
Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

author:Zhanlu culture
Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

Neuroscience experts tell us:

The best education is free, and it exists in every word and every sentence that everyone hears as a child, in every conversation and interaction between children and adults.

Today, Zhan Lujun recommends 9 good books for you that are most suitable for parents and children to read together, and hopes that you can seek knowledge and think together with your children in reading this summer vacation, and make progress together:


"Easy Homework"

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

Parents in the world have been suffering from "tutoring homework" for a long time! If every family should get this book when their child starts school, it will solve the century of problems of tutoring homework in no time!

It has to be said that many parents tutor their children to write homework is results-oriented, but in fact, as this book says, the process of habit formation is much more important than writing a completely correct homework. This book is very practical, not only has the strategic guidance of time management, learning skills, organization and management, but also the tactical strategies for specific subjects such as mathematics, reading, and writing, which I believe can resolve the confusion of many parents.

Cheers Publishing/Cham Lu Culture easily gets homework ¥52.42 purchase


Learning Trees to Improve Grades with Ease

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

Internationally acclaimed expert on children's education, Stanley Greenspan, believes that there is not a single child who does not love to learn, he just encounters difficulties.

Parents often see only the appearance, only to find the root cause of the problem, in order to fundamentally solve the problem. The key to this is to fully mobilize children's emotions, arouse their interest, and then repeatedly practice various thinking skills on this basis. Learning the tree method can fully mobilize all the sensory energy of children, so that the big branches of thinking flourish, and good results will come naturally.

Cheers Publishing/Cham Lu Culture Easily Improves Grades Learning Tree Method ¥59.93 Purchase


"Let the Child Become a Super Learner"

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

Internationally renowned educators write to children about their learning methods and diverse ways of thinking!

A long time ago, those who were intelligent and academically minded were considered born teachers. Thankfully, if you're looking for more instructive and scientific ways to help children learn than current teaching methods, you have more resources than the teachers of centuries ago. In this book, we will explore what is teaching, what learning is, and the different techniques and methods that parents and teachers can use to help children achieve their learning goals.


What Life In Space Looks Like

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

What is it like to live in space? Why is burping in space troublesome? Why is "farting" potentially fatal? How do astronauts go to the toilet and how do they sleep? What is "anti-dreaming"? Is there an up, down, left, and right in space? ...... All the small things that are insignificant and habitual on Earth need to be careful in space!

This book not only satisfies the curiosity of readers large and small for the space scene, but also reminds us that spaceflight is not just about viewing this beautiful blue planet in space and making exciting scientific discoveries; It is also a brave journey of astronauts who generously dedicate their time and enthusiasm, and even their lives, to overcome all kinds of difficulties.


Extreme Survival

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

See the landscapes and trees that are accustomed to the scenery on land, and come and see what a unique scene there is in the deep sea!

"Extreme Survival" is the first to explore 10 magical extreme lives in the ocean, such as how flying fish staged the ocean version of "Fast and Furious" to escape extreme tracking; How the beautiful lighthouse jellyfish achieve immortality through rejuvenation; Why the living fossil horseshoe crab hundreds of millions of years ago survived to this day with ancient body structures; Why do mudskippers have the ability to walk and run on the ground; How predatory fish in the darkness of the deep sea use magic lamps to find and attack food...

Beneath the seemingly calm sea surface, there are actually various life cultivators who have their own magical abilities in order to survive.



Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

The relationship between the characters in Greek mythology is too difficult to understand, so have you ever seen a book with a sense of drama and a top 20,000 minutes of British drama?

"Myth" is a myth retold by Stephen Fry, a British comedy master and national treasure in the field of audiobooks. In this book, Stephen Fry, as an actor and writer, re-combs the context of Greek mythology, completely abandoning the rigidity and academic sense of Greek mythology. Under the cover of words, you can see a theatrical performance of a hallowed comedian, with humor in seriousness, humor mixed with a little absurdity, absurdity full of truth, real and mockery, gathered in one place, is this wonderful "Myth"!


"Dr. Meow Chinese Classics: Shan Hai Jing Detective"

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

After reading foreign myths, come and see our native shan hai jing mythological stories!

The original text of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, the source of Chinese mythology, involves many strange characters, polysyllabic characters, etc., and even adults may not recognize them all. But it doesn't matter, the set of books recommended for you today has all been annotated, accompanied by the original text of the ancient text, and detailed annotations and translations have been made. At the same time, through a shocking case that spans the four worlds of man, god, demon, and beast, this set of books systematically sorts out the source of Chinese mythology, the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", so that children can learn ancient texts while solving cases.


A Biography of a Minimalist Poet for Children

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

Children have potential, are interested in poetry, and don't know how to match the corresponding extended readings? Or is the foundation of ancient poetry weak and unable to enlighten traditional culture for children? Please look over to these parents!

This book specially selects 25 Chinese poets who have influenced history, personally interprets their poems and lives in the first person, and presents a minimalist history of Chinese poetry for children. From masterpieces, backgrounds, names from the style of acting, ideal quirks, circle of friends... In the way that children like, help children understand the life of poets, quickly memorize and understand ancient poems, and cultivate children's perception and appreciation of ancient poems. It is an honor and a pleasure to let the great poets tell you through history!

【Zhanlu flagship store】For children's minimalist poet biography Let children easily read the history of Chinese poetry 320 common sense and allusions to literature and history 240 classic poems interpretation Children's literature ancient poetry teenage books For children's minimalist poet biography ¥47.3 Purchase


"Beauty is the Best Tutor"

Book list | Douban has a maximum of 8.8, and you must read these 9 good books

Raising successful children? But we need to raise beautiful children even more. Aesthetic ability is the ability to feel life. To cultivate creativity, we must first shape the child's perception of beauty, which is also what visionary parents are doing.

In today's increasingly serious problems of children's mental health, aesthetic education can not only cultivate children's aesthetic ability and creativity, but also help to create a healthy mentality for children. "Beauty is the Best Tutor" provides a lot of practical tips, integrating aesthetic education into daily life, not only to educate children, but also to heal parents. Whether it is a struggling working parent or a full-time mother who is doing her best for the family, she can gain the power of healing and improve her quality of life in the process of practicing aesthetic education.

Book list | Douban up to 8.8, these 9 good books you must read! - Cham Lu Reading