
He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

author:Speak delicately

Humans and animals are so different, not only have rich emotions and careful thinking logic, but also know how to learn and create wealth, which shows that human beings are more advanced creatures than animals.

Because they have a wealth of emotions, it is more difficult for humans to give up their feelings, especially family affection, than ordinary animals.

And between animals and animals, there are often situations in which the weak eat the strong and the survival of the fittest. In the case of natural selection, the unsuitable will be eliminated, and they will be rejected by the same family or even parents and children.

And these so-called survival animals usually have only one ending, that is, to fend for themselves.

But human beings value feelings, especially blood thicker than water affection, no matter what happens to the other party, the first thing that comes to mind is not abandonment, but how to "take care".

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

The old grandmother's heart is most at ease with her son, although the son brought her "trouble", but she never abandoned or even thought of abandoning this paralyzed son.

In her eyes, although her son was highly paralyzed, he was the baby son who was pregnant in October, who had worked hard to give birth and raise him to adulthood.

The grandmother always looked at her son with such a loving look, and she gently wiped her son's face with a towel, always so gentle, as if the son in front of her was still a 2-year-old baby who needed to be taken care of.

The grandmother's son is not an ordinary person, he graduated from Peking University, but later accidentally paralyzed.

The son also turned out to have a wife, but the wife turned away after he was paralyzed.

Leaving a pair of elderly parents to take care of the poor child, the grandmother to support the family in order to subsidize the family to pick up scraps.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

This white-haired grandmother with arms as thin as a bamboo pole is more than 70 years old, and although she is leaning over her body, her movements are very neat, and she does not lose the young people when she starts.

The grandmother did not dare to lose, because the family had a high paraplegic son and a wife with limited mobility who needed her care, and she told herself that she must not fall!

Her pace was so fast, only because there were two people in the family who were in dire need of her care, and she needed to hurry home and take care of them.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

This lying on the bed is the old man's baby son Mr. Li, Mr. Li has been lying in bed for 11 years, because of the high paralysis, Mr. Li's lower body can not move, long-term inactivity has caused Mr. Li's legs muscles to atrophy.

But 11 years ago, Mr. Li was the pride of his grandmother's family, and he could even be said to be an excellent talent in the eyes of others.

Mr. Li, 35, graduated from Peking University, China's highest university, in 2002 and is still a master's student.

In that era, master's students were scarce highly educated talents, and from Peking University, Mr. Li's life was bright and brilliant.

Not only in the work of the fish, but also in love to harvest beautiful fruits.

Mr. Li, who has a double harvest of career and love, can be said to be a winner in life at this time.

But who thinks of the accident and tomorrow, the accident is the first step.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

Because of an accident, Mr. Li fell.

And this fall not only threw Mr. Li into the hospital, injured important nerves, but also threatened his life.

When he woke up, Mr. Lee found that he could never stand and was later identified as a first-degree physical disability.

Mr. Li grew very tall, but at this time he could not stand up, let alone walk, which was a painful thing for him, not only that, even defecation, Mr. Li could not control.

When the grandmother talked about her son's illness, she was a little excited but helpless, after all, this matter was a matter of falling in anyone's house.

Either because he did not have a comprehensive sense of risk, or because he did not buy the right insurance, Mr. Li spent a large amount of money on treatment with his family after the accident and stayed in the hospital for 11 months.

The grandmother who loves her son will not hesitate to go door to door with a cheeky face to ask relatives and friends around her to borrow money, which is a sad thing for a person who has passed the age of flower armor.

Ben has reached retirement age, is supposed to enjoy the happiness or enjoy the joy of the age but for his son to run around to raise money for treatment, the grandson has not yet arrived, to go to the major hospitals to seek the best way to treat his son.

And saying that he would work with Mr. Li for a lifetime, the white-headed wife with the old man regretted it at this time and turned to leave.

According to the grandmother, the son's ex-wife took two-thirds of the money that the old man had borrowed hard, and the whole 200,000 bags were in the bag and turned away, leaving Mr. Li and his parents secretly sad.

People who really love you will show up in time and stay by your side when you need it most, while people who don't love you enough often run away when you need it most, because they love themselves more than they love you.

But fortunately, Mr. Li has parents who never abandon him, and his grandmother and grandfather ignite Mr. Li's hope for the future.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

Because a large sum of money was spent on treatment, Mr. Li lived with his parents in a house that was too simple to be simple, and even the walls were peeling off.

In the past 11 years, the grandmother has taken good care of Mr. Li, although there is no money in the family, but the grandmother always cleans Mr. Li who is paralyzed in bed, and there is no trace of sloppiness on his face, which shows that the grandmother really takes good care of her son.

But the most important thing for a family of three is to solve the problem of three meals a day, perhaps forced by the embarrassment of life, but also in the hope of giving their son some nutrition.

Grandma went down the street and kept looking at a mutton soup shop, she wanted to open her mouth but did not dare to open her mouth, she could only keep pacing.

Even when the boss asked the grandmother what she needed, the grandmother was humble but polite, probing with her hands and carefully asking the boss if she had any leftover mutton soup.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

In fact, the grandmother was very embarrassed to ask the boss for mutton soup, so she especially emphasized that it was the leftover mutton soup.

Although the grandmother is poor, she is also poor enough to have a backbone, and she can't ask for other people's things in vain.

She knew that the boss also opened the door to do business, and since she did not have extra money to buy each other's mutton soup, she was naturally embarrassed to ask people for fresh mutton soup, so she asked the other party if there was any leftover mutton soup.

From this subtle action, it can be seen that the grandmother is a kind person, presumably Mr. Li read Peking University, in addition to his own efforts, can not do without the grandmother's tutoring.

Grandma led by example to teach Mr. Lee to be a kind person and not to accept the favors of others in vain.

It's just that they don't want to bother people.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family


When the media interviewed the grandmother's son, Mr. Li, Mr. Li said that his mother was old and exaggerated. Mr. Li's mother's exaggerated remarks refer to the ex-wife's false claim that she took 200,000 yuan.

So whether the ex-wife really took away 200,000, only the parties know.

However, from this matter, it can be seen that Mr. Li does not blame his ex-wife, on the contrary, he still thinks about his ex-wife when he needs to be taken care of, and even clarifies "this matter" to the camera.

Now that Mr. Li and his ex-wife have divorced, and everyone is living a different life, it can be seen that Mr. Li is very afraid of disturbing his wife's current life.

The grandmother really educated a very good son, not only a bully, but also a person who knows how to think about others.

As the saying goes, if you don't teach, it's the fault of the father.

In terms of parenting and education, the grandmother couple really did a very good job.

Although Mr. Li lay in bed all day and could not move his legs, he did not give up on himself because of this.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

Someone came to visit their family, and Mr. Li kept thanking each other.

The owner of the mutton soup shop knows that the grandmother's family is in difficulty, and puts its incident on the Internet, so there are many well-meaning people who want to help the grandmother, some give materials, some give financial assistance, and more children take the initiative to take out 3,000 yuan of pressure money to donate to the grandmother's family.

It is said that the donation has reached more than 200,000 yuan, and the money has been credited to the grandmother's account.

Before that, the grandmother often relied on scrap to support the family outside, and now with such a large amount of money, at least life will not be so poor.

Whether it is Mr. Li or the grandmother are very grateful for everyone's help to themselves, the grandmother can not repay, in the face of the enthusiastic help of many people, despite the torture of their old knee pain, with their hands to support the threshold, to the lamb shop owner and other people who came to help kneel thank you.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

An old man in his 70s knelt down to thank this move, in fact, many people who have been favored may not be able to do it, but the grandmother even endures knee pain to do it, which makes the people present moved and rushed to help the grandmother.

For Mr. Li's encounter, many people feel sorry, a proud son of heaven, an accident, let him fall from heaven to the bottom, let him lose his mobility, but also lose his job, lose the ability to earn money.

He graduated from Peking University, and after accidental paralysis, his wife turned away, and his elderly mother picked up scraps to support the family

In the face of the paralyzed son, the grandmother has always been inseparable from him, preferring to suffer herself and hold on.

Everything is based on the son first, nourishing him, wiping his body and cleaning his skin.

The grandmother explained to us what it means to raise a child for a hundred years and worry about ninety-nine.

It's just that now that the grandmother is more than 70 years old and Mr. Li is 46 years old, I don't know how many years the grandmother's physical condition can continue to serve her son?

Although Mr. Li is paralyzed in a high position and cannot stand, his mind is clear and his hands can still move, after all, he is also a high-quality talent graduated from Peking University, can he be given a chance to have the ability to reintegrate into society?

In this way, even if the grandmother is getting older and more inconvenient to take care of Mr. Li in the future, Mr. Li can still hire a nanny to take care of himself and live a more stable life by making money for himself.