
How hard is it to sink an aircraft carrier? 6 Vietnamese agents, plus a few Chinese mines

author:A treasure trove of history

Aircraft carriers are the largest and most complex weapons ever built by mankind, the absolute masters of the seas, and the United States defeated Japanese fascists with more than a hundred aircraft carriers during World War II. After World War II, the United States, with its absolute leading aircraft carriers in quantity and quality, flaunted its might on the world's oceans.

Of course, sinking an aircraft carrier is not impossible, and dozens of aircraft carriers were sunk in World War II, and aerial bombs dropped by aircraft, large-caliber guns of battleships, and torpedoes fired by submarines can all be done. After World War II, the aircraft carrier became larger and more powerful, and it was naturally more and more difficult to sink it.

How hard is it to sink an aircraft carrier? 6 Vietnamese agents, plus a few Chinese mines

In May 1964, the U.S. Navy's USS Kader set a new record for the first aircraft carrier to be sunk by an enemy after World War II. The weapons used by the enemy are not deadly torpedoes and shells, but only a few portable mines.

The "Kader" is one of the light aircraft carriers rebuilt by the United States in World War II, with a displacement of more than 15,000 tons, originally a cargo ship, can carry 28 fighter jets, mainly used to protect the merchant fleet from enemy submarines, so it is also known as an escort aircraft carrier.

How hard is it to sink an aircraft carrier? 6 Vietnamese agents, plus a few Chinese mines

During the Vietnam War in 1964, the Kad was no longer on combat missions, and this trip to Saigon was actually an old business, transporting a batch of fighter jets and combat materials. When the Kad had just entered Saigon Harbor, it was targeted by North Vietnamese special forces.

The defense of Saigon Port is very loose, civilian ships surround the American warships, although they can not get close at will, but it is difficult to stop the elite frogmen.

How hard is it to sink an aircraft carrier? 6 Vietnamese agents, plus a few Chinese mines

First of all, the North Vietnamese special agents first sent female agents disguised as fishermen, driving small boats as close as possible to the "Kad" during the day, reconnaissance of the key parts of the aircraft carrier and the defense of the US troops on the ship, and found that the ship's guard was very lax, and it should be possible to approach from the underwater.

On the evening of 1 May, six North Vietnamese agents, aided by Naying, mixed into the port and then approached the Kad on a small sampan. At a distance of 2,000 meters, agents in wetsuits sneaked into the water and swam into three groups to swim towards the target.

How hard is it to sink an aircraft carrier? 6 Vietnamese agents, plus a few Chinese mines

The American soldiers on the ship did not expect that someone would dare to move the ground on the head of the tai nian, without any vigilance. The three groups of North Vietnamese agents very smoothly placed the timed magnetic water mine in the underwater part of the Kad, and as long as a hole was blown, a large amount of seawater was poured into it.

It is worth mentioning that the mines used by Vietnamese agents were aided by China and the Soviet Union, and Chinese weapons once again made the Americans suffer. However, mines that can be carried by humans will certainly not be very large, and even if they are filled with high-energy explosives, the combined power of all mines is equivalent to 80 kg of TNT explosives, which is not as good as a small torpedo.

How hard is it to sink an aircraft carrier? 6 Vietnamese agents, plus a few Chinese mines

The mines were obviously of good quality, and not only did they detonate on time, but they also blew out a large hole 8 meters long and 1.2 meters wide, and the sea rushed in, and after only an hour, the ship seriously capsized, and sank to the bottom of the sea along with dozens of aircraft and combat materials on board. North Vietnamese agents added Chinese mines and buried the indomitable American aircraft carrier.

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