistic conception and sense of existence in terms of soundtrack are much higher than those of the new era.

"Nobunaga Nobunaga Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No No no Nobunaga No no Nobunaga No

Fifty years on earth

Of course, I am not used to the soundtrack of the new work, or it may be just because my taste is really not so "new".