
2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

author:Dragon's tooth decoding room

A netizen saw a Bay bay person posted in the Facebook group: "3,000 tanks in Taiwan, 20,000 anti-tank missiles, 40 large and small airports, 5,000 anti-aircraft missiles, 700 military aircraft, and more than 100 ships." On January 16, 1991, the coalition forces dropped 880,000 tons of bombs in Iraq in 44 days, equivalent to 1.76 million Dongfeng missiles. The United States dropped 680,000 tons of bombs in the Vietnam War, equivalent to 1.36 million Dongfeng missiles, what can be hit in 2000? It's not enough to fight mosquitoes." Netizens asked how to refute it.

It's actually very simple, rice and steamed buns are food, I have to eat more than two thousand grains of rice in one meal - the same reason, I have to eat two thousand steamed buns for one meal?

When you refute this, you simply take the initiative to lower your IQ to the level of others, and then let people beat you with rich experience.

If you really want to refute it, you say DF41, a single shot can destroy the whole of Taiwan.

I didn't come to refute this stupid statement, but just to popularize the concept of "warhead" for everyone.

The warheads of different munitions are not the same, with the advancement of military technology, the types of warheads are changing rapidly, and only a few common warheads are introduced here. According to the concept of "bomb volume" to calculate ammunition consumption is not reliable, iron lump ammunition and precision-guided munitions are not the same, detonation, fragmentation, directional concentrated charge, self-forging warhead, the destruction of different targets is also different, in addition to the difference in fuze, delay, close explosion, timing, damage effect is also very different. For example, if you take a fly to shoot a cow, or take a bull whip to shoot a fly, that's not okay.

Warheads against runways are usually blast grenades mounted with time-lapse fuses. The warhead penetrated the runway surface into the runway foundation and exploded, using a powerful shock wave to create a huge crater that rendered the runway unusable. A 250 kg uncontrolled navigation air bomb can create a large crater with a diameter of 4 meters and a depth of 4 meters on the runway on the concrete surface, requiring at least 3 man-hours to complete the repair and re-water the surface layer. You have to fill it with soil, you have to ram it with a rammed earth machine, you have to pour concrete and wait for the concrete to solidify, and this runway cannot be used for many hours.

There are many more warheads that specialize in destroying runways, such as bullets. Bullets can create many small holes in the runway, making it even more difficult to repair. There are also time bombs, which the U.S. military used on the Korean battlefield, and that bomb was inserted on the runway, not knowing when it would explode. Maybe you can rule it out, just blow it up, or you may never blow it up, which has caused a huge psychological burden for the obstacle repair personnel.

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

Anti-personnel and explosive warhead:

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

This is a kill-and-blast bomb without a fuse, and its principle of action is to use the energy of the explosives inside to generate a huge shock wave and push the fragments, prefabricated fragments, steel balls, etc. on the projectile to form a large number of fragments.

This is one of the most common warheads, and everything commonly known as "grenades" is this principle of killing, such as grenades, gun grenades, howitzer shells.

Anti-personnel explosive bombs are generally used for targets with light protection, blasting obstacles, and blasting bunkers.

Armor-piercing warhead:

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

The warhead of the armor-piercing shell is generally not charged, it is a solid metal rod, generally made of tungsten alloy and depleted uranium alloy, which has a good armor piercing effect at high speed.

This is an armor-piercing warhead in the early stage of flight, and it is called a "bullet stock" that is flying and spreading, which is used to ensure the stability of the ballistic trajectory in the gun barrel of the warhead, and it will detach after it is discharged. Therefore, this kind of armor-piercing shell is called "tail stabilized shell-piercing bullet".

Armor-breaking Warhead:

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

It was a typical hollow charge warhead with a cone-shaped hollow in the middle of the explosives and a cone-shaped piece of metal. After the explosives exploded, the conical metal was forged into an armor-breaking metal jet under a huge shock wave and high temperature, piercing through the armor.

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

The above two types of warheads are usually used to kill and injure heavy protective targets, such as tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy bunkers.

Air Fuel/Cloudburst Warhead:

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

This warhead is to throw fuel into the air, mix it with the air to form a suspended cloud, ignite the explosion to produce high temperatures, shock waves, and overpressure. Because it uses oxygen in the air as an oxidant, the bomb itself does not carry oxidizer, so it is small in weight and powerful.

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

Cloudburst bombs are mainly used to kill and injure light protection targets, especially in enclosed spaces, sometimes used to clear obstacles, such as the U.S. military often use this warhead to clear the jungle and quickly open up helicopter take-off and landing grounds.

Metal Rod Warhead:

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

The principle is similar to that of anti-personnel explosive bombs, except that the shape of the prefabricated fragments is rod-shaped, which is mainly used for killing and injuring aircraft. It is commonly used in the previous large-caliber anti-aircraft guns, modern air-to-air missiles, and surface-to-air missiles. After the explosion, a large number of rod-like fragments will be formed, which will improve the damage effect and damage probability of the aircraft.

Burning Warhead:

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

This warhead is mainly fuel, which will ignite after the explosion to produce high temperatures. Depending on the fuel, there are many, many fuels such as thermodynamics, napalm, white phosphorus, and red phosphorus.

According to the explosion effect, the type of fuel can be distinguished, so as to determine the subsequent danger of the explosion site. For example, phosphorus-containing fuels usually have residual toxicity after explosion, which will produce a large amount of smoke, and aluminothermic agents and napalm will have residual fuels.

Compound Effect Warhead:

Sometimes several lethal effects are combined, such as "armor-piercing combustion", "explosive combustion" and so on. The sub-bullet is only a way of dropping, in order to pursue the face-like killing effect and decompose a large bomb into countless small bombs.

Special Warhead:

There are more special warheads.

Nuclear, chemical and biological warheads, generally classified as "weapons of mass destruction";

Soft kill warheads, including electromagnetic interference warheads, electromagnetic destruction warheads, graphite fiber warheads aimed at power networks, and even special warheads for leaflets, are flyers flying around after being blown up.

Functional warheads, including some that play a functional role, such as fire fighting, artificial rainfall, demining, and opening up channels.

A solid warhead, or a lump of concrete, hits a specific person with precise guidance, and is usually used for assassination to avoid collateral damage

All kinds of special warheads are still emerging in an endless stream, so I will not list them all here.

Back to the question.

With different warheads, different fuzes, different delivery methods, and whether there is precise guidance, it is actually extremely boring to talk about "ammunition quantity" alone.

Carpet bombing to destroy a bunker is not the same as the use of precision-guided drilling bombs with a kill-and-blast warhead, or a precision-guided cloud-blasted warhead, and the amount of ammunition used is also a huge gap. A heavy bomber with 20 tons of ordinary bombs per voyage to blow up a heavy protective bunker may not be destroyed; A multi-role fighter with a precision-guided munition of less than 1 ton and a cloud bomb drilling the warhead can be destroyed.

To destroy a military airfield to the point of total destruction and short-term repair, 10 medium-range surface-to-surface missiles are sufficient. But in general war, you don't do this, you just keep destroying it, let you keep repairing it, and the airport can't be used.

And I don't think that the People's Liberation Army is willing to use the golden east wind to hit the runway, this kind of task, the long fire is enough...

2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

You still have a long face, and you still want to be hit by the east wind on your broken runway? Don't look at yourself a few pounds or two.


2,000 Dongfeng missiles to destroy a military airfield in Taiwan? Still take yourself too seriously

About the Author: Longya is a veteran who has been fighting in Tibet for decades, he loves literature and writing, and has a unique view of current political issues and social news. Welcome to pay attention to the public account "A Mountain of dragon's teeth" and the trumpet "Huang Section Chief Sharp Comment"

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