
Big data "sweeping yellow" started? There are these characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"?

author:The seventy-eighth hall of the afterlife hall is the head of the church


Big data "sweeping yellow" started? There are these characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"?

Many people have reported that they have found evidence of big data monitoring, such as if they and friends recently said that they want to buy something, after opening the shopping platform, they will find recommended ads for these things, even if they have never searched before, in fact, this is indeed big data at work.

However, the existence of big data is not only to serve these merchants, help them make a profit, but also include the effect of restricting everyone's Internet behavior, many times we browse a website, whether it is only a click or a long time to watch these data will be collected by the background of the website, and this big data to provide us with convenience also contains multiple risks.

Now, in order to give everyone a safer and healthier Internet environment, the big data anti-pornography action is about to begin, and many people have unconsciously involved in pornography.

Big data "sweeping yellow" started? There are these characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"?

Nowadays, the development speed of the Internet and smart phones is getting faster and faster, so that the pace of our lives is getting faster and faster, perhaps decades ago everyone could not think that mobile phones can have so many roles, he can support us to learn, sing, watch movies, listen to music, buy tickets, pay, etc., people's dependence on mobile phones is also getting stronger and stronger, and this itself is a hazard.

There are some criminals who rely on the convenience of the Internet to do wrongdoings, and they are lucky to think that their actions have not been discovered, but in fact, these are recorded by big data. In addition to those online fraud, extortion and other behaviors, now the network pornography has also become a key regulatory issue of the relevant state departments.

In order to be able to implement better supervision of users and play a preventive effect, big data also plays its own anti-pornography characteristics, it can use various data on the Internet to supervise and manage the user's Internet operation behavior, mark the behavior of transferring the amount of money through the time and place where the user operates the Internet, and focus on these users when necessary.

Big data "sweeping yellow" started? There are these characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"?

The smooth progress of the anti-pornography operation does have the convenient effect provided by big data, such as big data will focus on checking various special transaction records from 11 pm to 3 am, because this time is generally a high incidence of pornography-related behavior, for some unclear transactions or dangerous transactions, big data will be specially marked, which also provides auxiliary effects for the police to handle cases.

In addition to the supervision of special times, big data will also pay attention to special locations, such as hotels, bars, massage parlors, etc., and the transactions of users who go to these locations will also be listed as the objects of attention.

Of course, in addition to the late-night period of transaction amount big data can also be divided and judged, such as some 398, 598 such digital big data will also be highlighted, usually to meet the above time and place and transfer amount of the characteristic group is the anti-pornography department to focus on the object of supervision, when necessary, the relevant departments will also further supervise these groups.

Big data "sweeping yellow" started? There are these characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"?

However, this kind of big data service behavior that provides a lot of convenience for the anti-pornography work has also worried some ordinary Internet users, is this also putting themselves in the scope of surveillance? Does this also mean that all your behavior on the Internet is completely exposed to the eyes of the relevant departments.

In fact, as long as we do not do anything illegal and illegal, just simply surfing the Internet, it will not affect the normal supervision of us by the relevant departments, but if we also do something improper, we must be extra careful. Of course, it is not that they appear in the bar, paying for the bar is a dangerous behavior, it will be paid special attention, big data will only be divided according to the time and place and the amount of money transferred, as to whether the user has illegal behavior also needs further investigation, everyone's normal Internet access will still not be affected in any way.

Big data "sweeping yellow" started? There are these characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"?

In fact, the combination of big data and national law enforcement departments can make some criminals dispel the idea of crime, and can also effectively play an effective role in cracking down on pornography and other criminal acts. Facts have proved that after big data cooperates with the state to combat pornography-related departments, it does make some illegal acts have no room for implementation.


And this also proves that the emergence of any new thing must contribute to the development of the country and society. When providing convenience to the majority of businesses, network big data can also cooperate with relevant state departments to crack down on illegal and criminal acts, so that the actions of some invisible crimes or intentional criminals can be stopped in time, which also highlights the benefits of the Internet intelligent era.

Today's hot discussion: big data "sweeping pornography" began to start? There are these characteristics to pay attention to, you may be "involved in yellow"?