
What to do? Blizzard holds an event: Fan tattoos can qualify for the Diablo 4 test

What to do? Blizzard holds an event: Fan tattoos can qualify for the Diablo 4 test

Since Blizzard was acquired by Microsoft, Blizzard finally has a new action in the game update, OW2 was launched, the Dark Mobile Game was also tested, and the Dark 4 also accelerated the progress, but I did not expect that Blizzard has recently made a riot operation, which is really too outrageous.

According to 3DM news, recently, Blizzard launched the "Diablo Hell Ink Seal (Diablo HellsInk)" campaign in many cities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and Australia, fans participate in the activity, tattooed with dark theme tattoos, you can get the early entry into The Dark 4 qualification.

What to do? Blizzard holds an event: Fan tattoos can qualify for the Diablo 4 test

Fans will receive a card after tattooing, including an invitation to the Diablo 4 beta test, and Blizzard will also give away a digital version of the game after the game is released, that is, give you a tattoo, and send you a game.

What to do? Blizzard holds an event: Fan tattoos can qualify for the Diablo 4 test

Of course, there must be fans who are willing to do this, and some of their own tattoos are originally more, one more is not much, then it is natural.

What to do? Blizzard holds an event: Fan tattoos can qualify for the Diablo 4 test

However, tattoos are also quite time-consuming, and if you don't like it, you have to spend money to wash them yourself, which is also very troublesome.

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