
How much is this year's young people for "ugly things"?


Countless young people are working on "ugly things".

Recently, the popularity of the "Ma Ta Fei Yan" doll in the Gansu Museum shows the young people's preference for "ugly things".

On June 11, the Gansu Museum launched the "Ma Ta Fei Yan" doll, which was originally lonely and nameless, but on June 26, it became a hit after being shared by netizens on the Internet, and netizens said "ugly" loudly while buying an empty store. From "ugly" to "sold out", the Gansu Museum's "Ma Ta Fei Yan" took only 5 days.

According to the data, on June 27, the "green horse" doll sold more than 7,000 pieces. On June 30, the Gansu Provincial Museum said in an interview with the media that about 2,000 pieces of copper galloping horses (that is, "ma ta feiyan") plush toys in the early stage have been sold out of stock, and more than 10,000 pieces have been pre-sold, and manufacturers are working overtime to produce.

The attitude of netizens also changed from "(this horse) looks like a low IQ", "(looks like) 'donkey' stepping on 'pufferfish'", and "watching once to laugh", "too magical", to "tell me where to buy", and "the green horse that waited for 10 days is really cute" and "who can refuse a green horse at this time".

In addition to the "horse flying swallow", young people are endlessly "ugly things" above, such as ice piers, "vegetable dogs", "green-headed fish" hoods, chicken claw socks and so on. "Who remembers when the image of the ice pier was first revealed, and everyone laughed at this as 'Iron Han'?" Some consumers said.

Another person said, "When my friend first sent me the 'vegetable dog' emoji, I thought it was ugly, especially when I saw the 'vegetable dog' doll later, I was still thinking 'who will buy this'." But then I got more and more up, and I thought this 'vegetable dog' was very cute. ”

On July 22, the topic of #Why do young people prefer ugly things attracted attention on Weibo, and Burning Finance saw that 200 million people read the topic that day, and 19,000 related discussions were discussed.

In Douban, there is also a group of "Ugly Things Protection Association" established in December 2019, which has gathered 237,000 people so far, and the group introduction quotes Kaneko Meiling's poem, "Such as doctors, and crows, I want to like one without a left." He also said, "Ugly things come together, happy and joyful, and don't care about other people's eyes." ”

The reason why young people are addicted to "ugly things" is also very simple, "just think it's funny." The poem said, "At first glance, I think it's weird, oh, look at it again, the more you look at it, the more you look up." And "ugly things" are easy to make people feel relaxed and happy, "these ugly and ugly things, I feel inexplicably funny when I see them, I will be very happy, very relaxed." 」 ”

"Ugly stuff" is also becoming the social code for young people. For example, Qiqi wears a strange mask and gets into trouble with colleagues in the office; Fifi also because of the salted fish cushions, cockroach pillows and friends "courtesy exchanges". "Sometimes people get together and don't know what to talk about, and someone takes out their ugly phone case and can cause a topic." Poetry also said.

In this issue of the tavern, Burning Finance and a number of friends chatted about their favorite "ugly things", some of them indulged in salted fish cushions, cockroach pillows, just to give people "Suprise"; There are also people who fall in love with strange masks, just to add fun to life; There are also people who rob the "green horse" doll of the Gansu Museum, and the whole family goes out; Some people "the more familiar they are with friends, the uglier the memes they send"; Some people "strange costumes" when walking their dogs, just because they want to "let go of themselves"...

Aesthetics are very personal things, and beauty and ugliness are not absolute. Some things that some people think are beautiful are not necessarily in the eyes of others, and the same is true for "ugly things". Moreover, beauty and ugliness are not completely opposites, and sometimes even change. So, as the Ugly Things Protection Society introduced, enjoy what you like, and don't care about other people's eyes.

In order to grab the "green horse", the whole family went to battle

Yuanyuan 丨 20 years old college student

It is said that after the epidemic, special attention should be paid to people's mental health, especially for those who have been banned.

As a college student who has experienced a long period of school closure life, I feel that I am indeed gradually "perverted", more and more on some "ugly things", this June, I have ordered sausage mouth airpods protective shells, exaggerated chicken claw socks and other "ugly things", they look at first, "ugly and strange", but after a closer look, they are getting more and more up.

Recently, the Gansu Museum put on the shelves of the "Horse Ta Fei Yan" doll, I was also "ugly" at first glance, a huge "green horse" that looked "not very smart", stepping on an "angry bird"... This weird doll is indeed far from the handsome "Ma Ta Fei Yan" that I already know.

But when I "ugly refused", I saw that many friends posted the "Ma Ta Fei Yan" doll physical object, but more and more "on the head", "very cute" and "very cute" such ideas continue to gush into my heart. Moreover, this shiny "green horse" is homophonous with the now incomparably important "green code", which is simply too tempting for me, a college student who is bent on messing around and only wants to keep the green code smoothly home.

So I rushed to the official website to place an order, but found that the doll had been out of stock on the whole network, and all the major shopping platforms showed that they were sold out. At this time, I could only wait for the next batch of pre-sale, while entrusting my brother in Gansu to go to the museum to see if there was any surplus goods, I did not expect that the museum had already hung up a shortage notice, and my brother could only return in vain.

Look at the stupid cute look of the "green horse" grinning with white teeth, it is clear that it is like laughing at me, which arouses my will to fight even more, and I must get a "green horse" this summer! So I began to mobilize the whole family to grab the "green horse" together. My mother is responsible for keeping an eye on Taobao, my father is responsible for vibrato, and I am constantly refreshing other purchasing channels after the final sprint, vowing to win the "green horse"!

Finally, while I was anxiously waiting for the pre-sale news, my sister posted the "green horse" I was thinking about on WeChat, which turned out to be a gift from my sister's students. I counted my heart, softly grinded hard bubbles, and finally took the "green horse" from my sister's hand. Although it was not glorious, I finally got the "green horse" that I had in mind.

However, when the pre-sale opened, I also placed an order for the big kite of Ma Ta FeiYan, after all, the more "green horses", the better!

Strange masks, let me turn back rate is super high

Qiqi 丨 25 years old Advertising agency creative planning

Masks have become a necessity in people's lives, but conventional disposable medical masks are still a bit boring to wear for a long time.

So I wanted to come up with something different. When I brushed the short video that day, I accidentally saw a collection of strange masks, which suddenly bumped into my "heart", and while doing a good job of protection, I can also bring joy to the people around me, and even scare acquaintances, which is too in line with my funny female personality.

These strange masks have been made into a color close to the skin color, the pattern or open blood basin mouth, or the teeth are exposed, and there are many beards, and many netizens in the comment area commented that "ugly death", "how to wear out the door" and so on. But I was very impressed, and quickly ordered 10 strange masks with different patterns.

How much is this year's young people for "ugly things"?

Photo / Strange buys a strange mask

Source/Kiki courtesy of the image

After receiving the mask, I couldn't wait to try it on, and the bearded mask made me instantly change from Lolita to uncle, which can be called "anti-wolf artifact".

I was also very curious about the reaction of passers-by when they saw me wearing a strange mask, so I quickly picked a grinning pattern and put it on the supermarket.

Just out of the door on the neighborhood met the neighbor, I greeted warmly, the neighbor stunned, "Sister Li, it is me, the fourth floor Xiao Wang." The neighbor recognized me and asked me with a smile, "Where did you buy such a funny mask?" Knowing that I was going to wear it to the supermarket, Sister Li gave me a thumbs up.

Wearing this strange mask, my return rate along the way is super high, and the supermarket staff still looks at me and laughs at the checkout.

The first battle was successful, and the next day at work, I put all the masks in my bag and prepared to take them to the office to share with my colleagues and take pictures together. I myself also chose a dirty beard pattern to wear, and as a result, the return rate on the commute road was higher than yesterday, and a child on the subway saw me and hid behind his mother, presumably scared by me. Fortunately, I still have ordinary masks in my bag, so in order not to scare children, I put ordinary masks on the outermost layer.

When I got to the office, I greeted everyone warmly, and then took off the outermost ordinary mask in front of them, and several colleagues were frightened by me and chased me. I distributed the masks to everyone and took a lot of funny photos with my colleagues to send to the circle of friends. At noon, we also wore masks to eat together, and the visual sense of "blowing up the street" kept people looking back at us.

On that day, I felt that my colleagues were very liberated, which may be the power of "ugly things".

Salted fish cushions, cockroach pillows,

My interior decoration is "screaming"

Fifi 丨 30 years old financial writer

I've always had a soft spot for weird things.

When I was in junior high school, I liked to buy simulated bugs, simulated "spiders", "earthworms" and "cockroaches" and the like in my pocket, and when I was at the same table, I took it out and shouted "Suprise!" "I also got a lot of white eyes and screams from my classmates.

As an adult, I stopped playing inappropriate pranks, but I have always had a fondness for ugly things that some people even think are a little "bad taste.".

The ugly pillow was the first object of my "hands".

At first, the style of the pillow was relatively mild. For example, husky dog-headed emojis, sausage-billed frogs, aliens, muscular males, and so on. Whether it is offline shopping or online Taobao, I can't refuse the "ugly" pillow.

Later, the painting style of the pillow began to gradually deviate from the normal track, becoming more and more deviant.

The story became more and more "unmanageable" from the beginning of my order with a spider pillow. The pillow is about 30 centimeters long, shaped like a black spider, and each foot is also 20 centimeters long.

On the day of the pillow signing, a friend flew over from Shanghai to see me, and the "prank" spirit of my childhood broke out again. That day I hid the door, put the spider pillow on the door beam, and told my friend to put his clothes in the room. After my friend opened the door with a scream, I knew I had succeeded again.

A few days later, a friend who returned to Shanghai mysteriously sent me a WeChat message saying that I bought you a gift. Intuition told me it was supposed to be "revenge" for my last prank. Sure enough, guessing correctly, my friend gave me a salted fish pillow that had always been an arm's length, simulated like a real fish.

After receiving it, I put it on the sofa in the living room, and took a picture and sent it to my friend saying, "This force is too small, make some powerful." ”

Unexpectedly, my friend actually "responded to every request". A few days later, I received another package, and I confess that even I found the pillow a bit "perverted."

The pillow is a cockroach with a length of more than 30 cm, the color is red, it has long tentacles, I myself am particularly afraid and hate cockroaches, but somehow I am very "on top" of this pillow.

But even if I am "on the head", I am still a little afraid of this thing, and putting this pillow on the bed and sofa is a bit beyond my mental capacity, and it will always scare me coldly. So in the end, I hung the throw pillow behind my closet and only half-exposed.

At this point, my "bad taste" pillow road has been upgraded by one more level.

The more familiar you are with the chat partner, the uglier the memes you send

Poetry 丨 27 years old publicist

Contemporary people's Internet communication must always be accompanied by memes to completely "convey feelings".

And I as an "ugly thing" enthusiast, from the first day of network chat, I love "ugly emoji", of which WeChat emoji is particularly obvious, since the use of WeChat emoji, "ugly emoji" accounts for most of my emoji collection, before I will also deliberately go to search for ugly pictures to save as emojis, usually in various groups to hang out, look at some "ugly emojis" I will also quickly save.

By the way, I also have an emoji group, 500 group friends in the group every day to post pictures, ask for pictures, which is also my emoji treasure source.

In terms of type, my "ugly emoji" involves a relatively rich variety, including earthy, vulgar, and obscene. For a while I especially liked the "network a line of pull, meet is the edge" this kind of earthy emoji, now my emoji is obscene, what scratching farts, with two small pigtails blowing bubbles of the beard uncle and so on.

As for the reason for liking "ugly memes", it is purely because I think they are funny. And sometimes when the chat is deadlocked, or when it comes to something serious, sending an "ugly meme" can also ease the atmosphere. And may be as a woman, the use of "ugly emoji" one is to appear to be more masculine, the other is that women send obscene emojis, aggression is not so strong compared to men, if it is a man using these emojis, the chat object will definitely feel very uncomfortable, but women will be relatively better.

And I like the "ugly emoji" around me is not only one of me, one day I sent a few "ugly emojis" in the group, and soon everyone continued to fight with me, and everyone's ugly emojis were also various. While fighting the map, everyone said "this picture is received", and I learned that everyone loves "ugly memes".

However, I use ugly emojis in different situations, unfamiliar chat partners, or workplaces, I also have cute and loving, serious emojis, politely maintain the right chat relationship. But the more familiar I am with people, the uglier the memes I send. Sometimes my friends will complain after receiving my memes, "It's so ugly, it's annoying."

Once I posted a flashing GIF in the little sister group, it was very glaring, and my friend instantly complained, "Help, I'm in a meeting." Originally quietly playing with the phone, your GIF flashed, ten meters away people noticed my phone. Withdraw! "I withdrew it, but even if I finished complaining, it was just a small episode in the online chat."

In fact, memes are just an aid to our affection, whether beautiful, ugly, cute, in line with our own needs. Moreover, life is already so tired, the memes are just like what you like. I love "ugly memes".

Put on strange clothes and walk the dog

It's my spiritual free time

Xiao Chu 丨 27 years old Creative copywriting

Probably all along, we have been watched by all kinds of social eyes, and dressing needs to be decent, so sometimes we are particularly eager to "let go of ourselves".

When I was in school, I cherished those hours because I needed to wear a school uniform from Monday to Friday, and only on weekends and holidays. As a post-90s, I often dress up "various", and I have tried the killing Matt style that exists on the market in a tight holiday time.

After the age of 20, as a girl, I still tried my hand at the empty window when I was not working. But after work, as a 996 worker, most of the time I still have to obey the requirements of the workplace and social rules, and dress up in a disciplined manner.

At the end of last year, I jumped to a company that did not need to work, because it was a project system, and employees only needed to complete KPIs, so I had more free time. As my free time increased, I also adopted a stray dog. Taking advantage of the opportunity to walk my dog, I found that walking my dog for more than an hour every day became my new "strange costume" experiment window.

At first, I just took out a dress that I bought for a wedding or an important occasion, but I usually didn't have the opportunity to wear it, thinking, "Anyway, no one cares about walking the dog, and if I don't wear it, I won't have the opportunity to wear it." However, after trying it once, I felt that the dress was expensive and inconvenient to wear, so I gave up.

But my heart to "let go of myself" did not change. So, I began to place orders online very cheaply, but I usually can't wear a variety of clothes, such as Hanfu, Harry Potter cloaks and so on. Recently, because of the video of an American woman always wearing a pink dinosaur inflatable suit running in the yard on Douyin, she planted a dinosaur inflatable suit, and finally placed an order last month after a psychological struggle.

In order to breathe and make it easier to wear, I did not buy a full-body inflatable suit, but bought a half-body.

The first time I wore a dinosaur suit to go out to walk the dog, my heart was still a little nervous, because the time I walked the dog was at night or even late at night, and the strange eyes of others did not affect me, the key was to be afraid of scaring others. However, after wearing it a few times, I began to get bolder. In the strange mass and occasional fright of others, no one walked the pace of "six relatives do not recognize".

Unfortunately, the weather in Beijing has been so hot lately that I can't wear a dinosaur suit or anything other than tank top shorts. Maybe by the fall, I'll have more free time to dress, and I'll be able to continue to try more "weird" outfits.

Exchange "ugly things" with friends

It is our exclusive tacit understanding

Lin guo | 23 years old accountant

People who love to play "ugly things" mostly have an interesting soul. And if there is someone who can share the "ugly things" with you, the happiness will be infinitely doubled.

When I was in college, I bought interesting things and shared them with my friends. None of these things are expensive, but they are all fun. For example, one day when I was browsing the "Hunting Award", I saw that someone mentioned the "carp pen bag", and the moment I saw the picture, I looked at this fully simulated pen bag. When I placed the order, I also brought one more for my friend, and I planned to use it as a friend's June 1st gift.

After the courier was delivered, I got a look at the real thing, and it looked more simulated than the product picture, especially the lining of the pen bag, which was also dark red like the internal organs of the fish, and pulled the zipper like the belly of the fish. Looking at this overly real fish belly, I suddenly remembered the content of the middle school textbook Chen Sheng Wu Guang's uprising, so I had a sudden idea, wrote "Chen Sheng Wang" on a note and stuffed it into the pen bag, and sent it to my friends together.

The moment I saw the carp pen bag and note, my friend immediately got to my point, and smiled straight, and told me that she had recently seen a pair of slippers that matched my pen bag, making me wait for her surprise. A few days later, I received a "surprise" from a friend, a pair of fish-headed slippers. At the first sight of the slippers, my reaction was "ugly", but when I looked closely, I felt that it was quite ugly.

I can't tell for the time being that this pair of fish head slippers imitates the shape of any fish, but the characteristics of the fish are complete - open mouth, bulging dead fish eyes, clearly visible fish scales and gills. The key is that the slippers are still turquoise, and the fish sold in the wet market are like. Dressed up and whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable, the alternative shape alone determines that I dare not wear it out, although I can't hold it, but I think it is very interesting, and even after watching it for a long time, I feel weird and cute, so I can only wear this pair of slippers in the dormitory.

My complaining friends saw me pedaling fish head slippers in the dormitory every day, especially after seeing me boast of "good pride", and then began to look for other ugly objects for me - pork belly blankets, chicken claw socks, funny pillows, bear paw cotton drags... In the end, I couldn't see it, and stopped my friend from letting her place an order.

Mainly at that time, my roommate was disgusted with my fish head slippers and felt "disgusting", if my friend gave me these ugly and cute gifts, I was afraid that I would have to be kicked out of the dormitory. Of course, I will often buy small ugly cute things, like fart peach keychains, sausage mouth headphone covers, anyway, just make yourself feel happy.

My "ugly toys" are funny and playful

Stone 丨 29-year-old brand promotion

In fact, I have loved toys since I was a child, but due to the relationship between the family's economic level and family concepts, my parents have bought me toys a few times. So when I grew up and was able to consume on my own, I began to "retaliate" to buy toys and handmade. Although there are "normal" aesthetic toys, there are also some strange "ugly things".

The first time I bought an "ugly toy", purely out of curiosity, it was a small ornament, my impression of it was "particularly ugly", and it could be disassembled, which also made people very curious, so I bought it and gave it to a friend. Later, I became more and more addicted to "ugly toys", all kinds of handmade, masks, small toys, the more strange I liked, all in the pocket.

How much is this year's young people for "ugly things"?

Photo/ Stone's "Ugly Toy"

Source/Stone courtesy of image

Once watching the movie "Parasitic Beast" at home, I also became interested in the little monster in the movie, and after watching the movie, I went to the shopping software to place an order. After watching other movies, some strange handmade, little monsters, and little monsters involved in the movies, I would search everywhere and buy them.

During this time of falling in love with "ugly things", I bought a lot of ugly little toys, such as this smiley colander and frog mouth.

And "ugly toys" can also bring real happiness to people. For example, this smiley face colander, it has a flat texture, not sensational, but because of the use of wheat straw manufacturing to take into account the environmental protection and deep in my heart, seemingly ugly, but in fact is a surprise, every time you use, you can see the smiley face, life, need some ordinary surprises, and it brings me happiness again and again.

And these "ugly toys" also have unexpected social attributes. Because when I see my "ugly toy", my friends can't help but spit out, "Why is this thing so ugly?" "Why did you buy it and what do you think?" Inadvertently, the topic was also opened, and once the topic was opened, it would become more and more in-depth, thus enhancing everyone's understanding.

Whether the toy is ugly or beautiful, in my opinion, it is a spice of life, and a small ugly thing will bring you endless happiness.

This article originated from the combustion dimension