
High temperature weather in Jiangnan south China and other places will continue There will be a more obvious rainfall process in the northern region

Source: China News Network

According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, in the next 10 days, the high temperature in the southern region will be large, and the high temperature in Jiangnan, South China and other places will last for a long time. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high temperature orange warning at 6 o'clock, and the temperature in some parts of 5 provinces and regions, including Zhejiang, Fujian, could reach more than 40 °C. From the 26th to the 28th, there will be a significant rainfall process in the eastern part of the southwest region, the eastern part of the northwest region, the central and eastern parts of Inner Mongolia, the north China, the Huanghuai, and the western part of the northeast region, and there will be heavy rain and localized heavy rain in some areas, accompanied by strong convective weather.

The high temperature weather in Jiangnan south China and other places continued

In the next 10 days, the high temperature range in the southern region is large, and the high temperature in Jiangnan, South China and other places will last for a long time; The maximum temperature in Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places can reach more than 40 °C.

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high temperature orange warning at 06:00 on July 26: It is expected that during the day of July 26, there will be high temperature weather of more than 35 °C in Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, south China and eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, eastern Guizhou and the southern Xinjiang Basin, of which the maximum temperature in Jiangnan and most of south China, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing and the southern Xinjiang Basin will be above 37 °C, and the maximum temperature in parts of southwest Zhejiang, northwest Fujian, eastern and southern Jiangxi, southeastern Hunan and the southern Xinjiang Basin will reach more than 40 °C ( See Figure 1).

High temperature weather in Jiangnan south China and other places will continue There will be a more obvious rainfall process in the northern region

Figure 1 Forecast map of high temperature settlement areas in China (08:00-20:00 on July 26)

There will be a more pronounced rainfall process in the northern region

From the 26th to the 28th, there will be a significant rainfall process in the eastern part of the southwest region, the eastern part of the northwest region, the central and eastern parts of Inner Mongolia, the north China, the Huanghuai, and the western part of the northeast region, and there will be heavy rain and localized heavy rain in some areas, accompanied by strong convective weather.

In addition, on the 26th, the eastern part of the northwest region, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai and other parts of the region had strong convective weather such as short-term strong precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds or hail, and the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow warning of strong convective weather at 06:00 on July 26.

Tropical disturbances will become more active

In early August, tropical disturbances in the South China Sea and northwest Pacific ocean tended to be active, and a typhoon may have formed, bringing wind and rain effects to the eastern and southern seas of the continent.

There are high temperatures in places such as Southern Europe, West Asia, and Central Asia in the United States

In the next three days, there will be high temperature weather of more than 35 °C in the south-central United States, northern Mexico, southern Europe, southern Central Europe, West Asia, Central Asia, North Africa and other places, and the local daily maximum temperature can exceed 44 °C.

There is strong precipitation in northern India and other places in the Indochina Peninsula

In the next three days, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of the western and southern Indochina Peninsula and northern India, and heavy rain or heavy rain in parts of northern India, accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

Specific forecasts for the next three days

From 08:00 on July 26 to 08:00 on July 27, there was moderate to heavy rain in parts of northeast Inner Mongolia, northeast Northwest China, northern and western North China, eastern Huanghuai, eastern Jianghuai, western Hubei, and northeastern Southwest China, of which there were locally heavy rains (50 to 90 mm) in central and northern Shaanxi and north-central Jiangsu. There are 4-5 winds in parts of central Inner Mongolia, Hexi, and northern Ningxia (see Figure 2).

High temperature weather in Jiangnan south China and other places will continue There will be a more obvious rainfall process in the northern region

Figure 2 National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on July 26 to 08:00 on July 27)

From 08:00 on July 27 to 08:00 on July 28, there was moderate to heavy rain in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, most of north China, Huanghuai, Jianghan, and northeastern Southwest China, of which there was heavy rain (50-90 mm) in parts of northern and southern Hebei, northern Beijing, northern Tianjin, northern and southern Shandong, northern and eastern Henan, and northern Jiangsu (see Figure 3).

High temperature weather in Jiangnan south China and other places will continue There will be a more obvious rainfall process in the northern region

Figure 3 National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on July 27 to 08:00 on July 28)

From 08:00 on July 28 to 08:00 on July 29, there was moderate to heavy rain in parts of eastern Inner Mongolia, western and southern Northeast China, northern North China, eastern Huanghuai, and southeastern Southwest China, among which there were heavy rains or heavy rainstorms (100 to 130 mm) in parts of southeastern Inner Mongolia, central and western Liaoning, and northern Liaoning. There are 4-5 winds in parts of Hexi, Gansu (see Figure 4).

High temperature weather in Jiangnan south China and other places will continue There will be a more obvious rainfall process in the northern region

Figure 4 National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on July 28 to 08:00 on July 29)

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