

author:Xie Xiansheng

Speaking of parties, some people are afraid to avoid it, even if the classmates gather, it is inevitable to become an occasion to compare and show off, sometimes a simple dinner, it is difficult to cover up the undercurrent, the original long time has not met, getting together is a happy thing, gathering together gradually becomes a taste, no matter how good the place has become an awkward place, even the most delicious food is inevitably tasted with chewing wax.

This is the reason why I don't like to party, but because of the affection, I always go happily every time.

That day was no exception, especially when I heard that the students came in unison.

I stepped on the point to go, when I arrived at the place to eat has parked a lot of cars, some cars I know, know who is coming, some cars have not seen, just know that back a lot of classmates. When I was about to walk out of the parking lot, I saw Tang Xiaoshan.

At a glance, I recognized it, and my hair was still curly. There are two natural curly hair among the classmates, a man and a woman, and there are strange scandals, it seems that in line with everyone's imagination, they should be a natural pair.

Tang Xiaoshan was particularly eye-catching, the car window was open, one hand was on the steering wheel, the other hand was holding a cigarette, and he stretched out of the car window.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Tang!"

Hearing my shouting, the boy was obviously surprised, saw me walk over, hurriedly opened the car door and jumped down.

"Oh, brother, scare me."

He flew the cigarette butt with his hand, sorted out his clothes, and reached out with his other hand.

He immediately hugged me again and patted me on the shoulder.

I just laughed.

"You can't go up yet, I'm afraid they're all serving."

I was joking on purpose.

"Are you waiting for Liu Yihui?"

Liu Yihui is another curly-haired classmate.

"It's ridiculous, which pot are you not opening to mention which pot?"

Tang Xiaoshan paused and continued:

"There is nothing that you didn't have when you were reading, and it's the same when you say it's really the same, hahahaha..."

"Don't talk blindly for a while, the young master is coming."

"Mr. Chen is also here?" Hahaha, today is hilarious! ”

Chen Kunpeng's name is Chen Kunpeng, but we all call him Young Master, the noisiest one when he is studying.

Calling him young master naturally because his parents have a good position because of his good family, with the style of a rich man, usually we don't want to mess with it.

There was a young teacher in the high school assigned to our class not long ago, Xu is still not aware of the situation, Xu is the professional habit of teaching and educating people, so that the young master's campus life is quite unhappy, the young master should feel that this teacher is deliberately targeted, once took advantage of his criticism of education and the teacher to scold and even moved his hands and feet, and then somehow this teacher apologized in public, which was really eye-opening.

Some people have therefore made up a slip of the tongue that has been widely circulated in various schools, and a certain middle is an official field, a love field, a certain middle, an examination room, a farm cloud.

"I remember when I was studying, he robbed Liu Yihui with you!"

"Grab the head, Liu Yihui and I are purely spoken out by you, and he is purely boring, which girl in the class has not been flirted with by him."

"You don't like Liu Yihui at all?" I don't believe it. ”

Back then, it was easy to like someone.

In a class, meet every day, meet a few times on the way to school, sometimes express goodwill to each other, a certain day of a month happened to see each other's unknown shining points, but we tacitly concealed, reading and exams are the top priority, afraid of being distracted for fear of being said.

It was also difficult to like someone at that time.

Therefore, it can also be said that Tang Xiaoshan and Liu Yihui did not fall in love with the Eight Classics, but were said by their classmates as if they had love.

The two of them were not estranged from each other's laughter, but had a better relationship.

When Tang Xiaoshan looked for her, she would not hide, and when Liu Yihui looked for Tang Xiaoshan, Tang Xiaoshan was very happy.

Maybe they are born with curly hair, and in private the two are closer to each other than others.

The reason why I said that the young master and Tang Xiaoshan robbed Liu Yihui was not nonsense, originally the two of them were able to maintain the status quo safely and steadily until after the college entrance examination, but one day, such a balance was broken.

It was an extraordinarily hot day, and the cicadas on campus were restless, cursing and grinning at the plane trees very early.

Everyone finished the recess exercises on the playground, and some walked back to the classroom in groups of three or five, and some hid in the shade to drink water and eat.

Tang Xiaoshan rushed to Liu Yihui with an ice cream, and Liu Yihui took it without hesitation, and then one drank Coke under the tree, and the other turned his back and pretended to look at the ice cream elsewhere.

On this day, Liu Yihui dressed up a little well and combed a ponytail.

The young master walked over, and he first looked at Tang Xiaoshan sarcastically, and then looked at Liu Yihui vaguely.

Knowing each other, smiling at each other, and feeling a little embarrassed in the atmosphere.

The young master smiled and asked them to eat snacks, and then went to pull Liu Yihui's hand, trying to drag them to the school commissary.

Tang Xiaoshan was momentarily confused, and Liu Yihui was also stunned, out of a girl's reservedness, she was still politely smiling and refusing.

The young master just pulled one of Liu Yihui's hands and pulled her around several times, but Liu Yihui just didn't go and threw a look at Tang Xiaoshan for help.

Tang Xiaoshan looked displeased, but still said politely: Young master, we will not eat.

The young master ignored him at all, the drunkard did not mean to drink, seeing that Liu Yihui had no feeling for him, the hand he was pulling shook hard, Liu Yihui stumbled, and the ice cream in his other hand fell to the ground.

Both of them dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and the young master shook his head with disdain and asked provocatively:

Are you in love?

Tang Xiaoshan's body stiffened, as if Coke was too cold, and the cool air flowed from the palm of his hand into his heart, without saying a word.

The young master looked at his watch, walked to the classroom, and whistled as he passed in front of Liu Yihui.

After ten seconds, it seemed like a long time later, the class bell rang.

Liu Yihui sighed, stomped his feet, and ran to class.

Tang Xiaoshan was left in the back.

"Is it that important to like or dislike?"

Tang Xiaoshan was in a state of limbo.

"Why don't you catch Liu Yihui and ask!"

I patted him on the shoulder.

"If there is a teenager who does not have spring, I yawn, Huaichun."

"Don't make fun of me, when you read, I'm afraid you'll laugh, afraid of the teacher's management, be careful."

"But you don't seem to be together, do you?"

"You don't know, and then it faded."


"Where there are so many whys, you are a hundred thousand whys."

"Hahaha, the time is right, wait for me to match you."

I walked with him to the party box with great pleasure.

The box was almost full, and when we walked in, there was a cacophony of noise. Those who stood up to say hello, ran over to shake hands and said that they had not seen each other for a long time, and that they would be fined for drinking when they were late. I saw the young master sitting directly opposite the door, beckoning us to sit in the two empty seats left beside him.

I had to move over.

Tang Xiaoshan hesitated slightly, and sat down next to me.

All of them are people who have graduated from college and worked, and it seems that there have been little changes, but there are exceptions, such as young masters.

The young master's grades were not very good, and later heard that he had spent some money to enter a well-known school, and he did not study seriously during college, and he practiced drinking and flirting with his sister, and the classmates were rumored to drink until they vomited blood, and his girlfriend changed like a marquee, the story about him and his girlfriend was never broken, after graduation, he entered the parents' unit, his English was very bad, but he was arranged to work and study in a certain country, and it took two years to learn to communicate normally with foreigners.

As soon as he sat down, the young master's wine glass stretched out, saying that Tang Xiaoshan and I came the latest, and we were fined three glasses of wine, and he came to toast.

The class reunion was naturally happy, and I got up and drank the wine in exchange for a round of applause.

Tang Xiaoshan was motionless, and the young master was a little displeased, so he raised his wine glass and raised it to Tang Xiaoshan.

Tang Xiaoshan did not get up either, he took a drink from himself, the classmates laughed for a while, and the young master did not speak expressionlessly, and sat back with a sneer.

"Young master, you are not a bad liver, let's drink less."

I hurried to hit the round field.

"Who said I had a bad liver!" Who! Who is it! Who the hell is that! I also said that your kidneys are not good. ”

There was a burst of laughter in the box.

"That is, the young master's iron liver hit the kidneys, and I don't know how many beautiful women I drank!"

"Not only is it big, but in a certain country, it has also won glory for the country and drunk a lot!"

The young master laughed and raised a glass to the few students who spoke.

I looked around, didn't see Liu Yihui, turned and looked at Tang Xiaoshan, who was drinking absently.

I asked the young master: Have all the students arrived?

"All arrived, said in the group that this party is the best for everyone to arrive, it is difficult to return to China, it is considered to be completely liberated, this party is paid for by me."

There was another round of applause all around.

In this enduring applause, Liu Yihui appeared.

She should have gone out with another female classmate to make up makeup, a few years have not seen, the change is huge, the original curly hair how to look like a lolita that can not develop, now the dress is more mature and more european and american, the curly hair is dyed orange brown, as if a curved waterfall draped over the back of the neck and shoulders.

"Oh my God, I heard that our box was the most lively, and the good news and applause reached the staircase."

The young master squinted, and Tang Xiaoshan raised his head.

"Today's party all the young masters pay the bill!"

"Yes, young master!"

"The best mix is still the young master!"

"Yeah, didn't you just come back from abroad?"

"Young master's atmosphere! Atmosphere! ”

Liu Yihui also clapped her palms loudly.

"Come and go, Liu Yihui sat down, I haven't seen her for a long time, the more beautiful she becomes, the more she deserves to be a sexy big beauty."

The young master asked his classmates to move Liu Yihui's empty chair over and sat down with Liu Yihui.

This scene seemed familiar, and an ominous premonition came from my heart.

Don't look, one guy must be angry.

Time has passed for so many years, after the college entrance examination, each went to their own university, the ends of the earth are far away from each other, but some emotions will not be changed so easily, the friendship and love of youth is also one of the feelings that can withstand the destruction of time, at that time, the things that people like seem to be falling with time, should not be recorded in the account, but in a few years, meeting each other is not left behind.

Does Tang Xiaoshan like Liu Yihui?

This is what I have always wanted to ask, this is not called gossip, this is called the things around the people around you, the butterfly flaps its wings, everyone around me is touching each other's slight nerves, looking up and not looking down, this is also called a kind of concern, this question with an answer, you can say it is a question, you can also say the answer.

Life is such a ploy.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of dishes, and the dinner gradually entered a climax.

"Yihui, you have to have a drink with me."

The young master's face turned red, and he drank all the female classmates one by one before sitting down, and his arm rested on Liu Yihui's chair.

"Don't look at me staying abroad for two years, everything is good abroad, just women are not as good as at home."

He was already a little confused.

"If you look at your university studies, you must have temperament, you must have a body, and you must have a foreign flavor and charm."

"Hahaha, thanks for the compliment!"

Liu Yihui fell generously, not as reserved as when she was in the same class, and raised her wine glass to salute.

"It's not fun to drink like this, give a glass of wine, hand over a glass of wine."

This time the box fryer is gone.

"Hand over a glass of wine! Hand over a glass of wine! ”

Classmates are booing.

Xu was all drunk a lot, and his eyes wanted to see a good play.

Maybe this is nothing, everyone is no longer the original childish teenager, how depressed can be before the college entrance examination, how relaxed can be in college, some people continue to study seriously, some people enjoy freedom, may have been drunk in the bar, or even just throw a sieve to hug together.

Besides, this is a class reunion.

Liu Yihui poured a full cup and stood up slowly.

The young master's wine glass was full, and he stood up with great interest.

As he was watching, a person next to the afterglow of the corner of his eye also stood up.

Tang Xiaoshan may or may not have drunk too much.

But at this moment, he ran to the two with a glass of wine.

"Young master, you want to drink together, add one."

"I drink with Liu Yihui, you line up to go!"

"Together, we are all classmates, and it is interesting to drink together."

"What do you mean?" Drinking with you is not interesting, and you can't finish drinking three cups. ”

"What do you mean?" Look down on me? ”

None of the other students noticed that the atmosphere was getting worse, eating vegetables, drinking wine, chatting.

Only I was close, and I could see the whole thing.

"I just look down on you, your hometown is not local, you spent a lot of money to transfer schools that year, and you didn't settle down, I thought you were chasing Liu Yihui, and you also said hello to the teacher."

"You called the teacher's report?" Oh, no wonder the teacher talked to us and switched places for me. ”

"Yes and what, you influence your classmates to study, in this place, you don't want to do things."

The wine was like dynamite, and the two were about to burst into flames.

I knew I should dissuade it, but it was too late.

Liu Yihui screamed and hid in the arms of the female classmate next to her, accompanied by the sound of the wine glass falling to the ground and breaking, the noisy box was instantly quiet.

Tang Xiaoshan smashed the wine glass on the young master's body, almost pounced on it, and wrestled with the young master.

Before changing to before, Tang Xiaoshan may not be the young master's opponent, but in recent years, the young master has been addicted to wine, the work is also sociable, the body has begun to be fat, Tang Xiaoshan has punched him in the face with several punches, the young master's nose has begun to bleed like blood, and by the time everyone controls the two, the bridge of the young master's nose has been crooked.

The young master slumped down in his chair, exhaled heavily, his face was distorted, he covered his face with his hands, and said hatefully:

You wait for me!

Tang Xiaoshan should have calmed down.

Han Yan took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Wait, wait!"

Then, take a deep breath.

So half of our classmates went to the hospital surrounded by the young master.

Half went to the scheduled KTV.

Only I accompanied Tang Xiaoshan.

I asked him to go to the hospital to see, he just shook his head and made his way to the parking lot, where he pulled the car door.

"Go to the meeting place, leave me alone."

"The young master's nose bridge must be broken, his nose is crooked, go and see, no matter how you say it is a classmate, go to apologize, it will not be how."

"The! I'm gone, there will be a period later! ”

"Will we still meet?" From then on, I am afraid that it will be a rare gathering. ”

"Rest assured, meeting will always be classmates."

Meeting is always classmates, I chewed on this sentence.

Tang Xiaoshan opened the car window.

"Brother, take care."

I waved and the car drove away.

Meeting is always classmates, and I'm still thinking about this sentence.

Perhaps because of this sentence, Tang Xiaoshan waved the fist that should have been raised on the playground that day, or maybe because he did not behave enough in front of Liu Yihui that day, the relationship between the two people was weak, perhaps... Maybe......

It's just the fist of youth, I think it came a little late.

I walked out of the parking lot and looked into the vast night, countless teenagers, walking away at this moment.