
Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament
Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

The beautiful girl in the picture above is Lilia Valutyte, a Lithuanian-British girl. According to the front page headline of the British "Sun" on July 30, Lilia's life stopped at the age of 9. On Thursday, Lilia was playing hula hoops with her 5-year-old sister on a quiet side street in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, when she was suddenly hacked to death with a knife while her mother was working in a nearby café.

1. Case situation

The incident took place in Boston Springs Lane, Lincolnshire, England, which is a small cobbled street and quiet. There are many legal and accounting firms, beauty salons and restaurants on this street.

Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

There was a café on the side street, and for months, Lilia's mother, Lina, came to the café every day with her laptop, and when she worked, she let Lilia and her sister play outside the café, and her mother could see them through the window from time to time. Lena is the owner of a recruitment agency.

At 18:20 local time on July 28, Lilia was playing hula hoops on the road, her 5-year-old sister was playing with her, and her sister's stroller was also around, when suddenly a man appeared, and under the gaze of her 5-year-old sister, she hacked Lilia to death with a knife in the street.

Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

Just a few days ago, Lilia baked a birthday cake with her sister for her father, Aurejlius, and her mother shared photos of the cake on social media. And now Lilia has passed away in a daze, which is a pity.

2. What the locals say

The Sun interviewed three of Lena's family's three neighbors.

Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

A friend of Lena said that it was so sad, Lilia was still so young, only 9 years old, and it took me a few days to cut her hair. The incident was inhumane and inhumane.

Another neighbor said Lilia's mom had been working at the café for months and the street was quiet, so she would let her children play outside.

A neighbor said it was terrible, and she had just spoken to Lilia at 16:00 that afternoon, and Lilia told her, "Goodbye, see you tomorrow, but after two hours the cute child was hacked to death."

3. Police statement

Lincolnshire police said they had arrested two men linked to the attack but declined to disclose offences the suspects might have been involved in.

Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

Lincolnshire Police Chief Kate Anderson, whose heart is with Lilia's family and friends, called on the informed public to provide clues but considered the vicious case an "isolated incident".

The Sun said the man attacked Lilia because his mother, Lena, as the owner of a recruitment agency, owed him money for his factory shift.

Lincolnshire Police said they would send more officers to patrol the area and appoint more professional detectives to assist in the investigation.

Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

Paul Skinner, president of the Boston City Council, said that after the tragic death of the 9-year-old girl, the city's residents expressed their condolences to the girl, "we can't imagine for a second what our family and friends of the little girl are suffering," and to express their condolences, the council will lower the flag to half-mast.

3. Local security situation

According to the Crime Rate Per 100,000 People given by the Uk Home Office, Boston was considered the murder capital of England and Wales in 2016 for the highest number of murders and attempted murders. In 2020, 12-year-old Roberts Buncis was also stabbed to death.

Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

On the morning of the 29th, Roberts' father, Edgars, wrote to Lilia's family, sadly saying, I know that you will go through hellish moods, be strong, and accept the help that people have given you. "My son was stabbed to death on December 12, 2020, but my soul is still in hell, and this situation is never ending, so sad."

Jonathan Newton, a 55-year-old local taxi driver, said the entire town was shocked by the murder and he couldn't imagine how criminals could do this to a 9-year-old girl.

Inhuman! A 9-year-old British girl was hacked to death in the street, her 5-year-old sister was nearby, and the flag was lowered at half-mast by parliament

Many people came to the scene of the crime to offer flowers, a bouquet of pink roses attached to a note that read, "Beautiful girl, I am sorry that this cruel world took your life", at this moment, "May you be in the arms of an angel".

Image source: theSun, BING

Editor: Zhang Sheng

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