
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

author:She published
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

In the past two days, the "model dad" Shaker in "Where Daddy Goes 3" has made new progress in the divorce incident.

Taiwan media reported that the divorce was first proposed by Shakli.

The reason is that "some people want to be entertainers, some people want to be mortals".

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Combined with the previous one, someone turned over the past of Xia Keli shouting to Huang Jiaqian, "I am not your assistant", it seems to further argue that this relationship between strong women and weak men has long been cracked.

But if you think about it, this reason is completely unconvincing.

You know, as early as the beginning of the two acquaintances, Huang Jiaqian was already an artist.

How can it be that when you borrow your wife's fame to make money on various variety shows, it is no problem, and when you get divorced, this has become the biggest problem in marriage?

It doesn't seem so simple to take another look.

In December last year, Huang Jiaqian reported domestic violence in Canada.

People familiar with the matter also revealed that Huang Jiaqian has been abused by domestic violence for a long time and once endangered his life.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: Network

Taiwan media also revealed that Shakli had cheated on him many times in marriage.

Combined with Huang Jiaqian's previous helpless change of mood that he said "he does not accept cheating" and later became "anything you can do", it seems that derailment is not a wind catcher.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Shakeri has also appeared on many variety shows in Taiwan before.

His image in it and in "Where Daddy Goes" is almost like two people.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: Network

In this way, Shakri is not a "victim" image in this marriage at all.

It can only be said that Shakli did borrow his wife's fame before and ate the dividends of "model couple" and "model father".

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Shakri is well known to mainland audiences, mainly because of the third season of "Where Daddy Goes" seven years ago.

At that time, he took his daughter to participate in the program in the summer, and there were liu ye and Hu Jun father and son who attracted much attention in the same season.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: Weibo

Against the backdrop of other new dads, he was exceptionally good.

The painting styles of other families are:

Assigned to the worst cave dwelling, Noyi looked calm.

Instead, Liu Ye collapsed to the point of breaking the sound first, and needed Nuo Yi's comfort and care.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Kang Kang and his father were full of "unfamiliarity".

The two were in the same room, and Kang Kang ignored Hu Jun's high-fives and struggled to open the door, only to escape.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

On Zou Shiming's side, Xuan Xuan was pestering to punch, but the boxer only wanted to sleep.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Only Shakri father and daughter, there are talk and laughter, and the topic is constant.

Shakri's fingernails were covered with traces of colored brushes, which were summer masterpieces.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Shakri is also a fan of summer education:

Father and daughter have a rattle agreement, and when one of them rings the bell, the other will kiss the other.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

The family's dog, Giruba, died, and Shakri did not hide it, but took the opportunity to educate Summer on death.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Make a game together to grab a stool, and summer tries to win lollipops for others but fails.

For the first time, Shakri took the weeping Summer in his arms and comforted him:

"You're already great, even better than all those boys!"

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Never stingy to express feelings, nor avoid life and death issues, and when faced with setbacks, it is also encouragement, not suppression of education.

All kinds of details show that Shakri is a very gentle, patient and self-contained parenting father.

Shakri is not only very gentle with Summer, but also full of kindness and care for others.

Seeing the injured villagers, they immediately went up to help rub the medicine.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Seeing that Noichi was sad because he was separated from his father, he naturally asked Noyi to "help" and help Noyi integrate into the group.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

All in all, In the show, Shakeri is a father who knows how to educate children, accompany children, and be kind to people, which makes the shakili father and daughter of that year circle a lot of fans in that season of the show.

Shakri has become the "perfect father" and "perfect husband" in the hearts of many people, and their family has become a model of a perfect family overnight.

The truth, however, is that there are no perfect people in this world.

Shakri may indeed be a good dad.

But if you have seen many variety shows he has participated in before, you will find that Shakri's "good man" image is full of loopholes.

Under the sign of "foreigner", he interacts with women, does all kinds of ambiguous things, and even exposes cheating before divorce.

On the show, he said that he had endless days of chatting with girls, and thought that it was more suitable for talking to women than boys.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Do not shy away from hugging and contacting women, and even open restaurants with other female friends to greet more female friends.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Source: Station b

Keep your ex-girlfriend's underwear and keep it with your own clothes, just to remind yourself not to make mistakes again.

Xia Keli and Huang Jiaqian have had many rumors of marriage before.

In 2013, Taiwanese media also exposed that Shakri went to the hotel late at night, and the agent said that he was partying with parishioners.

When the reporter found Huang Jiaqian, Huang Jiaqianfang gave the statement that Xia Keli went out to talk about business, and the two did not even confess.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

In the marriage, the moths are constantly kept, and the patient and gentle feeling he gives people in the show is also limited to the parenting program.

Previously, on "Kangxi Is Coming", Xia Keli often became emotional and unable to control himself without saying a word.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah
Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Source: Station b

Even Little S was frightened by Shakri's uncertainty, saying that he didn't need others to provoke him to expose himself.

Think of Huang Jiaqian in Canada last December to report to the police that he suffered domestic violence.

Huang Jiaqian's friend directly scolded Shaker on the Instagram for pretending to be crazy and stupid and garbage.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: ins

In short, the details that have been pulled out today are diametrically opposite to the faces presented by Shakri in previous parenting programs.

The good husband and father of the past suddenly became a cheating man and a domestic violence man overnight.

I have to say, it is really disillusioning.

But in fact, in the show "Where Did Daddy Go", which has won a lot of popularity, people shout "disillusionment", not only Shakli.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Some people have counted that "Where Daddy Goes" can be called the program with the highest divorce rate and collapse rate in internal entertainment.

The fathers of the five seasons not only collapsed the house in a mess, but even the collapse method was different:

What collapses lightly is to disregard the family, not to act, and to seek male treasure.

The charges ranged from alcoholism and beating women to multiple infidelities.

For example, Lin Zhiying, the "immortal male god" who returned to the public eye because of a car accident two days ago.

When Lin Zhiying was on "Where Did Daddy Go", he actually rarely filmed, but with Kimi, who can be called a "mini version of Lin Zhiying", to participate in the show, it still made many people shout "Grandpa Qinghui".

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

However, the filter of idol dramas cannot save Lin Zhiying in reality.

Entering reality, the audience suddenly found that Lin Zhiying, a good father and good man created in the show, was actually a straight male cancer who picked up a male treasure.

In April last year, Lin Zhiying posted on Weibo that he had "picked up the male treasure golden shovel" and proudly said that he had given birth to three boys with this shovel.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

After being questioned about the preference for sons over daughters, Lin Zhiying could only refute it with a painless sentence of "boys and girls are the same".

Receiving male treasure has made people disillusioned, before the Lin Zhiying family participated in "Mother-in-law and Mother", the atmosphere of the Lin family that was inadvertently exposed was even more feudal to the point of astonishment.

Chen Ruoyi wore an ordinary pair of denim shorts at the table, and as a result, her mother-in-law looked at it a few times and said, "Do you want to change it?" ”

Chen Ruoyi quickly stood up the next second to change clothes, which showed that he was usually not required to dress.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Lin Zhiying, on the side, first had a look of watching the drama, and then echoed his mother's statement and let his wife wear a more formal dress.

In the show, Lin Zhiying is also trying to create a good husband's image.

Take the initiative to send water and invite the family to go shopping together.

But Chen Ruoyi's first reaction was not a surprise, but said in the program that she felt that he was intimate to the point of strangeness today.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

The words and demeanor of the two revealed that the husband and wife relationship presented by Lin Zhiying in the show has a lot of show elements.

It can only be said that the idol drama is fake, and it is true that the family needs to have the throne inheritance.

However, Lin Zhiying's obsession with male treasure and feudalism to the extreme, compared with other collapsed fathers, is still light.

Take Cao Ge, for example.

For many years since his debut, Cao Ge has had so many news of alcoholism and troublemaking that he can even make a list:

In 2006, the birthday party was held, because of too much excitement and excitement, after drinking too much, kicked the restaurant sign and sewed more than 20 stitches;

At the 2007 birthday party, he lost his attitude after drinking and began to beat people;

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

In 2009, he and his friend Side Tian got into a fight on the streets of Hong Kong for no reason, from taxis to the streets.

After this incident, Cao Ge was sentenced to twelve months of observance (referring to the court's requirement that the parties not break the law for a certain period of time).

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

But Cao Ge did not relent, and this kind of news still appeared every once in a while.

In 2013, Cao Ge first lost his temper after drinking at Lin Zhiying's wedding, yelling and shouting, and even took action against those who came to persuade him;

Later, he got drunk on the stage to grab the microphone at the scene of his friend's performance, scolded the dirty words and put up his middle finger, and was silenced and mosaiced to the face.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

In fact, after the big fuss Lin Zhiying's wedding, Cao Ge once held a press conference and publicly expressed his determination to quit drinking alcohol, and if he drank again, he would donate tens of millions to charity.

Unfortunately, it is useless to hold many press conferences.

The country is easy to change, and the nature is difficult to move.

In March this year, Cao Ge began to go crazy again, directly shouting lan xinmei on the social platform, asking her not to take her wife out to fool around.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

As a result, even the word "know" was mistakenly written as "people are", and it is estimated that this time it is also drunk.

Forced his wife Wu Suling to quickly come to the door to apologize and wipe his ass.

Last month, Taiwan media broke the news that Wu Suling took a pair of children to move into a new home, shopping with friends is very comfortable, and seems to have separated from Cao Ge.

After hearing more stories about the wolf coming, Wu Suling also began to wake up and finally decided to flee.

Also collapsing was another Guo Tao, who was intoxicated with "toxic masculinity".

After "Where Daddy Goes", Guo Tao's popularity reached an unprecedented height, and he also took the opportunity to publish an autobiography "Father's Power" to try to use his own experience to tell everyone how to cultivate manhood.

And the first thing he practiced was: hitting women.

In his autobiography, Guo Tao wrote a lot about his early emotional experiences.

Once, the girlfriend of the relationship got into a fight with Guo Tao at the school gate.

He felt very humiliated, so he pulled the girl into the car and slapped the other party, and the other party really quieted down.

So Guo Tao realized a "truth" from this experience: you can't blindly tolerate women, you have to give her a bottom line, she will be honest.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

At first glance, it's a bit unclear whether this is treating a woman as a human or a pet.

In addition, there are many straight male cancer remarks in Guo Tao's book, including but not limited to:

"My standard for measuring women is gentleness, kindness, courtesy, frugality, and jean."

"Your face will age, but the actress may wear a green hat at home at any time."

"The common problem of actresses is to make trouble and toss."

It is said to be a parenting book on how to educate boys, but in fact, every word is full of prejudice and disrespect for women.

Fortunately, the stone was not poisoned.

Compared with Guo Tao, stone has more likable flashes in the show.

Stone was only 6 years old when he was on the show, but at a young age, he was already warm-hearted, gentle and responsible.

Caring and encouraging Sen Di when the younger siblings are afraid to walk at night, like a natural big brother.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

In short, because the cute baby was too cute at that time, Guo Tao's parenting problems exposed in parenting seemed to be forgiven or ignored.

In other words —

Dads didn't collapse today, but they weren't called "good dads" at that time, but we didn't find out until today.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the general environment at that time.

"Where Did Daddy Go" was the first domestic show to focus on Daddy's parenting at that time.

The fresh collocation of "star dad + child" makes the audience pay most of their attention to the star, which greatly satisfies the audience's voyeuristic desire for the star and his family.

Many viewers saw the true side of the star that was different from the perfect image on the screen.

They even sometimes get discouraged, emotionally broken, and extremely embarrassed, and this contrast makes the audience very addicted.

And when fathers take their children, they will also find that when the original stars are parents, they are like themselves, full of mistakes and omissions, all problems.

Coupled with the cuteness of the children, the unskilledness of the fathers in taking care of the children has become a kind of joke, and the smile will pass.

It wasn't until all these years, when dads frequently collapsed, that people could see through the truth behind the filter.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

In this way, the collapse of the fathers' house is also a good thing.

When the "Cute Baby" filter disappears and the warm narrative fails, many people suddenly wake up -

It turned out that at that time, our understanding of intimacy and parenting was stuck at a very old level.

For example, there were a lot of small details in the show at that time:

Wang Yuelun bought vegetables to bargain, the more talk about the more expensive, the boss said 4 yuan, he returned the price "four dollars and five elements";

The barrage laughed and said, "Artist we don't understand."

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: Network

Wang Yuelun dressed Wang Shiling, and as a result, the child's stomach was mostly exposed outside, but Wang Shiling himself silently pulled down the clothes.

However, after this detail has been rendered by the program, it seems to be full of comedic effect.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Source: Douban

There is also Mori Disc, because the first recording is not adapted to Mori Disc has been collapsing and crying, Tian Liang coaxed half a day to see also the effect.

It felt like the audience across the country was dominated by the fear of Sen Di crying, and fiercely empathized with Tian Liang, who was at a loss for words.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Cindy cried

But now that I think about it, I am responsible for the purchase of three meals a day for the family, taking care of the children's food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and solving the children's unreasonable crying... The bad answer sheets handed over by these star fathers are actually the most ordinary daily routines of a mother.

What many people felt at that time was the "joy" of Meng Wa's reverse father, and the "sense of cultivation" of the so-called good father's efforts to advance.

However, it is overlooked that whether it is a "sense of joy" or a "sense of cultivation", it is because these fathers have excessively lacked in the provision of housework, child-rearing, and emotional value in the past.

The stronger the sense of nurturing, the more it proves the depth of the previous absence.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: Network

In fact, at the beginning, "Where Did Daddy Go" was also created by focusing on the absence of fathers in parenting.

The name of the show not only means that the child wants to go out with his father, but also like the roar of the mother when raising a child: "Where did the disappearing father go?" ”

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Huang Ali teased on the talk show

In fact, it is the opposite -

The show not only weakens the discussion of the father's absence in the family with warmth, but the final explosion feels more like a reward for "fatherhood".

They only took a few days of babies, tied their hair, cooked, and ushered in the second spring of their careers with the reputation of "good fathers".

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Summer's evaluation of Shakri as the "perfect dad"

The discussion of illusions gives the illusion that the participation of fathers in parenting has increased.

But in fact, if you think about it, it is still emphasized to participate in the interaction type, proximity type, responsibility type and other auxiliary care behaviors of good fathers.

The father still joined the housework and child-rearing with a "helping" attitude.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Source: Serious demography gossip

In this way, the criteria for being a good mom and being a good dad are completely different.

To be a good dad, you only need to get out of the "missing dad" situation to be called "perfect" and get rewards from it.

But it's so hard to be a good mom, like the name of another mom parenting show — "Mom is Superman."

It's not enough to be a "superman", once the family has any problems, it is the mother who is condemned.

It reminds me of the South Korean parenting show Superman Is Back — the same 48-hour show where children spend 48 hours with their fathers.

One of the families had twins Shuyan Shujun.

The twins' mother, Wen Zhengyuan, has been pushed to the cusp of the storm many times, and for a while has been questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications; For a while, because the child often makes noise, he is complained about by the neighbors.

Noise is a common cause of the family, but the title of the article reads "The Perfect Mother's Collapse".

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: Network

The obvious double standard, emphasizing the responsibility of the mother and ignoring her efforts.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Huang Ali talk show

Engels once said: "The modern individual family is based on public or hidden women's domestic slavery." ”

Labor is divided into paid labor and unpaid labor.

Blogger @ Answer is as follows Statistics show that the length of unpaid labor for women after marriage has soared, reaching a maximum of 8 hours, twice that of men.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Source: The answer is as follows

The amount of labor is converted according to the market price in Shenzhen, and the maximum annual salary is 120,000-140,000.

Of course, they can't get this money, and the value of labor is often not recognized because it is unpaid, and everything is covered up by the name of "love" and "motherhood".

This reminds me of the blogger @ Quan Xi Xi, who agreed with her husband before pregnancy and did not participate in the care after giving birth.

She didn't change a diaper afterwards, but did the pressure all fall on her husband's shoulder?

No, the responsibility for all this was passed on to the mother-in-law.

The work in the family is still borne by women in intergenerational relations.

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: All hip hop

In this way, is the "mother's punishment" only punishing the "mother"?

Of course not.

Also punished are grandparents who are tied up, husbands who are kidnapped by "toxic masculinity", full-time dads who are stigmatized...

Good dad set up and overturned, domestic violence soft rice man can really pretend ah

Image source: Network

The collapse of the fathers in "Where Daddy Goes" certainly exposes not only the problem of the star fathers in the show.

Rather, it is a pervasive problem in the division of labor in our modern family, as stated in Feminism from Scratch:

"There is a side A in society, mainly political, economic, time, employment, etc., and a B side of illness, childcare, care, illness, and disability.

Once pregnant, the wife must constantly travel between the B side and the A side, and after the birth of the child, the wife must always keep the B side.

The husband only needs to look at the B side once in a while, and can actually stay on the A side all the time."

"Where Did Daddy Go" really tried to break such an old narrative at the time.

Nowadays, it seems that the so-called "breaking" is just a probe to look at.

Real-life dads are still "out of place".

It's been nine years since the first season of "Where Did Daddy Go." She published