
Pelosi's clumsy performance is new

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Straits Shinkansen

According to foreign media reports, after the Financial Times previously broke the news that "Pelosi plans to visit Taiwan" caused huge political waves, on the evening of July 20, local time, US President Biden responded that the Pentagon opposed the plan.

Just one day later, on the 21st local time, the White House announced that Biden tested positive for the new crown and stressed that Biden's "symptoms are very mild" and has begun to take Paxlovid.

Pelosi's clumsy performance is new

Image source: Foreign media

Also on the same day, Pelosi's office told The Washington Post that "given the long-term security agreement, we will not confirm or deny international travel itineraries in advance." Pelosi herself said in response to Biden's military claims: "I think the president means that maybe the military is afraid that my plane will be shot down or something like that." I don't know exactly. It is important to show support for Taiwan."

It is worth mentioning that Pelosi also stressed that her position should not be interpreted as a "call for Taiwan independence." She said: "I don't think any of us here have said that we will support 'Taiwan independence', and this is something that the Taiwan authorities themselves have to decide." ”

In addition, in response to Biden's diagnosis of the new crown, Pelosi said: "Anything that affects the president will have an impact on our country." We hope this will encourage people to get tested, get vaccinated, boosters, etc., because none of us are immune to it, including the president of the United States, and we really have to be careful. ”

Pelosi's clumsy performance is new

Image source: Foreign media

Coincidentally, in April this year, the news of Pelosi's planned visit to Taiwan caused a huge controversy, and soon the news of her diagnosis of the new crown was reported, resulting in the cancellation of the trip; Fast forward to July, Pelosi's heart to visit Taiwan is still not dead, and after the Chinese side has repeatedly expressed strong opposition, Biden has been diagnosed...

Pelosi's clumsy performance is new

In response to Pelosi's possible visit to Taiwan, the US White House press secretary said in his answer to a question that the visit had not yet been finalized, and the DPP authorities were very low-key, saying that "for the time being, I have not received any news of Pelosi's 'visit to Taiwan.'"

Pelosi's clumsy performance is new

Image source: Foreign media

An unnamed U.S. official told CNN that Biden administration officials were concerned that China might seek to set up a no-fly zone on the island of Taiwan before U.S. House Speaker Pelosi might visit Taiwan, and might also send warplanes to further enter Taiwan's self-proclaimed "air defense identification zone."

The official added that Chinese mainland possible military action against Pelosi's visit to Taiwan could provoke a response from the Taiwan authorities and the United States, which could trigger new regional tensions, but the official did not elaborate on what kind of response might be available.

CNN also said that according to three people familiar with the matter, Pelosi plans to visit Taiwan in the coming weeks. Butler, a spokesman for the U.S. Military Chiefs, said the military "generally" briefs policymakers on military assessments. Butler told CNN: "We discuss possible actions that the adversary might take, logistical and military plans, and combat readiness." He declined to say whether General Millikin, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had spoken with Pelosi about his trip to Taiwan.

Pelosi's clumsy performance is new

The news that "Pelosi plans to visit Taiwan in August" has also caused great repercussions on the island, and Chen Huawen, a media person on the island, openly expressed his disgust in a political discussion program, pointing out that in 2020, Czech Senate Speaker Vestichel led a group of 89 people to Taiwan for "sightseeing," spending taxpayers' money but there was no substantial help to Taiwan, and directly criticized the DPP authorities for brainwashing the people with "Kaizi (fool) diplomacy." In the program, Chen Huawen publicly shouted to Pelosi: "Pelosi, I very much welcome you to come!" Can you please not come? ”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a news conference on the 21st that China has repeatedly expressed its solemn and just position of resolutely opposing Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. The US Congress is an integral part of the US Government and should strictly abide by the US commitments on the Taiwan issue. For example, If Speaker Pelosi visits Taiwan, it will seriously violate the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three Sino-US joint communiques, seriously damage China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, seriously impact the political foundation of Sino-US relations, and send a serious wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. Wang Wenbin stressed: "If the US side insists on going its own way, China will definitely take effective measures to resolutely deal with and counter it." We do what we say. ”

Pelosi's clumsy performance is new