
How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

author:Cool I'm more nutritious

Last weekend, I was walking my baby in the community and met many parents who brought their children out to play. One mother was very upset: "My sons are two years old, and they still can't go to the toilet by themselves, so what if they go to kindergarten?" ”

Another grandmother also began to complain: "This is nothing, my grandson is more than three years old, and he still has to urinate on the, and my old waist is almost exhausted." ”

How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

In fact, in the matter of the baby going to the toilet, every family is different, and we do not need to blindly follow the trend and compare. In addition, putting to urinate will hurt the baby's physical and mental health, it is recommended that parents go with the flow and find the right time to gradually do toilet training for the baby.

First, a small signal of toilet training

In general, babies are around one and a half to two years old, which is the best age to receive toilet training. However, each baby's development is different, the ability to receive is also different, and the time of toilet training will also be slightly different. Therefore, parents should observe the baby more and judge whether they can start toilet training through the baby's 5 "small signals".

1, walking, running, sitting are very stable

Only in this case can the baby successfully run to the toilet and sit firmly on the toilet to complete the urination. If you are training your baby to defecate, you also need your baby to be able to sit quietly for more than 5 minutes.

2. Have a sense of defecation and urination

Babies can use expressions, postures, and language to express their desire to defecate, such as "shhh" or pointing at their butts.

How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

3. The bladder has a certain degree of control ability

If your baby's diapers are dry for at least 2 hours during the day, it means that your baby's bladder sphincter is in control.

4, can understand simple instructions, do simple actions

When your baby wants to defecate, he can take off his pants himself or at the instructions of an adult. As long as the baby can take off the pants, it is up to standard, even if it is not standard.

5. Do not exclude the use of toilets

If the baby is not willing to use or does not like the toilet, parents can first show the baby pictures, guide the baby to know and familiarize themselves, or choose his favorite toilet for the baby.

2. Preparations for toilet training

Even if the baby has the above "signal", toilet training is not to say that the beginning begins, parents must first do 3 preparations.

1. Prepare a suitable toilet for babies

The baby's small size, small ass, adult toilet is not used, so we should choose the baby's special toilet, do not bring music or flash and other functions, so as not to let the child use the toilet as a toy, so as to lose the meaning of toilet training.

How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

Some parents do not want to buy another toilet, but also can put a children's toilet ring on the original toilet at home. Before choosing, there are several principles to follow: firm, lightweight, easy to clean, baby likes, especially "baby like" is very important.

2. Choose pants that are easy to put on and take off

When your baby first starts practicing going to the toilet, it is very important to put on and take off your pants. If it is inconvenient to wear and take off, it will cause a great psychological burden to the baby, and it will also make him feel that it is not as convenient as wearing diapers, so it will hate toilet training even more.

3. Choose a picture book to train your baby to go to the toilet

The form of the picture book is more intuitive, and the colorful picture book with interesting story can also make the child more interested in toilet training.

How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

Third, how to carry out toilet training

When everything is ready, parents can follow the following 8 steps to train their children to go to the toilet.

1. Let the child know the signs of the toilet place

For example: boys should enter the men's toilet, girls should enter the women's toilet, what is the logo of the men's and women's toilet, find a toilet at home, etc., so that the child knows where to go to solve his own toilet when he is in different occasions.

2. Introduce the toilet infrastructure to the baby

This is to help your baby become familiar with the facilities and operations related to excretion. For example: tell the baby that dirty tissues should be thrown into the trash can, and the excrement on the diaper should be thrown into the toilet, etc.; Hold your baby's hand and ask him to try pressing the flush button.

3. Take the baby to sit on the small toilet at regular intervals every day

This is to make the baby familiar with the toilet, and it is not necessary for the baby to defecate. One thing to note is that the time to let the baby sit on the toilet for more than 10 minutes each time, to avoid prolapse because the baby's sphincter development is not particularly mature.

How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

4. Parents personally demonstrate

Children learn from imitation, especially like to imitate the practices of adults, if done well, the baby will feel that they are very powerful.

Due to the different physiological structures of boys and girls, it also determines that the way they train in the toilet is different. If the home is a baby girl, the mother can teach her how to sit on the toilet and how to wipe the fart, the correct way is to wipe it from the back of the trip; If the family is a baby boy, Dad can teach him to sit on the toilet and "aim" at the potty to urinate. In addition to sitting and standing, parents also need to let their baby learn to squat to pee or defecate.

5. Grasp the child's approximate toilet time

Parents usually observe more actions when children want to go to the toilet, such as: the body twists and turns, the mouth makes a humming sound, the small face is red, and the body has a feeling of strength; You can also ask your child if he wants to pee or poop, and if the baby says he wants to go to the toilet, take the child with him in time. Be careful not to frequently ask your child if he wants to go to the toilet, which will cause him to be bored.

6, more praise, not scolding

After each successful use of the toilet, parents should praise the baby more and help the baby build confidence and satisfaction in going to the toilet independently. If the baby still accidentally pees his pants, parents should not scold the baby, and do not let the baby wear wet pants as punishment, which will cause more frustration to the baby and make him more resistant to the toilet.

How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

7. Let the baby start wearing small panties

When the toilet training has some success, the baby can wear small underwear. If the baby pees in the pants at night, the buttocks will not be as dry as during the day, which will make the baby experience the difference between comfort and discomfort, and then want to learn to go to the toilet.

8. Let the baby go to the toilet independently

When the baby reaches a certain age, the parent can let him try to go to the toilet on his own. Including: find a toilet by yourself, take off your pants, wipe your ass, wear pants, flush and a whole set of processes, so that your baby can better control himself and not pee in his pants because of anxiety and nervousness.

How to do baby toilet training? 5 signals, 8 points, easy to get

For babies, many actions are just procedural memories, and only by constantly strengthening can the final effect be achieved. Moreover, each baby's acceptance of toilet training is different, and parents must not be in a hurry, otherwise it is likely to cause the baby's resistance and disgust to excretion. We should actively and patiently guide the baby to the toilet correctly, and provide timely encouragement and help, so as to help the baby develop regular excretion habits.

Finally, parents are reminded not to try to wear crotch pants for children conveniently, which is not only not conducive to the smooth progress of children's toilet training, but also causes bacterial infections, which also has an impact on the establishment of children's privacy.