
Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

author:Poria cocos health
Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

Speaking of the three words "yellow-faced woman", it must be able to cause the public indignation of many female friends, after all, loving beauty is also everyone's nature, not to mention that for female friends, beauty is a particularly important thing. Think about the first thing that female friends get up every morning is to look in the mirror, wash their faces, and then start to beautify their faces, many male friends do not understand this matter very much, but we all know that women generally age earlier than men, and it is easier to age, it can be found that every female friend wants to maintain the state and face of youth, the major cosmetics and skin care products are also very smart for the characteristics of female friends to develop products, is to seize the nature of most female friends are afraid of aging.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

In fact, it is not that female friends are born so harsh on their faces, but in today's society, the requirements for women are getting higher and higher, the mother-in-law hopes that the daughter-in-law can take care of the family and take care of the children, the parents hope that their daughters can be independent, and the husband hopes that his wife can be economically independent, take care of life, and be beautiful. While this is an unwritten "rule", it is also true.

Especially after the female friend becomes a family, what cannot be avoided is to have a child, and having a child has a lot of impact on the appearance of the female friend, which will not only make the body become obese, but also make the entire skin condition become dull and inelastic, which is what must be experienced when giving birth to a child, and it is also the great mark of every mother.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

Therefore, many women will try their best to maintain themselves, so that they can not see the traces of age, although aging is a law in nature, not we can change casually, there is no product can do those advertised "anti-aging", but we can through daily living habits, eating habits to delay the speed of our aging, so that our young face can be more durable.

If you want not to be called "yellow-faced woman" by others, try to eat as little as possible about the 4 kinds of fruits

1. Durian

Speaking of durian, it can be said that some people love and some people hate. But we also found that most of the male friends' attitude towards durian is to try not to see, smell, and eat. On the contrary, most female friends can't resist the sweet and soft sticky of durian, and women will be happy to eat sweet food.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

It should be known that durian is indeed rich in nutritional value, and is also known as the king of tropical fruits. But at the same time, durian is also a fruit with a high sugar content, if too much intake, not only will make our body become obese, excessive sugar intake will also lead to further aging of our skin. Therefore, female friends, the love of durian must master the heat, do not frantically ingest, or temper it, be careful to become a "yellow-faced woman"!

2. Mango

I believe that a large part of people in life like to eat mango, mango skin is thin, meat is all, the juice is delicate, the taste is sweet but not greasy, has a very rich nutrient, known as the "king of fruits".

However, mango and durian are the same tropical fruits, the calories and sugar content is also high, and mango is also a relatively easy to allergy fruit, anyone who eats when triggering some allergic reactions such as: erythema, papules and so on. Medical attention should be sought promptly.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

To know that there are some female friends whose bodies are cold, then it is not recommended that you eat mangoes frequently, especially during menstruation, it is best not to eat mangoes, which may lead to irregular menstruation. At the same time, if you consume too much mango in daily life, it will also make the skin of female friends wrinkle and accelerate the phenomenon of aging, so do not "greedy fruit" when eating mango!

3. Pineapple

Pineapple is also a relatively common fruit in daily life, the price is not expensive, it also has more nutrition, the taste is sweet and sour, and it is also the reason why many people like it, and it can also play a role in helping digestion.

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

However, not everyone is suitable for eating pineapple, especially people with low blood pressure, must eat less to avoid aggravation of the disease. The ingredients in pineapple will also cause certain irritation to people's skin, and eating more will cause itchy skin or allergies. It may also cause a certain degree of burden on our stomach and intestines, causing gastrointestinal diseases.

4. Watermelon

Watermelon we should be familiar with, not to the hot summer, who does not want to come in the afternoon to a fresh sweet and juicy iced watermelon, think about it! A lot of female friends in the summer drama is even a person to eat a whole watermelon, but female friends to pay attention to, watermelon is a very easy to grow fat fruit, watermelon in the sugar belongs to the simple sugar, can be directly absorbed by our body, thus converted into fat, making us more and more fat, if the long-term excessive use of watermelon, you will also be surprised to find that their hair is less and less, the skin is more and more loose, do not want to become such friends, just stop it!

Women do not want to be called "yellow-faced women" by others, and 4 kinds of fruits should be eaten as little as possible

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