
"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

author:Tea side
"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Recently, "Dream Hualu" was a hit.

"Immortal Sister" Liu Yifei's beautiful tea art performance made many friends shout directly: "DNA has moved!" ”

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Photo: "Dream Hualu"

In fact, not only "Dream Hualu", in the earlier play "Do you know if it should be green fat red skinny", there have also been many tea scenes.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Photo/ "Do you know if it should be green fat red skinny"

Ordering tea was a mainstream tea drinking method in the Song Dynasty, and it was also an important part of the aesthetics of the Great Song Dynasty. Many friends want to learn to order tea, may wish to first learn from the tea it uses - the end (matcha) tea.

In this issue, let's walk into the world of matcha together

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

A touch of green for a thousand years

Matcha, originated in China


— Made In China —

Matcha, from China.

It's just that earlier, she had another name, Cha cha.

In the history of Tea Drinking in China, the last tea has long been the mainstream of the history of tea drinking in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and it is a well-deserved C player.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

In fact, as early as the Western Jin Dynasty, Du Yu's "Jing Fu" described the scene after the brewing of the last tea: "The foam sinks and floats, and the essence of the tea leaves sinks and the essence floats up, bright as snow, and the luster is as fresh and lovely as the flowers and trees that are thriving in spring.

In the Tang Dynasty, Lu Tong wrote in "Walking Pen Xie Meng's Advice to Send New Tea" that "the blue clouds blow constantly, and the white flowers float and condense the bowl noodles", praising the beauty of the last tea.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

In the Song Dynasty, the culture of late tea flourished unprecedentedly.

Zhao Tuo's "Treatise on Daguan Tea" records the production method of the last tea:

Fresh leaves are picked at dawn before the sun comes out, and after suitable steaming, they are ground into semi-solid tea paste, pressed into shape, and then roasted and dehydrated and stored to make "slice tea". Before formal drinking, after "luo mill" (grinding will be force and speed, do not want to last), quickly milled into the end of the tea, and then through the Luo sieving.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

The Old Man of Trial An "Tea Set Tuzan" "Mr. Twelve"

After the sieve, the milled tea can enter the punching point. The "Great View of Tea" details the punching technique:

Holding the tea spoon, "hand light and heavy", pay attention to the strength between the wrists and fingers, and stir the tea soup quickly and rhythmically until the white tea foam appears, reaching the point of "milk mist surging up, overflowing and rising, circling and not moving".

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Photo: "Dream Hualu"

From the production of the last tea, the order of tea to the pursuit of soup flowers, the construction of the end of the tea from life drinking to cultural aesthetics of the pluralistic attributes, set off the Song Dynasty from the common people to the emperors and scholars all love the end of the tea.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Zhao Tuo (Biography) "Wenhui Tu"

Cai Xiang's "Tea Record" records that every early spring, tea fighters are endless, and people compete for tea and are not busy.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Qian Xuan", "Tea Tasting Chart"

"Banknote tea a money dagger, first inject the soup to make it extremely even, and then add the injection ring back to blow back", with the soup color "bright white" and the soup flower "with no water marks" as the best.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Photo: "Dream Hualu"

Tea Hundred Plays: Also known as "Water Danqing" and "Tea Pointing", a technique that uses a paste tea as raw material to inject water through a soup bottle or add water with a teaspoon to make the tea soup magical pattern.

In the Ming Dynasty, with Zhu Yuanzhang's "dismantling of the group and dispersing", the glory of the last tea ordered by the Tang And Song Dynasties quietly passed away, and the brewing method gradually became the mainstream brewing method and continued to this day.

But fortunately, the treasure of this tea continues to be preserved on the other side of the sea.

In the twelfth century AD, the Japanese monk Zen master Rongxi spread tea culture to Japan; In the thirteenth century, Nanpu Shaoming came to Hangzhou Jingshan Temple to learn the tea ceremony "Jingshan Tea Feast", which caused a boom among the upper class after being transmitted back to Japan; By the 16th century, the tea master Senritsu had inherited the ancient and new ways to form a new drinking style for the end of tea, laying the foundation of the Japanese tea ceremony.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Nampo Shomei

In modern times, when the last tea reappeared in the world through Japan, it also had its new name, matcha. But regardless of the name, matcha originated in China is an indisputable fact.

At the end of the 20th century, China introduced the production technology of milled tea from Japan, and matcha culture returned to the mainland.

Among them, in 1985, Zhejiang Tea Group and Japan Sanming Co., Ltd. founded Zhejiang Sanming Tea Industry Co., Ltd., China's first joint venture in the field of tea in Yuhang, creating a prelude to the return of the steamed green tea process.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?
"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

In 2017, Zhejiang Tea Group built the Jiuyu Organic Tea Expo Garden of Zhejiang Tea Group at the foot of Jingshan Mountain, restoring and reproducing the scene of the tea banquet at the end of the Song Dynasty.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Aerial view of Zhejiang Tea Group Jiuyu Organic Tea Expo Garden

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Organic demonstration tea garden in Austria, China

In 2018, the matcha national standard GB/T 34778-2017 "Matcha" led by Zhejiang Tea Group was officially promulgated, making the development of matcha have rules to follow and further helping the development of the industry.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

In 2019, Yu Hang was awarded the "Source of Chinese Matcha" by the China International Tea Culture Research Association, and Zhejiang Tea Group was awarded the "China End (Matcha) Tea Research Institute".

Today, matcha cultivation and production in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Guizhou and other places are booming, and matcha that has returned to its homeland is undergoing metamorphosis, telling the chinese story to the world with a new attitude.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Fresh green fragrance Fresh and pure flavor

A lamp into the cup of spring


Drink matcha tea, both hot and cold.

Hot matcha tea, the taste is fresh and pure, the taste is delicate, light green gas around the tip of the tongue, as if in the first clear grass after the rain, feel the natural breath and the power of vitality

Cold matcha tea tastes fresh, and can also be paired with milk, fresh fruits, etc. for a variety of diy matches, a touch of fresh taste, and feel the natural color in the background color of spring

Hot foam

Water temperature and tea-to-water ratio: The tea-to-water ratio is generally 1:100, and the water temperature is about 80 °C.

Tea ordering method: the cup and the tea basket together with hot water warm, take 1g of matcha into the cup, take 100m hot water, and then add water several times, according to the "W" shape point brush, forming a delicate and rich foam.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Hot foaming method

Technique points: when holding the tea spoon, the five fingers are straight, the four fingers except the thumb are together, and the front is curved to press the handle, the thumb grasps the handle in the back, the wrist and the arm are 90 ° rapid brushing, the faster the speed, the more uniform the frequency, the more delicate the tea foam.

When pointing and brushing, the tea reed hangs in the middle of the tea soup, do not stick to the bottom of the bowl, and control the strength to avoid damaging the tea reed.

Cold soaking

The tea-to-water ratio is generally about 1:200-350ml, which can be determined according to personal preferences.

Matcha is placed in a cup, poured into cold water, shaken and drunk, thanks to the micron-sized particle size, the whole process takes only a few seconds.

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Cold soaking method

"Tea Side Focus Jiuyu Organic Matcha" What tea is used in the "Dream Hualu" to burst the beauty tea art?

Zhejiang tea Jiuyu - national standard first-class matcha

Independent small strips easy to carry, support lock fresh for 9 seconds to enjoy

Whether it is "ordering tea", "dividing tea (tea hundred plays)" and modern "cold brewing", drinking methods have diversified characteristics, but there is no doubt that good matcha quality is the material basis of the tea drinking experience

In order to make a good cup of matcha, Jiuyu strictly follows the shade coverage, promotes the formation of a unique tea garden microclimate, adopts a 100,000-level clean workshop, ultra-micro continuous ball mill cooling circulation system, ensures low temperature milling, locks in fresh taste and beneficial substances, and reduces the loss of nutrients

The process is complex and demanding

But it was okay, we did

Based on the cultural genes of the origin of matcha

Intentions, do a good job of Chinese matcha

(Source: Jiuyu Organic)