
Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

author:Miaoxiu cat food

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the English short that everyone loves?

Let's take a look!

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of English short:

1. Settle with the encounter:

In the face of curiosity, you can quickly adapt to unfamiliar environments.

2. Docile:

Ying Short is born with a good temper, gets along with people and integrates, coupled with a more lazy personality, does not need too much time to accompany, as long as the owner is idle, it will also run over to let you touch it, no matter how you touch it, you generally will not lose your temper.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

3. Cute appearance:

Ying's short face is round like candy, and the watery eyes give people a cute image, which is cute and likable.

4. Smooth hair:

The short hair is short, easy to manage, and super soft to stroke!

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

5. Cold protection:

The short hairs are thick and soft like cotton. Don't be afraid to be afraid in the face of cold.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

Disadvantages of English short:

1. Gluttony:

Easy to get fat and want to eat any delicious food, even the owner's food.

2. Keen to explore:

Ying Short likes to explore, and as soon as he finds something new, he must check it out, and the ability to dismantle the house will also be revealed.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

3, do not love sports:

The English short, who are easy to be blessed, do not love sports are more likely to lead to physical burdens. The host should exercise with The English short in his leisure time!

4. Thick hair:

Because the short hair is thick, the hair fall is very serious during the hair season.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

5. Stingy ghost:

If the master taught It a lesson after a short mistake, it would remember it in its heart and seek revenge in the right time.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

Precautions for feeding:

(1) Do not feed indiscriminately

We all know that the British short gluttony, but indiscriminate feeding will lead to gastrointestinal damage, resulting in indigestion, vomiting up and down diarrhea, serious will lead to death.

It must be noted that the British short can not eat grapes, eat grapes will directly die.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

(2) Cat food should be selected with high protein

In the choice of cat food, we must choose a high protein content for the cat, it is recommended that the protein choose about 37 to 48, in order to supplement the nutrition required by the British short daily.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

(3) Control the amount of feeding

The reason why Ying short control diet is because it is extremely fat, fat enough to be lamentable, instead of playing, it is better to lie on the master's lap and sleep. Although it looks cute, if it is overweight, it will cause physical discomfort. More serious ones can trigger other "rich diseases", so don't feed too much.

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?

If you have a short cat in your house, watch him explore all over the place in the house, explore the mess in the house, run to your side and try to coddle, what will you do in the face of the vengeful Short?

Reply below in the comment area, is your cat mischievous?

Wow! Such a Q cute "English short cat", how many do you know its advantages and disadvantages?