
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

author:Trendy beauty

Have you watched the recent officially announced new drama "Star Han Brilliant"? I do not allow there are sisters who do not know Wu Lei Zhao Lusi this pair cp! Revenge Mad Critic Major General X "Black Lotus" Little Lady, don't be too nice

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Especially Wu Lei's one-handed hug, almost hugged to my heart, Wu Lu can escape yyds!!

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Even the tidbits of two people were unexpectedly bumpy

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

After watching this drama throughout the whole process, in addition to fiercely getting the CP sense of the two people, the biggest feeling is that Zhao Lusi's skin is now getting better

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Compared with her previous stills, it is not much better, and now even the plain face state is absolutely perfect

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

And the whole body is milky white, and I am completely envious! After all, who doesn't want to wear small suspenders and skirts in the summer to beautifully show their smooth skin

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

However, there are always some stumbling blocks on the way to beauty, what joints are black, back acne, chicken skin... So today is a whole summer skin beauty tips teaching, sisters come and try it~

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Chicken skin, scientific name is "peri-hair keratosis". It is because the matter around the hair follicle is blocked, and the reddish bumps are formed, just like the skin of a chicken. Usually appears on the outside of the upper arms, large and small legs, back, and cheeks

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Moreover, chicken skin is a genetic disease, so it is impossible to completely cure it, only to improve. The main idea is: exfoliation + keep it moist.

If it is not serious, the sisters can regularly use scrub, combined with salicylic acid, fruit acid and other peeling body lotions can basically solve the problem!

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Sisters with more serious chicken skin can also directly brush the body with acid, wipe it with salicylate cotton tablets or acid essence, and then wipe the body lotion.

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

1. Acids are irritating, the first time you can start with a small area, low concentration, and then slowly build up tolerance!

2. After brushing the body with acid, be sure to do a good job of sun protection, otherwise it is easy to tan!

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

If you are a back (including the front chest) who loves acne, do not rush to blindly fight acne. First of all, kang kang himself is what type of acne

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

If your acne is the kind of acne that squeezes out white/yellow grease particles, it is the acne caused by the oil blockage. All we have to do is control the oil and maintain a dry environment.

Sisters can usually use sulfur soap for cleaning, and those who do not like soap can also use shower gel

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Or a shower gel rich in salicylic acid and fruit acid, leave it for 3 minutes and then wash it off. Be careful not to use scrub, bath towels, etc. on the back of the acne

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Note that after taking a bath, be sure to dry it in time to maintain a dry environment, and then apply some acid body lotion. Sisters who are more serious can also use tretinoin cream to apply to acne, and if it is a black acne mark, use azelaic acid.

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

If you have acne caused by Malassezia folliculitis, you can go to the pharmacy and buy selenium disulfide or ketoconazole lotion. However, the use of selenium disulfide lotion is not very good, more recommended ketoconazole lotion, pay attention to be sure to look for Xi'an Jansen Cele this brand, cottage of the super!!

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Sisters pay attention when using:

After full wetting, you can use a bath brush to spread it, stay for 3 minutes and then wash it off, let the drug penetrate into the hair follicles, and don't wash it too clean when rinsing

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

It is estimated that in 2 to 3 weeks you will see a significant change

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Some of the sisters themselves have very white skin, but the joints are black as if they have not been washed. This is due to pigmentation caused by clothing friction + keratin accumulation

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Image source ID: Lane Hall Xiaosheng

The solution is also simple: first soften the exfoliation with a hot towel and scrub, which can be done at the same time as the bath. Then apply a thick layer of retinoin cream and wrap it in plastic wrap

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Wait for 10 minutes to wash off and apply another layer of body lotion, and then you can say goodbye to the black joints

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...
Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Troublesome sisters, you can also use retinoin cream + urea cream 1:1 mix, before bedtime to apply to the blackened area, 2 to 3 times a week can be.

1. Tretinoin will be inactivated by light, it is recommended that sisters use it at night, and do a good job of sun protection during the day;

2. Tretinoin is not suitable for dermatitis, eczema, pregnant women and lactation

3. Tretinoin + urea cream is also very effective against chicken skin~

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

When a person's body shape changes greatly in a short period of time, if the skin elasticity cannot keep up, the skin fibers are easily broken and lines appear. For example, sudden weight gain, sudden loss, puberty jumping tall, etc.!

The initial purple red, time will turn white

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

Moreover, the fat streak is the damage that occurs in the dermis layer, and this thing is irreversible once it grows. Any applicator on the surface of the skin on the market is useless

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

If you want to improve it, you can only do it through medical beauty, such as dye laser, thermogi, photon rejuvenation and so on.

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

However, we can think differently – whitening. If the skin around you is as white as the fat lines, you won't be able to see it!

In fact, what we should do more is prevention, reasonable control of their weight changes, do not lose weight or fat. Usually, you can also exercise + apply body lotion to increase skin elasticity!

Wu Lei Zhao Lusi's new drama "Official Announcement" Sister-Brother Love? But how her face quietly changed...

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