
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9

author:Spring Cathay

Forward the original Teacher Ma Luo Biao Teacher Ma Luo Biao Teacher Ma Luo Biao


Back at the hotel, wash up and finally eat Nepal's own specialties

Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9

There is an authentic Nepalese restaurant near that hair dryer billboard. The décor here is impeccable in Nepal.

It's been a while since the meal was served. The band is playing, the dance is playing.

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The skeleton rosary around his neck is reminiscent of Sha Wujing before his conversion.

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Lovely host MM

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The sound is beautiful. I don't understand a sentence, just applaud the scene.

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The manager of the hotel. The vast majority of Nepalese look like this.

The red dot on the guest's head was ordered by the courtesy girl for each of us when entering the door.

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How do the guys in the running hall seem to be very close to the North African style in Turkey or some movies? Too Casablanca, too Much Casablanca...

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It seems to be a father's feelings for his daughter.

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Nepalese duo turn.

It feels like the actor's costume is very similar to the image of a young man from a Taiwanese alpine tribe or a southwest ethnic minority

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Everyone sat down on either side of the large long table. Each guy takes turns adding a little bit of food to the guests, not enough.

The tableware is almost all copper: the cup is cold and white, the copper bowl is Nepalese curry, and the clay dish is Nepalese rice wine. It feels more like a Tohoku stew with curry that doesn't have any soup.

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I thought it was very special and delicious, and soon it was once again in the sky. The restaurant manager was very happy to see that their dishes were so popular.

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Double dance. The costume has come close to a combination of Tibetan and Indian styles.

Nepal is at the crossroads of civilizations, with more than 30 ethnic groups. 85% are Hindus, about 8% are Buddhists and about 4% are Muslims. We respect each other and coexist harmoniously. The Nepalese people have well accepted and absorbed the cultural nutrition of various ethnic groups while maintaining their own national characteristics relatively well.

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The final dance is almost the Tibetan mask dance. To the warm applause, we enjoyed a unique dinner.

After the meal, we all went shopping in Laowai Street en masse. This was our first night outing in Kathmandu. Since there was no camera, no image was left behind. I hope my text doesn't make everyone feel too boring.

Arrived at laowai street, there is no longer the heat and hustle and bustle of the day. It's more about the colorful nightlife here. The shops are still open, but all kinds of lights decorate the old outer streets more mysteriously and seductively.

In the process of buying local ethnic costumes, the Nepalese store has been using Chinese to say: "Nepal, China is a friend." Friends have inexpensive prices. "It's certainly a marketing strategy, but it's also very intimate. Kindness and kindness, still let him understand the Chinese bargaining skills are different from people in other countries!

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Throughout Nepal, I used my Chinese first when communicating with people.

Start with a simple greeting and say Chinese first, which is equivalent to indicating your identity. At the same time, it is also to let them get used to Chinese and learn to Chinese. Let them have a sense of urgency, let them realize that the future is the world of China, the world of Chinese. If you want to survive in the future, if you want to have a good business, you must learn to Chinese independently.

We were backward in the past, and we had to catch up and learn. So we use our energy to learn English and to integrate into the world of communication learning. the popularity of Chinese in the world is absolutely linked to China's strength. As China's influence in the world increases, the status of Chinese should be further enhanced. Now we also have the obligation to promote Chinese and infiltrate China's image and cultural symbols everywhere.

At the same time, I think it's also important to smile more at people. Anyone who sees your smile will reciprocate with the utmost kindness. Show people the same politeness of our civilization. What is tall is not only our image, but also the positive energy in our own hearts.

There may be one kind of unfairness and misunderstanding in life. But even the darkness of the whole world cannot obscure the brilliance of even a single candle in our hearts. 无论在哪里,我站的地方就是家‬。 我是什么家‬就是什么; 我怎么样家‬就怎么样。 只要我心中有光明,家‬就永远不会黑暗。

Here I once again experienced the simplicity and kindness of the Nepalese people. At that time, I was buying cigarettes at a small shop for my domestic smokers. The owner and I communicated with Chinese for half a day, and then laboriously calculated the price. But all I have is the dollar and the renminbi. The boss said they couldn't find it. I said let him think of a way. The boss had to take 100 yuan grandpa Mao to exchange for me. He told me to stay at the stall and wait, and went to the backyard myself.

Just walked away and threw the whole shop at me. It took a full ten minutes for him to change the money and come back. During this period, many local customers came, and everyone waited quietly behind me in line. No one took the things in the store without permission, no one was noisy and cut in line. This simple tranquility and trust in the ordinary people made me feel the simple and beautiful things in human nature.

Now it's time to talk about the most popular part of the people: Nepal is a serious religious country, but ^_^ there are still some. I've only seen it here in Old Outer Street. They will take the initiative to come forward and talk to you briefly in English.

Remember to use the Chinese first. At least let her know where the guests received the service today.

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We were greeted. (Although SCER has no classmates and no friends.) But this time it's really not me) It's obviously illegal, and they'll pull you behind billboards or behind poles to talk about it. Because the military police here are very strong, there are always military police patrols carrying Lee Enfield. Soon the two sides reached an agreement to fly twice. (Technical term, I do not understand the complex human sociological implications at all)

It was a Tall, fashionably dressed Nepalese woman of about 25. Someone immediately got into an Alto in his arms and sped back to the hotel. Leave us in the middle of the city in a mess. This experience is also narrated later, leaving it alone.

In fact, he didn't need to do this at all, the local Yanmar was like a dog. Discotheques, bars lined up one after another. As long as you have time and energy, you can go hunting generously. Remember, Yanmar is also a female Earthling. Not an alien creature. There is no difference between entering the bar here and going to Sanlitun in Beijing. As long as you have charm, you can still shoot the Eight-Nation Alliance.

The first 137 sailors went to the Blue Bird every day to exercise, and a body of muscles could still be used by most passers-by in seconds. When he walked bare-chested in the alley, two large hairy horses looked back and up and down repeatedly. The expression is going to eat people.

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。 So there is no need to treat Yanmar differently from Domestic. As long as you have enough conditions, everything is simpler than at home.

Of course, we don't have that time to play. Because I still have to get up in the morning tomorrow, I returned to the hotel early. In fact, the real purpose is to eat melon.

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。 At the entrance of the hotel, everyone prepared a room card and various video equipment to prepare for a raid.

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Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9

Then that MM appeared before our eyes!!

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She walked out of the lobby naturally and neatly, looked at us, and smiled. Then the taxi disappeared into the night in the direction of Laowai Street.

Nani? We see this when we all take our pants off?

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This is not scientific. Go upstairs, knock on the door, enter the house (5000 words are omitted below.) Regardless of how the parties explained it, we are unanimously convinced that a new world record has been born. 12.88 seconds became history).

Since it is cool, hand over the gun map, otherwise we will see you at the Nepal police station. They are all old people in the company, don't tear your face for this little thing. What the? Didn't take a picture? No picture you said a Cai Guoqing ah!

Go to bed early and get up early, Amitabha

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The next morning I turned on the TV and saw how close CCTV was in a foreign country. At the same time, the content of international news is happening all around us. Two days ago, the director of CCTV came to Kathmandu and was received by the prime minister of the Nepalese government. The time was almost when we passed the Prime Minister's Office. Oh what a coincidence.

In fact, the most I watched that morning was the VOA tv show. It's the Voice of America that has been nagging for decades in the semiconductor. There are even TV stations

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。 The program hosts stood on their self-proclaimed position of objectivity and fairness, sparing no effort to persist in fighting on the front line of anti-China and anti-China.

Their news in general can also be divided into three parts. The first ten minutes of the earth turtle are stupid and cruel, and the middle ten minutes of the earth turtle are poor and militaristic, but the wasted effort is not worth mentioning. In the next ten minutes, the people of the whole country lived in deep water, eagerly awaiting the liberation of Wang Shi.

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But I still want to say that compared with the well-known and conscientious historical inventors in China, etc., people are much more professional and dedicated. For example, there was a talk show where several Haoshou pifu who had already emigrated overseas sat together for a discussion.

I really should take a good look at why people can swim over, and it is not enough to have a piece of "loyalty". You also have to have real talent and practical learning! The Chinese guests in the program talk and behave gently and elegantly, with a Confucian scholarly style. There is not a trace of the sweet tofu brain taste of the local public. When you attack the turtle, it is not as ugly as rolling on the ground. Instead, he drank tea, wrote calligraphy, and discussed the hottest topics of the moment in poetry.

It's not the kind of garbage basket that is virtual and real, and the real and fake is filled in. Instead, it's a careful selection of topics. Strike from the most lethal and unavoidable angle. The arguments are clear and unambiguous, the arguments are true and reasonable, and the arguments are rigorous and complete. It's like flowing water.

It seems that although there are many idiots in the West, the guys who really play a role in the key core issues are not stupid at all, and know what is really powerful and deadly. Those who have a little common sense can see through the little tricks, and people will not believe it and use it. I was afraid of smashing my own signboard. Therefore, I deeply feel that the biggest tragedy of the fighters on the broad public knowledge front is that there is a problem with the method of effort. Of course, the possibility that they are actually my powerful three-gun strategic unit is not ruled out. You know.

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On the way to Budgang, a girl waiting for a bus.

On the way, Ma Jie told us about the royal tragedy of that year. On the night of 1 June 2001, members of the Royal Family held a family dinner in the Royal Palace. Suddenly, gunshots rang out, and 11 people, including the king, queen and crown prince, were shot and killed. The royal family was almost wiped out. The people' grief first turned their suspicious eyes to the prince's son, the only member of the royal family who was not killed.

He claimed to be drunk a few minutes before the massacre, went back to his room to rest and left the ballroom. But the people were reluctant to accept the fact that the prince's son was quite beloved in Nepal. He is a social welfare ambassador and a Nepalese Olympic athlete.

It turned out that it had nothing to do with the prince's son, but the crown prince (the prince) shot at the crowd and then committed suicide by drinking a bullet. So conspiracy theories sprung up. Everyone began to doubt His Royal Highness again. Because as the sole beneficiary of this matter, the Prince had temporarily left Kathmandu.

After the royal bloodshed, he was able to inherit the throne. Everyone thought it was done by the prince. But the prince himself appeared to defend himself. And after a few years, he voluntarily resigned and moved overseas.

Everyone once again dispelled the doubts of the prince and the king. In fact, all Nepalese know an open secret, Majie said: It was done by Indians. The old king has always insisted on the independence of Nepal, free from the control of India and the British Commonwealth. It led to the scourge of death.

The reason why I say this is because on the second day of the bloody case, no one in Kathmandu knew what happened, and various media such as Indian radio and television newspapers had already published relevant news. It is reminiscent of the black joke that Brezhnev was going to talk to Sadat's widow on the phone.

I asked: Why doesn't Nepal take revenge on the Indians? Ma jie said: Strength, India is too big for Nepal. Although there were brave and warlike Gurkha warriors, the huge difference in national strength doomed the fate of the Nepalese nation.

I think this is an example of being backward and being beaten, and having to be treated with mermaid meat. The third brother is a variety of strange things in our eyes. But in the eyes of the countries of South Asia, it is a truly nightmarish existence. Just like China in East Asia, in the eyes of Southeast Asian countries.

Speaking of India, Ma jie said: Kathmandu's population surge in recent years is mainly Indian immigrants. Indians do not need a visa to come to Nepal. A large number of impoverished northern Indians came to Nepal. They mainly make a living by begging, waiting in line at the entrances of various restaurants to eat leftovers. I saw them curl up on street corners and sleep, letting flies gather on them. Then there are Indian businessmen who came to Nepal with powerful capital. With a simple and primitive price war, the business of the Nepalese nation was easily squeezed out in a dumping manner. Then use the monopoly position to make a lot of money. (At that time, there was no trade war between China and the United States.

In fact, with Ah San's economic acumen and marketing strategies, he also bullied and bullied the kind Nepalese. Any province or autonomous region or municipality on the mainland sends a commercial representative team to make the Indians lose money.

Majie was very good at northern Indians. But indians in the southern coastal villages of India are greatly appreciated. Say that they are truly kind and simple people, not rich but sincere. We have the opportunity to experience it.

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We came to this intersection again, which we passed when we first got off the plane on the first day. The widest road in the city as seen from the sky is also here. It is the main road out of the city.

Majie told us that the road is the best in the whole of Nepal, with four lanes closed in both directions. It was built with the assistance of the Government of the People's Republic of China. It was then broadened by the Japanese government to its current form. "On behalf of Nepal, thank you to the Chinese people," Majie said.

Oh, it seems that not only the Chinese government's foreign free aid. The foot basin is also sprinkled with gold everywhere to show the national strength to win people's hearts.

The popularity of foot basins around the world is largely due to such assistance programs. Who wants to offend the rich man? Foot basin citizens have gone to various places, and the local government has treated them well in order to show their good investment environment and a good attitude towards Japan to attract Japanese funds. This was also the case on the mainland in the past. Now the local police are trying their best to help foreigners solve various problems, which is also the policy inertia of doing so in the early days.

Chinese the welcome and kindness of Nepal, in addition to the kindness and simplicity of the local people, it has a great relationship with China's assistance and demonstration of strength in various places. Many people have a variety of opinions on various aid construction, which is completely understandable. But when there are emergencies around the world, the identity of Chinese citizens is sometimes very, very life-saving.

All kinds of assistance may not bring you any benefits or obvious benefits from going downstairs to buy groceries. But when everyone walks out and goes to the vicinity of China's foreign aid projects, they can feel the various things that foreign aid has brought to Chinese. Rabbits don't trade at a loss.

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It passes through kathmandu and is also the largest hospital in all of Nepal. It was also built with the assistance of the Chinese government. Looking at the styling, it is estimated that even the engineering design is 80% chinese.

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Entered the main road of Chinese aid construction.

Pay attention to the gas stations, where each gas station also has a gun guard on duty.

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Instructions at the entrance of Budgang Park.

Badgang is a sister city to Xi'an, China. Please have a passport of the People's Republic of China ready for coming here. Others come here for Rs 1,100 and those with Chinese passports for Rs 100. We all smiled and held up our passports to enter the door, and the ticket check-in staff smiled and nodded at each of us.

This feeling of being given a special offer is too TM cool. Therefore, it is very important to go out and walk more to increase the insight and self-confidence of the Chinese people. I believe that if everyone often goes abroad to see, often receives warm service from foreigners in various places, gets serious reception from foreign police, instructs foreign waiters to carry your luggage, complains about the negligence of foreign staff, and shoots the buttocks of foreign women to make her change her posture, you will have a new psychological positioning for yourself and people around the world. You're sure to reach new heights when you arrive.

Of course, this is not something that can be achieved simply by moving your mouth. It is the result of diligent and down-to-earth efforts. Everyone improves their own value and level, and naturally improves the strength and image of the whole country. We should start preparing to be on top of the world again.

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There are many such pavilions for citizens to rest near local attractions

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A primary school passing by before entering the scenic spot. There is also a small temple at the entrance. The class was to ring the bell by hand, remembering that when the school blackout was a child, the teacher in the communication room rang the bell, and we said: This is really poor shaking (Qiong Yao).

Suddenly remembered, how many years have not encountered a power outage? Thank you to the section chief's family, especially the beautiful little sister Lin who is "0 outside of ability" and strives her own.

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Roadside motorcycles.

There are a lot of cars of this class in the local area, and the price is not cheap. After a few days of touring here, the final conclusion was that the country was backward, but the people themselves were not extremely poor. Food and clothing are fine, but the well-off are far from well-off. If it is more stable, the planning is better, and there is more cooperation with China, GDP will easily double.

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Entering the scenic spot, the first thing you see is this "dangerous house".

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Statue at the entrance of the scenic police station. In fact, to explain all the above totem meanings clearly, it requires a high degree of learning.

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Panoramic view from the gate. It seems that there are many similarities with the previous ancient city of Patan. In fact, the details are completely different.

It seems that few people can elaborate on the specific differences between the Qianmen Tower in Beijing and the Gate Tower in Xi'an. In the eyes of foreigners, it is very similar. Traveling with a group is originally "getting on the bus to sleep, getting off the bus to see the temple".

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An all-masonry stupa with the exception of the pillars.

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The square is viewed from east to west, and the golden dome gate on the left is the gate of a Hindu temple. It was guarded by Gurkha soldiers and non-Hindus were forbidden to enter.

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All-stone stupa. Beautifully carved and delicately handmade. It is a very rare national treasure in Nepal.

There is a large bell in front of the tower, which is ringed by Gurkha soldiers at festivals and on the hour of each day. Of course, if a war breaks out there is a foreign invasion that also rings out. This can't help but remind people of the bell that reported the letter in the Jiaozhuanghu Tunnel War.

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Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9

The gate of a Hindu temple.

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The figures on the pillars in front of the door look as if they are not mythological figures.

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Close-up of the decoration on the temple door. In fact, this is the essence of culture.

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Encounter with the President of Iran, Mr. Ahmadinejad.

Haha, this is a local tour guide. The historical origins of the attraction are being introduced.

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On the back of the pagoda, the key cultural relics protection unit actually sat and slept casually. Nor did I see the actions of the relevant authorities. If only it would be sprayed to death in the country!!

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White tower with animal totem

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The square looks from west to east

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The road to the commercial street at the end.

Famous temple attractions once again dedicated to all readers:

Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9
Ponies Run Everywhere: The Alpine Kingdom of Nepal 9


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Gurkha soldier with M16.

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Tourists from Hong Kong, China.

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Local tourists look like college students on a spring tour.

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The old woman who spins threads in the business district. It feels similar to the humanistic arts display performance on the streets of Paris, taking pictures and reaching out for money. I also do not take a picture in vain, 1 yuan to offer.

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In front of the shop selling dog-leg knives hung information about the use of dog-leg knives by Gurkha soldiers.

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This is the authentic hanging method of the knife.

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After the tour, return to the coach on the way. Pass by Temple Elementary School again.

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