
How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

author:DB Parent-child time

Eggs are nutritious and are a must for breakfast for many small partners, although the methods are diverse, but from a nutritional point of view, boiled eggs are a cooking method that can retain the nutritional value of eggs.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

However, boiled eggs are difficult to peel, and the egg white part of the boiled egg will stick to the eggshell, and the potholes resemble the surface of the moon.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

Occasionally, it will burst, and then the egg whites will flow out and solidify outside the eggshell, which is laborious and time-consuming when preparing breakfast for the family in the morning.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

How to cook eggs with the best taste, and how to cook the best peeling, etc., are all tips, today, I want to tell you a few tips how to solve this problem.

7 tips for boiling eggs

1. Egg picking

We should not use eggs that have just been laid by chickens, but to use eggs that have been left for a period of time, because over time, the membrane of the eggs will be slightly separated from the shell, so that the eggs will be easy to peel after boiling.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

2. Cold water does not pass the eggs

Eggs are cleaned, cold water under the pot, the water level line is best not over the eggs, one can ensure the taste of the eggs, and the other can avoid egg cracking.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

3. Add an appropriate amount of table salt

Adding table salt is the most important of the 7 tips, because table salt can not only make the egg not crack, but also make the egg easier to peel, the general family boiled 5 eggs, 1 gram of salt can be.

Table salt can change the density of water, so that the position of the egg in the water is not at the bottom of the container, which can effectively avoid boiling; There is also a salt after the water ion concentration becomes larger, in the boiling process, the egg white encounters hot water with a high ion concentration, part of the water in the egg white will be extravasant, the egg white will lose water and shrink, and a gap will be formed between the eggshell and the egg white, so it is easy to peel the shell.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

4. Add an appropriate amount of vinegar

Vinegar is added to facilitate shelling, because the composition of the eggshell is calcium carbonate and white vinegar is an acidic substance, and the two are neutralized and a chemical reaction occurs.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

5. Boil eggs over medium heat

Slow cooking over medium heat is recommended. If the fire is too large, the egg will also crack because the temperature is suddenly too high, it is recommended that when boiling the egg, it is best to open the lid and cook, so that the water can bubble slightly. If you want the yolks to solidify in the middle of the egg whites, you can use a spoon to stir in one direction so that the water in the pot swirls.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

6. Don't take long

After boiling the water and waiting for about 10 minutes is best, the cooking time is too long, a series of chemical reactions will occur inside the egg at high temperature, first of all, the protein structure of the egg will become more compact, not only the taste is not good, but also decomposes the sulfide, the taste is unpleasant, and the nutrition is not easy to be absorbed by the human body. Generally, when the egg yolk is cooked for 8 minutes, it is the best state of the nutritional value and taste of the egg.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

Boil the egg: boil the water for 5 minutes, at this time the egg whites solidify, the yolk is thick and liquid, soft and smooth.

Boil normal eggs: Boil the water for 7 minutes, at which point the egg whites solidify and the yolks dry.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

7. Cool after cooking

Immediately after cooking, put the eggs in ice water to avoid the residual temperature of hot water so that the eggs continue to heat and become old, and put in ice water and the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, making peeling more simple.

How to boil eggs without breaking and easy to peel? Seven tips to cook the perfect egg

That's all the tricks to boiling eggs

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