
The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

author:Behind the historical truth

For the development of the country, many times it is easy to take detours, so that the country that should be developing rapidly has declined for a long time and delayed the good opportunity.

And only when talented leaders come to power and completely change their policies can the country return to the right path.

So many presidents have become turners.

The most typical is the following, which can be called the only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years, who insisted on friendship with China after coming to power and is still loved.

The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

This president is President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia, also known as President Susilo.

Beginning with the establishment of Indonesia, especially after two strongmen, Sukarno and Suharto, ruled for half a century, Susilo was the third president to reign for more than 10 years.

Born in Indonesia in 1949 to a poor Muslim family, Susilo rose to graduate from a military academy.

Since childhood, he has seen the poverty and misery of Indonesia's lower classes.

The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

Therefore, it has always been deeply resentful of the upper echelons of the Indonesian government, disregard for the people, corruption, and wrong policies.

After Susilo became involved in politics, he was known for his slogans such as asking for the people's lives and changing the country, and he was bold and resolute.

In the 2004 presidential election, Susilo was elected by a large number of votes and has since been re-elected, and has been re-elected for 10 years in 2014.

Loved, Susilo did three things.

The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

First, persist in being friendly with China.

After Susilo came to power, he changed his previous policy toward China nationwide, because China's economic development is the core of the Indonesian people's continuous extrication from poverty and improvement of life.

So it is wrong to be hostile to China.

Therefore, he insisted on being friendly with China, and even replaced all the expressions of China in the national books with Chinese, and constantly improved the status of Chinese descent and became a president friendly to China.

The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

Second, civil unrest has been resolved.

After Susilo came to power, the province of Aceh and other regions of the country became independent.

For this reason, the situation was fierce, and after winning the support of China, Susilo quickly resolved the dispute in Aceh province and stabilized the country.

The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

Third, vigorously oppose corruption.

Susilo was so disgusted by corruption that he personally arrested his own family to show his determination to fight corruption.

During his reign, he vigorously fought corruption, and countless corrupt officials were arrested, which made the people trust him.

The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

These three major measures have made Indonesia stable and prosperous, the economy has developed steadily, and it has become the fastest growing country in Southeast Asia.

To this end, after Susilo stepped down in 2014, he still won the support and love of the people.

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The only neighboring country president to be re-elected for 10 years has insisted on friendship with China after taking office, and is still loved

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Reference: Modern and Contemporary World History.

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