
Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet? 9 types of food are recommended in China and the United States


In addition to routine treatment after illness, patients usually care about dietary issues, such as whether meat can be eaten. Do you want to strengthen nutrition? What foods are hair objects and so on?

Why do people pay so much attention to dietary solutions? At the end of the day, diet is closely related to human health. For example, cardiovascular disease is very common in life, what dietary plan is better to intervene?

Cardiovascular disease patients should eat less fat?

Eating too much fat increases the risk of obesity and dementia because fat increases the number of inflammatory factors, damages the central nervous system, and higher glucose levels affect a person's cognitive abilities.

Not only that, but people who prefer a high-fat diet have a 55 percent higher risk of depression than the average person. In addition, excessive fat intake is not good for cardiovascular health.

Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet? 9 types of food are recommended in China and the United States

Seeing this, everyone may think that as long as the meat in the diet is removed, it is enough, but in fact, it is of little use, there are 3 reasons:

First, the human body can not do without fat, it can provide energy, fill the stomach, but also produce heat cold and frost resistance, in addition, fat on bones, organs also have a protective effect, if you do not eat any fat, fertility, physical strength, immunity will decline.

Second, you will also gain weight without eating fat, such as consuming a lot of carbs and sugar.

Third, there are good fats in the diet to choose from, such as nuts, flaxseeds, fish, etc., which can make you very healthy?

Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet? 9 types of food are recommended in China and the United States

A low-fat diet is not as good as a reference to the Mediterranean diet

The Lancet study found that people who adhered to the Mediterranean diet had a 28.1 percent lower risk than those on a low-fat diet.

Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet?

(1) Obtaining the throne of healthy diet for many years and being recognized by authoritative journals can indeed help patients reduce cardiovascular risk.

The American College of Cardiology mentioned in its agenda on cardiovascular disease risk factors that unhealthy diets can harm heart and blood vessel health, and one of the best diets for disease prevention is the Mediterranean diet.

(2) Food is rich and balanced, containing 9 types of food and a variety of nutrients, such as omega fatty acids, dietary fiber, protein, etc.

(3) Natural health, low degree of processing, nuts, milk, fruits, whole grains directly eaten or simple cooking with plant spices (perilla, mint, etc.), do not need to add too many seasonings, more comprehensive nutrition.

(4) In line with the health concept of modern nutrition, but not completely abandoning a certain kind of food, such as red wine and red meat, you can drink less in moderation.

Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet? 9 types of food are recommended in China and the United States

Is the Mediterranean diet really suitable for Chinese?

We can make a simple comparison between the Mediterranean diet menu and the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022).

The first is the Mediterranean diet:

Plant-based foods, simple processing with olive oil, will eat milk, eggs, fresh fruit, eat fish appropriately, eat less red meat, drink alcohol moderately, and red wine no more than a cup a day.

I don't know if you have found that red meat and alcohol always feel unhealthy, but the Mediterranean diet does not completely abandon them, but recommends that you eat them in moderation and reduce consumption.

Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet? 9 types of food are recommended in China and the United States

Then there's the new version of the dietary guidelines:

The new guidelines recommend eating more fruits and vegetables, milk, whole grains, and soybeans, which coincides with the Mediterranean diet, recommending eating less processed and fatty meats and controlling oil and salt, but does not emphasize olive oil.

The price of olive oil is a bit high, which is not very affordable for Chinese families, so everyone prefers sunflower oil, peanut oil, soybean oil and other varieties.

In addition, the new guidelines also add guidelines such as drinking more water, learning to read labels, and sharing meals with public chopsticks, which are more in line with national conditions and suitable for ordinary families. In addition to eating, but also to learn to match, maintain more than 12 kinds of food every day, in addition, diet and exercise to maintain a balance, can not just eat and do not move, intake of calories to consume in time, so as not to bring burden to the body.

After comparison, we can find that there are 9 types of foods recommended in China and the United States, including: cereals and potatoes, vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, eggs, soy products, nuts, dairy products.

It can be seen that the Mediterranean diet is indeed excellent, but China's dietary guidelines are closer to the lives of Chinese people, which is equivalent to "tailor-made". If you already have a good grasp of the guidelines in the guide, you can combine the Mediterranean diet and believe it will be healthier.

Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet? 9 types of food are recommended in China and the United States

Eating incorrectly, the body is vulnerable to sin, the 2 dietary structures as soon as possible to change

High-salt diet

Eating too much salt will affect lifespan? A study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that the more salt you eat, the easier it is to have a short lifespan.

The study analyzed data from half a million participants, all middle-aged and elderly, and over the course of nine years of follow-up, the researchers found that people who usually consumed a higher percentage of salt also had a higher risk of death, while proper supplementation with vegetables and fruits reduced the risk of death.

Studies have shown that people on a high-salt diet have a 1.5-year reduction in life expectancy (for men) and 2.28 years (for women) and a 28 percent increased risk of death.

Previously, Lancet has also criticized China's diet structure, pointing out that there is a problem of high salt. Eating is salty, blood pressure is easy to rise, the figure is easy to become fat, and it will also accelerate the rate of skin aging and bone mass loss.

Where are the "cows" in the Mediterranean diet? 9 types of food are recommended in China and the United States


Now people pay more and more attention to health care, began to popularize a vegetarian food culture, but because of the lack of understanding of vegetarian food, often "do not eat meat, do not eat oil" as a scientific principle, even eggs, dairy products do not eat, in fact, this practice is not right,

Vegetarian nutrition is limited, especially vitamin B12, which is mainly found in eggs and milk, and insufficient intake may lead to anemia and insomnia. In addition, uneven nutrition can lead to a decrease in immunity and metabolism, which has an adverse effect on the metabolism of the kidneys and gallbladder.

I hope that everyone can recognize the importance of healthy eating, if there are still places in life that are not good enough, adjust and improve in time, if you have been able to grasp the essence of the dietary guidelines, it is worth admiring, you can share your own experience with everyone. It is believed that as long as you can adhere to a healthy diet, the risk of cardiovascular health will be reduced.


[1] With cardiovascular disease, a low-fat diet is not as good as a Mediterranean diet! Lancet Controlled Study, Chinese Journal of Circulation. 2022-0513

[2] Harvard University's latest research: The saltier you eat, the sooner you die, Journal of Science Grand View Garden.2022-07-14

[3] New study: High-fat diet, increased waist circumference, brain atrophy , Medical Herald.2022-07-13

[4] Illustration revision and analysis of the Balanced Diet Pagoda and Dinner Plate of Chinese Residents (2022) China Center for Disease Control and Prevention.2022-06-15

[5] Is the "Mediterranean Diet", the top of the list of best diets, really suitable for Chinese?·Beijing News.2019-01-22

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