
Do you believe in evolution?

author:Secondary 2's son Kaijun

First of all, there are two kinds of people who do not believe in evolution: one is a person who has not even gone to high school or junior high school, the other is a top academic bull, the headlines are basically the first, self-righteous, everyone is drunk and awake.

To say that a few headliners often "question" the point, they believe that humans evolved from monkeys, in fact monkeys and humans have a common ancestor, a kind of mouse-like primate - tree shrew, which differentiates into many kinds of monkeys and apes, one of which is differentiated into humans and orangutans. So why didn't today's orangutans evolve into humans? Please, the evolution of living things is not linear, not all animals are aimed at evolving into humans, orangutans live well, why evolve into human-like creatures.

Let's talk about the second "evidence", they think that evolution must have intermediate species, and there is no between humans and apes, forehead, Baidu on a bunch, but you are too lazy to check, what kind of apes, australopithecus, can not all be people? Some people also talk about giraffes, why there is no middle-aged deer, you don't know does not mean that there is not, go to Baidu - ancient giraffe.

Others think why is there only one intelligent creature on Earth? Or that sentence, you don't know doesn't mean no, dolphins, crows and other animals IQ is not low okay. So why did only human beings develop civilizations? Since none of the creatures mentioned above can use fire, this is the key.

There are also "doubts" that single-celled organisms cannot evolve into multicellular organisms, and the growth process of eggs that go to Baidu to be fertilized by themselves is good.

What's more, there is no evidence for evolution, I really recommend that they first look at "The Origin of Species", there is too much evidence, such as the basic framework of the blood vessels of humans and fish is the same, elephants with long teeth are dead under human hunting, only short teeth are left offspring, resulting in the teeth of elephants getting shorter and shorter now, such evidence is a lot, Baidu.

Some people say that the ancestors of crocodiles have hardly changed from today, and this sentence is not rigorous, but some crocodiles today are almost the same as their ancestors, and others are also evolved. Moreover, if survival of the fittest is suitable for the environment now, it is less likely to leave offspring for evolution.

It is also said that Darwin himself doubted the theory of evolution, that is, the old man did not have so much evidence, and now the evidence is increasingly proving that Darwin's theory of evolution is generally correct, and the theory of evolution itself is also perfecting. They also like to add at the end of the line: the end of science is theology. This sentence could not be more outrageously wrong, that there is no end to science, and only God learns to care so much about the end. I give you an example, Xiao Gang and Xiaoming two students in the exam, there is a multiple choice question is difficult, Xiao Gang did not count, directly blindfolded a c, just blindfolded, Xiaoming carefully calculated after calculating it is also c, can you say that Xiao Gang calculated it earlier so he is better than Xiaoming?

There are people more outrageous, saying why humans obviously want to fly but did not evolve wings, I really served, that is human thought, objective things do not change with human subjective consciousness, you see bats fly up, not that he wants to fly, but his genes are mutated, do you want to say why human genes can not be so mutated, is it so, things like wings are certainly not evolved at once, but there is an auxiliary jump membrane in the middle of the arm, and then it can glide, and finally grow wings, and humans get off the tree early, There is no need to strengthen the jumping ability, naturally it is impossible to evolve wings.

The most outrageous directly from the root negates the theory of evolution, they believe that small a evolved into small b, small a and small b have no reproductive isolation, that small b evolved small c and small a and small b should have no reproductive isolation, so evolution is impossible. This kind of person is too taken for granted, first of all, there is definitely no reproductive isolation between two generations, there is no between three generations, there will be many generations, and there is no reproductive isolation between small c and small b, and no reproductive isolation between small a and small b does not mean that there is no reproductive isolation between small c and small a.

At the end of the book, I know that someone will come to refute me, but I hope you will at least finish reading On the Origin of Species before refuting it. In fact, your so-called "questioning" is not questioning at all, questioning is to talk about evidence, and your "evidence" will not be considered evidence if you check it on Baidu. You always think that others are reading dead books, only the honorable you will think independently, rebel against authority, question who will not, I will say that the Han Dynasty does not exist, and no one has seen it, cultural relics and history books can be completely falsified, will you think that I am a lever or rebel against authority? In the end, you just think that everyone is sleeping and I am awake, that only I am right, that I am the best, that I am the smartest, and in fact, I bet that you must not have a junior high school education or above.