
Finally, his name was no longer confidential

author:Global People Magazine
Finally, his name was no longer confidential

If the nuclear bomb is a sharp "spear",

Protective engineering is a solid "shield".

Qian Qihu is the one who made a "shield" for China.

Author: Xu Ye

On the afternoon of July 27, the "August 1st Medal" and honorary title awarding ceremony were held in bayi Building.

Du Fuguo, Qian Qihu, Nie Haisheng, and other comrades who had won the "August 1st Medal" stepped forward in turn. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, hung medals and issued certificates to them, and took a group photo with them.

For Du Fuguo and Nie Haisheng, everyone is no stranger, the former is a hero of mine clearance, the latter is a "hero astronaut". But about Qian Qihu, many people may not know.

Before the decryption, his name, along with underground defense projects, was top secret.

Until recent years, people know that he has used his life's efforts to forge an indestructible "underground steel Great Wall" for China.

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

"I have a mission and am gone"

In 1937, the Battle of Songhu broke out. In Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, near Shanghai, the people were also forced to be displaced by the Japanese invaders.

On the way to escape, a baby fell to the ground in a small boat.

His family expected him to have a heroic tiger guts and exorcise demons, and because he was the seventh oldest in the family, he was named "Qian Seven Tigers".

From an early age, what Qian Qihu saw was that after the Japanese army invaded China killed the guerrillas, they placed their bodies on the playground of the primary school for public display; They forced the town barber shopkeeper to kneel and prostrate, and if he did not comply, he beheaded and showed to the public; The colonists of the Shanghai Concession brutally killed the tricycle driver...

"This is because our country is not strong, the army is not strong."

Artillery fire and danger stirred up the simple patriotism of the youth.

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Money Seven Tigers when I was a child.

In 1954, the fifth year of the founding of New China, Relying on the government's bursaries, Qian Qihu completed his secondary school studies.

As an outstanding cadet, he originally had the opportunity to be directly selected to study in the Soviet Union, but then the news came: the country urgently needed a group of military talents, and the newly established Harbin Military Engineering College was ready to enroll, and he was regarded as a "good seedling".

Do you go abroad or stay? It was not a problem for Qian Qihu.

"I, a poor child in the countryside, can live a good life and receive a good education today, all because of the party and the state. The organization told me to do whatever I wanted! ”

At that time, there were five departments of Kazakh military industry, and the engineering department reported fewer people, and the protection engineering major was not chosen because of the need to deal with loess shovels. But Qian Qihu was assigned here, not only without complaint, but also more and more diligent in studying.

In 1960, due to his excellent results, Qian Qihu was selected to continue his studies in the Soviet Union.

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Qian Qihu studied in the Soviet Union.

The following year, Premier Zhou Enlai went to the Soviet Union to attend the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, where he indirectly met with Chinese students. Qian Qihu is one of them.

"I have great respect for Premier Zhou. He bowed down to the people and had no selfish feelings. His noble qualities of serving the party and the country all his life have always deeply influenced me. ”

Years later, Qian Qihu kept personal photos of Premier Zhou in his office.

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Qian Qihu and others were cordially received by Premier Zhou Enlai while studying in the Soviet Union.

At the beginning of his return from his studies in the Soviet Union, Qian Qihu was notified to report to the Engineering Corps Research and Design Institute in Beijing, but was soon informed that the newly established Xi'an Engineer Engineering College was in urgent need of instructors and eagerly wanted him to go.

At that time, Qian Qihu was preparing to get married, but he didn't say a word and immediately went to Xi'an. It wasn't until two months later, when he came to Beijing to attend an academic conference, that he took advantage of the break to get married.

Like many scientists working in top secrets, Qian Qihu had to live separately from his lover for 16 years because of his involvement in tasks such as nuclear explosion protection projects.

Before leaving, he only left his family with just 6 words: "I have a mission, I am gone." ”

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Nuclear bombs are "spears",

He made a "shield."

In the 1960s and 1970s, the mainland faced a severe nuclear threat environment. And we pursue an active defensive strategy, that is, not to shoot the first shot.

"So how do you ensure that you will carry out a 'second counterattack' immediately after being attacked by the enemy?"

Qian Qihu thought that only by casting a solid shield for the protection project could the safety of the mainland's command project and the project of important strategic weapons be ensured.

The protection project is known as the "underground steel Wall" of a country.

If the nuclear bomb is a sharp "spear" in military struggle, then the protection project is a solid "shield".

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Qian Qihu organized faculty members to study and discuss major topics.

Sure enough, Qian Qihu soon ushered in the first difficult challenge of his scientific research career - designing an underground aircraft cave door that could withstand the impact of the atomic bomb explosion.

To this end, he came to the site of the nuclear explosion test to investigate.

When a loud noise came from the depths of the Gobi, a mushroom cloud rose from the desert, and people cheered and celebrated, he quickly rushed into the nuclear explosion center in a protective suit to investigate the scene.

He found that although the protective door of the aircraft tunnel was not damaged and the aircraft inside was not damaged, the protective door was seriously deformed and could not be opened.

"If the door doesn't open, the plane can't get out, you can't fight back against the enemy." Problems must be identified to further optimize the design. ”

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Qian Qihu (right) analyzes data.

At that time, the finite unit method had just emerged, and Qian Qihu decided to use this method to solve the calculation problem of the aircraft tunnel door, which was the first in China.

However, innovation often means difficulties.

Their team had never been exposed to a large transistor computer, and they coordinated in many ways to "rub" the equipment when others were eating and sleeping and taking a holiday break. It was difficult to borrow the equipment, but in the face of the "heavenly book" like a machine manual, the team was dumbfounded.

Qian Qihu closed the door and nibbled on this "Book of Heaven." Two days later, he stood in front of the team members again and the first thing he said was: "It's time to operate on the machine!" ”

After more than two years, he successfully designed the protective door of the aircraft cave with the largest span and the highest resistance in China at that time, but he also received a medical diagnosis certificate of "duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer".

He was 38 years old.

In the decades that followed, Qian Qihu and his team kept track of the development of new offensive weapons. As long as the "spear" of the enemy's nuclear weapons is a step forward, he will ponder and study how to make the "shield" of defending the people stronger.

He overcame one difficulty after another, broke through a series of technical problems, and installed a "golden bell cover" for the mainland's strategic projects.

He said: "The more peaceful the times, the more we must pay attention to the construction of national defense projects. Like weapons and equipment, indestructible defense engineering and well-developed protective systems are also important military deterrents for us, which can warn potential enemies that once they launch aggression, they will inevitably pay a heavy price. ”

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Great power projects related to you,

He has him behind him

In 1992, the expansion of Zhuhai Airport was imminent, but it was blocked by Fortress Hill.

Blowing it up is the best solution.

But a team of people came and went, and did not dare to take up this task, because the difficulty was too great: the total amount of blasting exceeded 10 million cubic meters, requiring a successful one-time blasting, half of the earth and stone side had to be thrown into the sea at one time, half of it was loose and broken, and the safety of two villages within 1000 meters must be ensured...

At a time when there was no way out, Qian Qihu led the team to face the difficulties and went to Zhuhai seven times.

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Qian Qihu and his team at the outdoor explosion test site.

December 28, Sanzao Island, Zhuhai. On the podium, 3 kilometers from Fortress Hill, many domestic and foreign media reporters are waiting to record the next unprecedented explosion.

The hour hand points to 13:50. With the order of the commander-in-chief of the blasting project site, 12,000 tons of explosives were divided into 33 batches of accurate detonation in 38 seconds. This explosion yield is equivalent to 60% of the explosion of the Hiroshima atomic bomb dropped by the United States during World War II, and it was successful!

To this day, it is also known as "Asia's first explosion".

Qian Qihu believes that scientists must have a mind and responsibility, "where the needs of the country are, the focus of scientific research workers should be aimed at."

That's what he said, and he did even more.

As early as the 1990s, he began to conduct research on the trend of underground space needing to be developed and utilized in future urban development. Since then, he has participated in the organization, preparation and review of underground space planning for more than 20 key fortified cities across the country.

By 2010, the Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel, known as the "first tunnel of the Yangtze River", was put into operation. The final construction plan of this major project was also determined after Qian Qihu proposed and repeatedly demonstrated.

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

In 2008, Qian Qihu (third from the left) led the construction of the Nanjing Yangtze River Tunnel Shield Tunnel.

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was officially opened to traffic, and the contribution of the rich seven tigers was also behind it. As a member of the expert group, he comprehensively considered various factors such as ocean currents, surges, and settlements, and put forward rationalization suggestions for the difficult problems in construction. In the end, the submarine immersed tube successfully completed the final docking.

From the Yellow River, Qingdao, and Xiamen Tunnels to the West-to-East Gas Transmission and the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, a series of large-scale projects that are closely related to the people have left Qian Qihu's tireless figure.

On January 8, 2018, Qian Qihu, who is more than 80 years old, won the country's highest science and technology award.

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

"What else can I not contribute?"

Qian Qihu's frugality was notorious.

He would never allow leftovers; Shirts worn to the sleeves of the open line are also reluctant to throw; In order to save money, he obviously can sit in first class and also sit in economy class, and warned his entourage: scientific research funds are all state money, and it is a little to save a little!

But he is also known for his generosity.

After winning the highest science and technology award in 2018, he donated all 8 million yuan in prize money for the first time and set up a scholarship fund in Kunshan to fund more children from poor families with excellent character and learning, so that they can go to school and study well.

Jiangsu Province later gave him a matching reward of 8 million yuan, and he did not leave a penny: 1 million awards to young researchers, 500,000 to his alma mater, Shanghai Middle School, and 6.5 million to Wuhan, where the new crown pneumonia outbreak broke out.

Someone asked him, "You didn't want to keep even a little bit of it for your family?" ”

Qian Qihu replied, "Because I feel that I have had enough to eat, wear, and use." I don't need to buy any more luxurious villas and live a luxurious life. ”

"The martyr has donated the blood of his head to the country, what else can I not contribute?"

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

In fact, since the early 1990s, Qian Qihu has long sponsored the children of martyrs and poor students. He set up the Jinhui Fund - the word Jinhui is a word in the names of his mother and lover, managed by a special person, and every year he takes 30,000 yuan from his bonus or salary, 20,000 yuan to support young students, and 10,000 yuan to help the widows and the elderly.

In the face of praise from society, he said: "I always feel that the party has given me too many honors, and I must live to be old, learn from the old, and revolution to the old, and continue to contribute to economic and social construction!" ”

Therefore, at the age when many people have long retired, he is still running like a "trapeze artist". 24 hours a day, he is basically not idle, holding meetings during the day, studying projects, giving lessons to students at night, grading papers...

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

A large number of outstanding talents he has trained have become the backbone of the field of protective engineering.

In his view, cultivating talents is his first major issue. And his educational philosophy is a sentence: "Leave better opportunities for young people." ”

In the award ranking, he always pushed and shoved, not allowing him to rank first, and some even did not let him be ranked in his name at all; Students sometimes write articles with his name, and he also stipulates that all articles that sign his name must be reviewed by him, and that those that are not written by him are not allowed to sign him first.

No matter how busy he was at work, Qian Qihu also insisted on exercising, walking, jogging, and swimming. Three years ago, the 82-year-old also revealed in an interview that he still insisted on swimming twice a week, swimming 500 meters each time.

That day, he smiled and said, "This is to follow Chairman Mao's instructions: good health, good study, and good work." ”

Finally, his name was no longer confidential

Sources: People's Liberation Army Daily, China Military Network, CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency, Mass Magazine, People's Political Consultative Conference Daily, Guangzhou Daily, etc.

Director System: Lv Hong

Producer: Zhang Jiankui

Editor-in-Chief: Xu Chenjing

Editor: Rui Su

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