
Three songs outside "The Withered Brazilian Iris"

Three songs outside "The Withered Brazilian Iris"
Three songs outside "The Withered Brazilian Iris"
Three songs outside "The Withered Brazilian Iris"
Three songs outside "The Withered Brazilian Iris"
Three songs outside "The Withered Brazilian Iris"
Three songs outside "The Withered Brazilian Iris"

Text/Bud Bloom

People who have been alone for too long

There is a sense of nothingness

There is a suspicion of detachment from time and space

Time and space are so empty that only the walking shell remains

The soul has long since been returned to heaven and earth

Even thoughts became hesitant

Ephemeral as

Brazilian irises bloom for only one day

Years after precipitation

Some people

Not in sight

But he never stopped thinking about it

Some people

Like a meteor streaking across the sky

Disappeared without a trace

It was as if I had never met it before

Oh the withered Brazilian iris

2022.5.4 Written in Pengcheng

"Years Later"

Hopefully there is a girl who enjoys reading my poems

Just like when I liked to read Akhma Thova's poems

and Madame Browning's sonnets

Flowers under the previous moon

A man reads quietly

Seems to understand non-understanding and enjoy it

Like a first date with a lover

There is a feeling of overwhelmed pleasure

Avoid the public and enjoy it

It was like when I quietly read the poems of Baudelaire and Yeats

With ignorant longing and hope

These poems amplify the beauty of the world

"Extravagant Expectations"

In fact, for this accident of life

Extravagance is a burden

Stuck in the way

Happiness is like a splash in the sea

After a short struggle, it was ruthlessly swallowed up

Like a light shot into the jungle

Mottled land

You can't achieve a complete painting

Pleasure is the state of mind for a while

Most of the time

Everyone is in the company of mediocrity and helplessness

After the dust settled, it was lost to the years

Silently flowed into the endless river of time

Eternity has always been a form of self-deception

Used to flaunt instant beauty

Maybe it becomes an inexplicable destruction

Make two stars projected in the sky

Look at each other and each glow

Mutual attention has its own world

Running in the vast universe

Parallel to the sky and the earth

If there is an intersection

It is also a natural attraction and collision

That should be the best luxury

"Self-Made Music"

--- wrote to a friend Zhu Zhengwen

The Xiang River flows

Yue Lu is late

Love the pavilion is full of forest

A place where one side is brilliant

Gifted Aura Occasionally, eclectic

We will continue to forge ahead over the years

Going south and going north is different from indulging in landscapes

During the study tour, remember to entrust the heavy responsibility

I was amazed by the widening of the heavens and the earth

Diligently searching

Make a difference in life

The road to the unity of knowledge and action is long and long

North up south Wind and rain

Don't seek to taste the scenery

Not elegant for vassals

Taoguang Yang Obscure Pen cultivation seal carving

Faith in learning is no more

In full view of everyone

One side of the world is a great chapter

Pengcheng records the footprints of a seeker

There is always a good look in his eyes

Rustic and unpretentious like the water of a stream

Being in the hustle and bustle of the city washes away the lead

Quietly cross the heart

Contrary to self-made music

2022.5.1 Written in Pengcheng

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