
Create literary and artistic masterpieces that live up to the times The famous artists of this sub-forum gathered to contribute wisdom

author:Beijing News Network

The 2022 Beijing Cultural Forum Literary and Art Creation and Dissemination Sub-Forum was held in Beijing yesterday. Focusing on the theme of "Creating Literary and Artistic Masterpieces to Lead the Belle Époque", the participating experts, scholars, and literary and art workers freely talked about their thinking and contributed wisdom to the creation and production of more outstanding literary and artistic works in the new era.

The literature and art of the capital speak for the times and the people

Wang Xiaozhen, deputy director of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, said that literature and art are the clarion call for the advancement of the times, and we should adhere to the guidance of innovation, adhere to the people's position, ensure that the content selection should be strict, the ideological excavation should be deep, the artistic creation should be refined, and more excellent works should highlight China's aesthetic order, disseminate contemporary Chinese values, and reflect the common value pursuit of all mankind. He said that with the pursuit of "full of fine products on the screen", we will strive to improve the artistic standard and the satisfaction of the masses, and greet the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with practical actions.

Yang Jinbai, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor, said that in the past five years, the literary and art circles in the capital have used literature and art to speak out for the times and the people, carried out a series of colorful themed literary and artistic activities, and launched a large number of high-minded, exquisite and well-made works of the times. It is necessary to build an ideological guidance platform and adhere to the correct direction of literary and artistic development. Build a policy support platform and create good environmental conditions. Build a platform for reform and innovation, and stimulate the vitality of literary and artistic creation. Build a communication platform, and continue to expand the influence of literary and artistic masterpieces.

Writer and former Minister of Culture Wang Meng said in a video speech that literary and artistic masterpieces have the characteristics of the times, classics, and creativity. China's development has provided an inexhaustible source of literature and art, and the key lies in paying attention to, analyzing, and studying this era. Literature and art come from life, but it is not just a copy of life, the creator must have imagination, deep affection and deep thinking, love and investment. He expressed his belief that Beijing's literary and artistic products, literary and artistic life, and literary and artistic communication will certainly achieve greater achievements.

Living water with life as the source of literary and artistic creation

Sun Yu, a professor at Chinese Min University and vice chairman of the Beijing Writers Association, said that looking back at the excellent literary works of the past, they have all got rid of popular words and inertial thinking, found inspiration from people's commonplace lives, and focused on the blind spots where people ignore thinking. "Lu Xun and Mr. Wang Zengqi have lived in Beijing for many years, and they will always find things that we forget, and these things are very important and deeply rooted in the soil in which we live. In the words of Mr. Barkin, good literature must have 'sincerity' and 'love', and great compassion. ”

Create literary and artistic masterpieces that live up to the times The famous artists of this sub-forum gathered to contribute wisdom

Taking the TV series "The Age of Awakening" as an example, actor Yu Hewei shared his experience in literary and artistic creation. He said that authenticity is the primary criterion for shaping the image of the character, "The process of the actor shaping the role, to respect the law of artistic creation, to experience life, to collect information, to read." To restore the character to a living person. ”

Pu Cunxin, chairman of the China Dramatists Association and former vice president of the Beijing People's Art Theater, said in the exchange that the creation of literary and artistic works must be popular and grounded, reflecting lofty and grand in subtleties, so that more people can accept it. "Literary and artistic masterpieces pursue high and deep, but we must not forget that they are interesting and popular. A work that makes people 'itch' and 'hurt', its profound and interesting thoughts can enter people's hearts. His interpretation won a round of applause.

The unremitting pursuit of fine works for literary and artistic creation

"Creating fine works is the expectation of every literary and art worker." Shen Chen, artistic director of China Oriental Performing Arts Group, said, "Literary and artistic masterpieces must be irreproducible, people's appreciation of them is not limited by age, and at the same time, it has research value in different cultural fields. He put forward the four keywords of "wonderful, meticulous, precise and exquisite": "Creators should use their wonderful hearts to discover the most brilliant colors, carefully selected and polished, and precisely complete each step of the creation process, especially stage art, many departments need to cooperate like gears." Finally, there must be a subtle stroke, that is, the most valuable inspiration part of each work, which plays an important role in finishing the finishing touch. ”

"What is a boutique? You want portrait and landscape cross ratios. Pu Cunxin has his own standards for this, "Vertical is compared with the previous teachers, and compared with the historical sages, are you able to stand shoulder to shoulder with them, whether you are better than them, whether you are still catching up; Horizontal comparison is compared with peers, compared with other troupes and sects. Whoeverse performance makes my eyes light up, I have to learn from whom. At the same time, we must have an open vision and see good works from all over the world. ”

Fan Di'an, chairman of the China Artists Association and president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, said that the emergence of fine literary and artistic works is a sign of the peak of artistic creation in the era, and the "essence" of literary and artistic works in the new era lies in the profound thinking, exquisite art, and excellent production, which all point to the goals, heights, and levels that need to be achieved in the development of Chinese literature and art in the new era. He said that in Beijing's long history and culture, there are many important events and typical characters that deserve to be depicted by art creators. "We must continue to plan carefully, organize creation, and carve carefully to leave more wonderful visual pictures for our nation and country."

Taking the people as the fundamental stand of literary and artistic creation

Many guests talked about adhering to the people's position and accurately grasping and meeting the cultural needs of the people. Zhang Yongxin, artistic director and director of Beijing Beiguang Media Film and Television Co., Ltd., said that after the broadcast of "The Age of Awakening", many young viewers brushed "I was watching a red-themed drama" on the bullet screen. In his view, many post-90s, post-00s and even post-10s audiences accept sincere, authentic, historical and cultural penetrating works.

Zhang Yimou, director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, spoke through video and shared how to fully display the image of Chinese people's self-confidence and openness in the opening and closing ceremonies. He said that ordinary people danced square dances in the north and south of China's great rivers to "open" the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics; The MaranHua Choir from the mountains sang the Olympic anthem. The highlights of these opening ceremonies all stem from the people's nature.

Director Huang Jianxin said that film and television creators must have people's feelings and have the audience in their hearts. "On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, we shot the movie 'My Motherland and Me', which is almost all the stories of ordinary people." Huang Jianxin believes that the creation of major theme films and television is not far away from the audience, and the expression of national emotions should allow ordinary audiences to get the resonance of the soul.

Yu Dong, chairman of Bona Film Group, reviewed the exploration process of the creation of the main theme film in recent years. He said: "We must constantly put forward higher requirements for ourselves, dare to surpass the first-class standards of similar themes in the world, and create good works that live up to the times." ”

(Original title: Creation of literary and artistic masterpieces that live up to the times)

Source: Beijing Evening News reporter Wang Guangyan Li

Process Editor: u028

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