
Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

author:Sister Zhang Mengmeng

In 2013, I started a business, and the people around me were not optimistic, and at that time, I couldn't say why I had to choose the path of entrepreneurship, but in the dark, I knew that I had made the right choice.

Humans are interesting, one is the dominant consciousness and the other is the subconscious. If I rationally evaluate the strength of the chicken without a chicken, and understand me in my twenties at that time according to the explicit consciousness, I should choose to find a place to work and live steadily. And in the darkness, I embarked on another path, a path that I could not even imagine.

Nietzsche said, become yourself.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

What exactly is "self"?

There are very few people in the crowd who are willing to take the time to explore themselves. Most people usually choose to ask for things, ask for advice from relatives and friends around them, professional institutions, and absorb a lot of information to keep themselves in a busy state, it seems that this problem is solved, but in fact, it is covered by busyness.

A person's "busyness" seems to solve a lot of things: when breaking up, being busy can divert your attention; Family members die, busyness can allow us to buffer ourselves in the sad zone; Employment is difficult under the epidemic, and busyness can make you not think about employment...

But can busyness really solve the problem?

Busy is a scab of a wound that looks like the wound has healed, but there is a lot of pus under the scab. The problem is just that it is covered and cannot be seen, not permanently invisible, but only temporarily invisible. It won't be long before the scabs fall and the pus still flows out.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

At the beginning of the eighth year of entrepreneurship, I encountered more difficulties: life and death, to develop or stay in the comfort zone, self-denial or acceptance. Every moment, my heart was tormented, but I was extremely happy.

Suffering and happiness seem to be opposites, but in my dictionary, there is no happiness without suffering, and more precisely, suffering and happiness are symbiotic.

So what is happiness? Happiness is the value of life. In the journey of life, a person will experience a lot of scenery, but unfortunately, at the end of the day, a person cannot take away any scenery.

You will experience a lot, you will forget a lot, only to integrate the scenery into the heart, let the heart be rich and beautiful, let it be full, let the experience become your wealth, in the heart, this is the only thing you can take away from the beginning to the end of the journey of life.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

Confucius said, "If you go to the Tao, you can die at night." Socrates said, "A life without thinking is not worth living." Shakyamuni said, "It is better to live for a hundred years without knowing the correct teachings than to live one day by hearing the correct teachings," all of which point directly to the search for the true meaning of the self.

For nine years, we have been practicing social education, and I don't like to use the term vocational education, vocational education is biased towards skills, such as the skill of solving survival, a certain vocational technology. On the contrary, I think that what has been missing in the education work is the enlightenment education of self-exploration, so that people can discover the value and meaning of this life.

Most people like to follow the trend, follow others blindly, and find themselves unhappy in the end. If happiness is the pursuit of a person's life, then what is happiness and how to define happiness is crucial.

But in the process of growing up, if we have not thought deeply about how to live happily and how to harvest happiness, it is even more difficult to talk about whether a person is happy or unhappy.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

"Helping young people find their own definition of happiness and build a new way of life" became the most thoughtful content theme in my ninth year of entrepreneurship. This happiness does not have to be recognized by the same level of value in the eyes of others, and its ultimate recognition should be yourself.

As adults, we have absolutely the right to define a standard of happiness for ourselves, and we spend our lifetimes building this pattern of happiness and pursuing it relentlessly. By slowly reaching this state of happiness, we gain the confidence of life and the value and meaning of life.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

At the end of last year, my father suddenly fell to the ground unconscious. He was at the work site at the time, and after being taken to the hospital, he found brain problems and entered the ICU twice in a row, and the whole family panicked.

He used to be a person who refused to enter the hospital, even every year I had to threaten and induce him to go in to check the body, perennial hypertension and high blood sugar are also resolutely not controlled by drugs, he did not teach himself medical knowledge, but only lived to the age of 70 with his intentions and assumptions about his body.

When I rushed into the ward to see him, he had lost his former style, even a few front teeth had fallen out, his arms were full of strangulation marks, he did not want to be trapped in the hospital, he wanted to go back to work, and the hospital had no choice but to tie him up.

During that time, my mother and I suffered from inner torment, and in addition to paying attention to the development of my father's condition, we had to chat with my mother for at least two hours every day.

The end of each year is the busiest time for Qingchuang. At that time, it was approaching the New Year's Eve, on the one hand, it was necessary to direct the work in Beijing until late at night every day, and on the other hand, it was remote to "monitor" everything that happened at home.


Looking back, during that time I didn't dare to cry, for fear that the tears would drain my strength, and I needed to hold back, even if the sky fell, and me. I didn't dare to sit idle, for fear that any idleness would bring me to the brink of collapse, and I needed to save the situation, even if it was the worst outcome, I had to take the lead.

It was then that I acquired a magical ability—"I began to be able to pull out of my body and stand a meter next to me to see myself up close. ”

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

I stood on the sidelines and looked at what this woman named Zhang Meng had done.

I saw that the exhausted and hard-braced self was still planning the implementation of every work detail, and when the New Year's Eve class arrived at the end of the year, he carefully prepared every content of his three-day course;

Seeing myself standing in the center of the stage sharing with my classmates without distraction;

I also saw the seriousness of holding her hand when I was with my mother;

I also saw my eagerness to make a rehabilitation plan for my father;

I also saw my mother's red eyes when we were reading books.

I think I'm just a great version of myself!

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

Two days ago, when I was teaching the "Wealth Efficiency" course to the students, after the first day of the class, I habitually dialed the home phone and prepared to talk to my parents about the past day. It was an unusual day, and when I dialed the other end of the phone, I heard a noisy voice on the other side of my mother's phone, and my mother cried and said:

"Meng Meng, your grandfather has passed away..."

"Mom, where are you?"

"I'll be there on my way back to Dandong..."

"Mom, I'm coming back too, you wait for me!" My tears came out of my eyes.

"Grandpa came out of the funeral two days later. Alas, do you teach your students a lesson? ”

"Mom, I'll call you later."

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

I do need to teach students. Fortune Productivity is a three-day course, and today is just the first day of the start. What should I do? I loved my grandfather very much, when I was young, he lifted me high and made me a little princess; And he is a very upright and kind person, and my righteousness comes from my grandfather.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

When I heard this bad news, I didn't come back to God for a long time, and I was a little stunned. What am I going to do? I have my responsibilities, more than 1,000 classmates, more than 1,000 expectations, some of my students are looking forward to this course for a year, and finally wait until now, some people are facing a new choice of career, hoping to find the basis for choice through this course; Some people are not living happily and do not know how to find inner peace.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

The course is only one day long, and if I choose to go back to the housework, I will fail the people who trust me.

However, my beloved grandfather, I also want to go back to see him for the last time, this is the last we can see in this life! I still remember that the last time I saw my grandfather this year was during the Spring Festival, and he was very happy to tell me that he had won the honorary medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and also praised me for always trying to do a cause that is valuable to society, and he took me as honor.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

He said to my mother many times that when we give birth to this child, we should be born as a society and raised for the society. But now, if I don't go back, I won't even see the last time, and I will regret it for the rest of my life...

Life always gives us a dilemma, and an adult must make a choice immediately. At this time, that magical power happened to me again, and I withdrew from this confused and helpless me and stood farther away to look at the situation.

"Why don't we ask Grandpa what he wants me to do?" The bystander said calmly. I heard her voice and instantly understood that if my grandfather was alive, he would never allow me to go home, and he would definitely ask me to stick to my post, do my duty, and even give a better lesson to my classmates than before.

I'm convinced that he would choose this way 100%, and in fact, he's been supporting his children's causes in this way all his life.

"Well, if you don't go back and stick to your post, what else can you do tonight?" The bystander spoke again.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

I can also do two things, one is to write an obituary for grandpa, grandpa is in a hurry, there is no sign before, the obituary is definitely not prepared. In addition, the family is definitely going to be a mess now, and I need to call my mother and help her sort out a way of dealing with things, especially a way of talking to my grandmother. Grandpa is gone, and we also need to focus on Grandma.

Later, I wrote obituary for my grandfather overnight, contacted the media to publish it, communicated with my mother the idea of communicating with my family, and did everything well step by step. During the day, I ascended to the podium as usual, as if nothing had happened, not even a single person noticed. It's just that at night, I have been crying wet pillows to sleep.

In the ninth year of my business, I have been in a process of being accidentally discharged and then desperately charging: there are highlight moments and trough moments that I have experienced, and the two states have been continuously intertwined in life, the former side taking me to the peak, and then falling me to the lowest point.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

But I know that I will become more and more powerful, naturally more frustrated and courageous, and continue to meet difficulties and challenges in life. Life will go on, the way of heaven will continue, and the world will be a better place. A little I want to go with the flow.

The epidemic has quietly progressed to the third year, and Qingchuang has also continued to grow and flourish in these three years, of course, the price of development is to continue to accept new challenges and encounter new problems.

How to create a new form of youth employment, and give young people the way to find their own blueprint for life, employment skills, and the secret of growth, so that they can re-look at society and themselves on the basis of philosophical accumulation, and explore opportunities to meet challenges.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

Although there are many predecessors who try to promote the development of new employment forms, there are also many people who give up for various reasons. And Qingchuang insists on doing it for the ninth year, and does not forget the original intention to persist, because TA always believes that this original intention is in line with the needs of social development, and is in line with the Tiandao theory of "more than enough to make up for the deficiency".

To make young people really stand up in employment, it must be through their own understanding of the true meaning of struggle (rather than being asked by leaders or pressured by their families), understanding what kind of person they want to be, what kind of skills they need, how to be needed in society, and devote themselves to social practice to work hard and be a long-termist, in order to truly achieve a better future.

Zhang Meng: Nine years of entrepreneurship is a journey of self-exploration

What Qingchuang wants to do is not a one-time business, but a big cause, which needs to have ideals and feelings to adhere to consistency, needs continuous breakthroughs and continuous self-renewal to continue to lead, needs to be sincere and united to form a joint force, and needs to continue to struggle without slackening in order to promote the development of the process.

"If the youth are strong, then the country is strong" is not a slogan, it is a down-to-earth action, and there is such a group of people in China who have been struggling for such a dream.

With this article, I would like to commemorate my 9 years of founding a business, and look forward to the arrival of the 10th anniversary!

Zhang Meng


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