
Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

author:Bó Lè Encyclopedia

Cheng Lei, a spy host with a yellow skin and a black heart, how was she exposed? And how much important information has she leaked to other countries, and why is she willing to abandon her homeland to serve other countries?

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

Cheng Lei was born in 1975 in Yueyang City, Hunan Province. When he was born, China's economic development was relatively backward and the people's living standards were poor. Therefore, even the Cheng Lei family, who have a solid family, the standard of living is not very high. By the time Cheng Lei was 10 years old, China had already taken the steps of reform and opening up to develop its economy. However, since reform and opening up have just begun, although clear-eyed people can see that China's economic situation will be full of energy in the future, it was not particularly objective at that time. Although the standard of living of the people has improved, it is still limited.

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

However, Cheng Lei's parents were different. Such a "peasant-for-living" life of poverty is not what they want. They want to live in a big villa and live a decent life.

There was a lighthouse in the West that illuminated their hearts. This is Australia sandwiched between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. With the reform and opening up in 1978, many Chinese set off a boom in going to the sea to do business, and Cheng Lei's parents flocked to it.

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

In 1985, they smashed pots and pans to sell iron, bought three plane tickets, and took 10-year-old Cheng Lei to Australia. But Cheng Lei's parents do not speak English, coupled with the cultural differences between China and Australia, can only do some basic work.

Obviously, this is far from the life of rich people who come to Australia to pan for gold, live in "big villas", "drive luxury cars", and "wear famous watches".

Because they do not have Australian status, they are still excluded everywhere, and even children who go to school are affected. In order to gain a foothold in Australia, they resolutely renounced their Chinese citizenship and voluntarily joined the Australian nationality.

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

After graduating from university, Lei Cheng interned at Cadbury Switzerland and ExxonMobil.

It can be said that it is a very good internship opportunity. During the internship, Cheng Lei, as a business analyst, performed very well, and it was at this time that Cheng Lei's keen business smell felt that it was cultivated, and Cheng Lei found that today's China is different, and this land is still promising!

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

At this time, Cheng Lei had the idea of returning to China.

She hadn't been back to China in 15 years. Looking at the tall buildings and neon lights in her hometown, she couldn't believe her eyes. This is too far away from the poor and backward motherland I remember: "China is developing too fast!"

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

Originally, as an adult, the family immigrated to look for opportunities, but now they have returned to their homeland to seek development.

In the past 15 years, it has changed not only the China she remembers, but also Cheng Lei's nationality. That column has been changed to Australia.

Using CCTV, she interviewed hundreds of business celebrities and dignitaries, including Bill Ghaith and several U.S. treasury secretaries; Host of events such as the Australia-China Business Awards, APEC Women's Leadership Forum, and the World Internet Conference.

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

In an interview, Cheng Lei said that she missed her mouth, which caused some questions from the audience.

At that time, she said with great certainty: "The United States and Australia have actually grasped the dynamics of China's economic development."

An audience commented: "How do you know they've mastered it?" How did they get their hands on it? ”

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

Everyone's eyes began to focus on Cheng Lei. On Facebook, an overseas social platform, I discovered an unknown side of Cheng Lei.

During the pandemic, she published an article about Facebook to the effect that Wuhan was described by her as a "closed ghost town." Regardless of whether the people of Wuhan are alive or dead, China has watched the people of Wuhan die of infection and torture by the new crown pneumonia!

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

In August 2020, when China's epidemic work was basically over, she also made various remarks mocking and satirizing China's anti-epidemic policy, smearing the image of our party, and publishing various insidious conspiracy theories. Since February, she has been using anti-epidemic malice to induce people, calling on them to "resist!" Don't compromise, go deep! ”

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

This also makes many people sigh, "I feel that journalists are most likely to be developed into spies"!

In fact, some commentators did point out that "using journalists as cover is like adding wings to a tiger for spies, who can openly and boldly gather information without arousing suspicion." ”

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

In addition, there are reports that Chinese citizens, Bloomberg reporters, and Cheng Lei's good friend Fan Xisi have also been detained according to law on suspicion of engaging in crimes endangering national security, so our country will definitely face a challenge in the future, that is, how to deal with spies disguised as journalists!

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

You must know that with the increasing strength of the mainland and the deterioration of relations with the United States, Australia and other countries, I believe that the United States, as well as the lackeys of the United States such as Australia, will further send intelligence personnel to the mainland to steal China's intelligence from all sides. How can I better deal with espionage? How to better protect national interests? This will also be a big problem for our government!

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

Some people choose to immigrate for various purposes, but in the face of the country that once gave birth to you, as a human being, you should at least maintain a grateful heart. In the face of national interests and personal interests, it is natural that it is shameful and sad to betray one's motherland without any bottom line for the sake of personal interests.

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

At the same time, it also sounded the alarm bell for every Chinese: we must always be vigilant, take precautions, and resolutely resist espionage activities. In the face of the complex international situation, the state should also let more people know about the serious harm caused by espionage to national security, improve citizens' awareness of security and patriotism, and prevent others from taking advantage of the situation.

Host Cheng Lei went undercover on CCTV for 20 years, she exposed her identity as a spy due to oral error, and the end was very happy

In the end, history will always judge people's rights and wrongs fairly, and those who sit and wait for success will be severely punished by the law.

What do you think about that?