
Why does hydrogen promote human health?

author:Wellness partner

Why does hydrogen promote human health?

Composed of a proton and an electron, hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. Hydrogen is nature's least densest diatomic gas and is considered a clean energy source, but did you know that hydrogen has a boost to our health?

Why does hydrogen promote human health?

In recent years, more and more scientists have begun to study hydrogen, from the final physical properties of hydrogen to the current medical utility, hydrogen plays an increasingly powerful role in the population. We all know the importance of oxygen to human survival, but we don't know why hydrogen is good for our health. Let's take a look at hydrogen, understand it, and learn to use the unique advantages of hydrogen in health care to promote our health.

Why does hydrogen promote human health?

First, the characteristics of hydrogen

Hydrogen is an odorless and odorless gas that has an ideal ameliorating effect on oxidative stress in almost all organs. Molecular hydrogen acts as an antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals. Some properties of hydrogen indicate that it is one of the most ideal non-toxic and side-effect-free antioxidants used by humans. These features include the ability to neutralize hydroxyl radicals (malignant radicals), peroxynitrites (malignant radicals), and stability at room temperature, low water solubility (1.6 ppm), and good biological tolerance.

Importantly, a variety of methods of using hydrogen have been established, including inhaling hydrogen-oxygen bodies, drinking hydrogen-rich water, or bathing in hydrogen water. As a result, hydrogen has potential uses in many human health known to be associated with oxidative stress and can play an important role in preventing aging and many health care areas.

Second, hydrogen can also be used to fight inflammation and alleviate the sub-health state caused by chronic diseases.

Normal biological metabolic processes produce free radicals with physiological functions, while many chronic diseases are caused by free radicals that are too high in concentration or too active. People inhale oxygen is the basis for maintaining life, oxidation is the basis of energy production, but also because of the production of free radicals, there is a problem of oxidative damage. One of the accepted views of the scientific community is that this accumulation of oxidative damage is one of the reasons for people's continuous aging.

Because hydrogen molecules have selective biological antioxidant properties, they can not only repair oxidative damage in the human body, prevent and control various chronic inflammation caused by free radicals, but also do not interfere with the physiological functions of free radicals themselves.

Why does hydrogen promote human health?

Third, hydrogen can eliminate toxic free radicals 

Scientists have found that hydrogen is specifically designed to scavenge bad free radicals that are not good for the body, such as hydroxyl radicals! We believe that hydrogen antioxidant is because it kills the "bad guys", but does not affect the content of useful free radicals (superoxide anions, hydrogen peroxide) that the human body needs, and there is also a lot of evidence that due to the antioxidant of hydrogen, the cellular oxidation products are reduced, and the metabolites of toxic free radicals are increased (it is proved that hydroxyl radicals, etc. are scavenged); Reduces oxidative damage to cells and protects cells! So our bodies will get better and better!

 Hydrogen can activate endogenous antioxidant systems 

The second reason why hydrogen can exert health effects is that it can activate the endogenous antioxidant system in the human body, what is endogenous antioxidant? That is, when the body produces an excessive amount of toxic free radicals, resulting in the stimulation or damage of the cells, a series of reactions will be initiated inside the cells to remove this free radical.

Why does hydrogen promote human health?

As early as the 1960s, biologists have found that only 15% of the factors that threaten the health and longevity of human beings come from genetic genes, while 85% are from the invasion of malignant free radicals.

Now that we recognize that hydrogen is the "nemesis" of malignant free radicals, we can obtain enough hydrogen molecules to remove malignant free radicals by inhaling hydrogen and drinking hydrogen-rich water, so that hydrogen can become a good helper for our health!

Why does hydrogen promote human health?

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