
Can a strange shape of fruit attract consumers' desire to buy?

author:iFresh Acacia

According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, shipments of "square watermelons", a specialty of Zentsuji City in Kagawa Prefecture, western Japan, began shipping on June 30. It is understood that the shape of the watermelon is a cube, the side length is about 18 cm, before the watermelon is immature into the previously prepared mold, after the watermelon matures, it becomes the shape of the mold.

Can a strange shape of fruit attract consumers' desire to buy?

This "square watermelon" is a product developed by farmers in the Bigang area of Zentsuji City, Kagawa Prefecture. The wholesale price is 10,000 yen, equivalent to about 492 yuan, compared with ordinary watermelon, one only needs 30 or 40 yuan, and the price of a watermelon is close to 500 yuan, which is undoubtedly a sky-high price. However, The Japanese media also pointed out that although the "square watermelon" has a peculiar appearance, it is low in sweetness and is not suitable for eating, but it is very popular as an "ornamental melon".

This year is not the first year of the appearance of square watermelons, and there have been square watermelons in Japan before. And the cultivation method of square watermelon is not very difficult, there is no high threshold. Choose the right variety, the right mold for the selection of melon molds can be.

Can a strange shape of fruit attract consumers' desire to buy?

In addition to the square watermelon, there have also been similar heart-shaped watermelons, triangular watermelons, and yuanbao watermelons on the market.

There are many strange varieties of fruit with different shapes and shapes. They may have emerged during their own cultivation, and the mature shape is somewhat different from the original shape. There are also some foreign fruit varieties, due to the growth environment and other reasons for a small amount of domestic planting, or even no variety, when it is launched in the process of domestic launch, it will indeed trigger a boom, consumers to buy. There is also artificial intervention, which interferes in its growth and development stages to cater to social hotspots and consumer needs.

The lantern fruit produced in Latin America, named after its shape similar to a Chinese lantern, is a hollowed-out sleeve on the outside and its fruit on the inside, which looks cute and is sought after by consumers. The fruit is rich in sugars, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Domestic manufacturers have introduced planting. However, due to different growth factors such as climatic conditions, soil, temperature, etc., the lantern fruit grown in many parts of the country is also different, which is much different from the original one.

Can a strange shape of fruit attract consumers' desire to buy?

With the gradual improvement of people's living standards, the fruits that people began to pursue began to appear in the consumer market, and merchants tried their best to launch new and exotic products to stimulate people's desire to buy. To a certain extent, it is true that it can bring economic benefits, but people only pursue freshness. If you can carry out the beauty of the shape of the fruit on the basis of high-quality fruit, it can definitely trigger a consumption boom. But most of the effect is not very good, can only be used as a meme for netizens to relish.

Previously, a company made melons into the shape of a skeleton and pears into the shape of a doll. Compared with ordinary melons and pears, it only changes the appearance, and the nutritional composition does not change.

Can a strange shape of fruit attract consumers' desire to buy?
Can a strange shape of fruit attract consumers' desire to buy?

As the market changes, such odd-looking fruits eventually tend to be niche, and consumers need really high-quality fruits, not pure gimmicks. There is nothing wrong with merchants trying in this regard, but this cannot be developed for a long time.