
With more than 100 ships and more than 1,000 people missing, what exactly is the legend of the Bermuda Triangle

author:Science bottle

The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular body of water that connects the tip of the Florida Peninsula with Puerto Rico and the Bermuda Islands on the Atlantic Ocean. Since ancient times, many ships and planes, or only their crews, have disappeared into this body of water. Because they cannot be explained by science, they are often treated as stories of mysticism and the supernatural. Many fictional novels, movies, and animations were based on this legend.

With more than 100 ships and more than 1,000 people missing, what exactly is the legend of the Bermuda Triangle

It's an area of 1.3 million square kilometers where passing ships and planes have suddenly disappeared without leaving any trace, and there are more disappearances here than anywhere else on Earth. It is said that shortly before the disappearance, there will be some precursors. For example, the anomalies of compasses and instruments are said to have gone missing in the past 100 years by more than 100 ships and planes and more than 1,000 people, so it is also known as the "Devil's Triangle".

The most famous incident was the U.S. Aircraft Incident on December 5, 1945, when 14 people (13 cadets and 1 instructor) on five U.S. Navy aircraft went missing during a training flight. In June 2005, a light aircraft carrying 3 people went missing and the wreckage was never found, in October 2015, a U.S. cargo ship went missing, a month later, the ship was found, but the crew remained unaccounted for, and in May 2017, a small plane carrying 4 people disappeared from radar for unknown reasons. Modern scientific explanations have turned to the weather aspect, pointing to the possibility of ocean tornadoes or hurricanes,

With more than 100 ships and more than 1,000 people missing, what exactly is the legend of the Bermuda Triangle

In 1974, after the publication of Charles Berlitz's book The Bermuda Triangle, the Bermuda Triangle became known as the Devil's Triangle. The book was translated into 20 languages and became an international bestseller with a total circulation of more than 5 million copies, making this legendary story widely known. However, scientists have found that at least 23 events were caused by distortions, distortions, exaggerations, or the creation of facts. The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is essentially a deliberate creation, or deliberate or unconscious creation by writers and proponents of paranormal phenomena in an attempt to arouse people's interest and curiosity.

With more than 100 ships and more than 1,000 people missing, what exactly is the legend of the Bermuda Triangle

In some cases, when citing an article on an "incident", the content of the article is changed without authorization, so that a simple distress accident becomes a "mysterious event"; At the same time, the records of accidents mentioned as cases in relevant books and other publications do not exist and are entirely fictitious, and as the "legends" of the Bermuda Triangle become more and more widely known, accidents in different parts of the Atlantic, hundreds of kilometers or more, are increasingly rumored to have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, which forms a vicious circle.

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