
The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

author:Shi Kokonno

Do you know the Amazon Cat people tribe?

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

They dressed themselves with jaguar beards, "purified" with animal venom, inspired the bestiality of their people, and still lived the most primitive hunting life.

Cat-Man tribe

Located deep in the Amazon jungle, the Catman tribe is known for its ferocity and brutality, but little information is recorded.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

In order to demystify the cat people tribe, the Chinese boy Mengye came to Peru and found a local as a guide.

Led by a guide, Yumeno took a seaplane and a wooden boat, and after several turns, finally met the legendary "cat man".

But to his surprise, the "cat man" was not what he imagined. The "cat people" no longer cover their bodies with plants, but wear modern clothing.

But they believe in the law of the jungle and still maintain the most primitive way of hunting. When hunting, they would draw totems on their faces, insert beards, and dress up as "cat people".

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

Women have holes in their noses and chins, big and small, like the earring holes we hit. They dipped the jaguar whiskers in saliva to increase lubrication, and then interspersed them on either side of the nose, with thick bamboo skewers on their chins.

The adult males of the tribe are along the lips, cheeks, and painted with jaguar tattoos all over the body.

They believe that dressing up as a "cat man" will gain the power of jaguars, which will greatly stimulate their potential and act as a deterrent to prey when hunting.

If this outfit can stimulate their spiritual power to a certain extent, then the "purification ceremony" in the tribe will fully stimulate their animal nature.

Poison juice immersion ritual

In the Catman tribe, every adult male must undergo a highly toxic "purification ritual.". It's about getting people born back from death and gaining a new, powerful body.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

The white dot mark on the "cat man" is the sign of rebirth, and the more white dots there are, the greater the pain experienced, but the stronger the animalistic nature that is stimulated.

So what kind of venom can have such power?

To achieve such an effect, the venom of ordinary animals is absolutely not OK, and it is necessary to use the highly poisonous tree frog unique to the Amazon.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

This tree frog is green throughout, also known locally as Akkad, and lives in trees and blends in with its surroundings.

When preying or being threatened, it releases venom from the skin. Birds and beasts will die in half an hour as soon as they come into contact with venom.

Since it can't be touched, how does the "cat man" take out the venom?

Because tree frogs are infested at seven or eight o'clock at night, attracting the opposite sex through their calls, the "cat people" generally choose to catch them at night and judge the position of the tree frogs according to their calls.

The "cat people" were agile, and with a few efforts, they climbed the tree, and listened to the sound of the tree frog by the light of the flashlight.

Whichever tree frog jumps on, they cut off which leaf they have until the tree frog falls to the ground with the leaves.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

In order not to touch the tree frog and get the venom, the "cat people" would hit four small wooden stakes with ropes on the ground with wooden sticks, and then tie the ropes into a live buckle shape, and find the right time to tie the four feet of the tree frog to the four wooden stakes.

As soon as one leg was tied, the white venom from the tree frog began to seep out in large areas, and as the tree frog struggled, more and more venom oozed out.

Finally, when all four feet were fixed to the stake, the tree frog could no longer move. At this time, the mage in the tribe will rub the wood chips on the tree frog to get the venom, and then release it after completion.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

Today, the person who is going to participate in the "purification" ceremony is Yumeno's guide, who admires his courage and worries about him at the same time.

To know that the venom of the tree frog is highly poisonous, and the high poison injected into the body is tantamount to suicide.

According to the older people in the tribe, when the venom enters the body, the person will be in a coma for 2 hours.

This period of time is the time for the human body to recharge its energy, and when they wake up, they will gain more strength, have a strong life and superb hunting ability, and thus obtain a new rebirth.

Perhaps knowing what he would face next, the guide calmly arranged the things after the coma. But in Yumeno's view, it was as if he was explaining the aftermath.

When you're ready, the "purification ceremony" begins.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

I saw the mage holding a sharp red wooden stick and stabbing down the guide's arm, accompanied by a "zi" sound, a burst of white smoke rose, and the guide's arm left a bright red hole mark.

Following this step, the mage stabbed a total of four points in the guide's arm.

Each time, the guide was in pain and clenched his teeth tightly. Then the mage immediately poured the white venom from the wood chips into the guide's bare red hole.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

After 3 minutes of the "cleansing" ceremony, the guide's consciousness is still awake, but symptoms of headache, nausea, and weakness in the limbs have already occurred.

After 15 minutes, he began to sweat all over his body and vomited incessantly.

The elders of the tribe said that these were normal circumstances, and that only by removing the filth from the body would one attain a pure soul.

After 20 minutes, the guide was accompanied by nausea, headaches, and a gradual blur of consciousness, and then he instinctively fell down and fell into a coma.

After 2 hours, Yumeno thought that the guide would wake up as the old man said, but the guide was still in a severe coma.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

After another hour, the guide still showed no signs of waking up, he was covered in sweat and his face was unusually painful.

Unable to communicate with the people in the tribe and not knowing what the situation was like for the guide, he could only ask to take the guide to the nearest hospital outside the tribe.

There were no street lights, no starlight, and the Amazon under the night looked more mysterious and dangerous, but at this time, Yumeno could not care less about fear, and he rowed hard, hoping to get the guide to be treated as soon as possible.

The Chinese guys filmed the Amazon cat-man tribe, and they injected poison into their bodies to stimulate human bestiality

But what I didn't expect was that when it was just dark, the guide woke up and was able to communicate clearly with Yumeno. He told Yumeno that he had a long dream in which he was dueling with a jaguar.

Seeing that the guide was safe and sound, Yumeno's hanging heart finally let go.

He could not explain why the human body could be reborn after being severely poisoned, but he knew that this way could purify the body and soul of the "cat man" and thus obtain a pure body and wild power.

Perhaps every nation, every tribe has its own way of survival, we can not comment on its good and bad, only to respect.

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