
Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

author:The king of fists

Junying has a word: The clouds of the thousands of miles, the twilight snow of a thousand mountains, only the shadow goes to whom? Hengfen Road, lonely drums, desolate smoke is still flat. - "Touching the Fish and The Words of the Wild Goose Hill"

What is love, there are always people who think that love is very simple, that is, two people are simply together, that is, when they see a person, they feel liked in their hearts, that is love. In fact, love is not like this.

It is more like a feeling, a sustenance of the heart, and a responsibility. Some people think that "they don't care about the longevity of the day, only care about what they once had", and some people can not marry (marry) for life for love, guarding the white moonlight in their hearts.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

It is worth mentioning that there is a person in Iran, but he has not bathed for 60 years for love, so that his body is like wearing armor, which is also written into the Guinness Book of Records. So, who is this person? What kind of story he has, let's talk about it today.

Iranian lad Haji

The three words "Guinness" were originally just the name of a brewery, but after 1955, they became the most comprehensive list in the world. After its advent, it collected the best, worst, most beautiful, and strangest things in the world, and included many unimaginable things.

There was a young man in Iran named Haji who made a living begging and smoked a lot of cigarettes every day. Of course, one of his most distinctive things is that he has not bathed for 60 years, and Guinness officials know about this matter and interview him.

Later, Haji became the Guinness Book of Records holder for "the dirtiest man in the world", which was incredible. Through Guinness's understanding, they learned haji's story and were also impressed by his approach.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

In 1937, Haji was born in a small village in southern Iran. At that time, although the whole world was fighting, Haji's hometown was relatively peaceful because of its remote location.

In such a calm environment, Haji grew up slowly, and his childhood was stable and fulfilling. Just as the so-called male big is married to the big girl, 18 years have passed in a hurry, and Haji has also become a teenager, reaching the age when it is time to get married.

However, Haji's family is not rich, and his appearance is not particularly outstanding, so very few girls look at him, and there are few matchmakers who go to his home, and his parents look at him and are anxious in their hearts.

As the old saying goes, "Good things grind a lot," and around the age of 20, Haji ushered in the other half of his life, his future wife. It is said that the girl is the wife of Haji's neighboring village, and the two have known each other for a long time, which can be regarded as a long-term love and mutual love.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

In this way, after meeting their parents, the two parties are more optimistic about this marriage. Soon, Haji and the girl from the neighboring village got married, because they had a certain emotional foundation before, and the two were relatively happy after marriage.

Haji loves his wife very much, and the girl also likes this neighboring boy, they live a happy life of male and female weavers every day, and they are also blessed by the people around them, and if there is no accident, they will be together for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, people have sorrows and joys, the moon has clouds and sunshine, and God seems not to want Haji and his wife to be happy, and finally made a terrible joke for the two of them, and the happy life left them.

Haji has lost his beloved wife and lost his purpose in life

After Haji lived with his wife for about 2 years, his wife fell ill with a serious illness, and because of the poor medical conditions in the local area, her illness has not been cured. In this way, in Haji's weeping and weeping, his wife died.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

For a time, Haji's life fell into a deep darkness, he has been immersed in the short and beautiful memories of his wife earlier, unable to extricate himself, lost himself, and life has lost its purpose and color.

At that time, Haji did not want to see anyone, and he spent the whole day thinking about tea and curled up in bed. After his parents saw it, although they exonerated him, Haji did not change anything, it seems that as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the scene of his wife's death.

He couldn't let go of his obsession with his wife, and he couldn't get out of this obsession with love, which made him miserable. Over time, the people around him became accustomed to Haji's behavior, and only Haji was still in pain.

In order to alleviate this pain, Haji learned to smoke, sometimes one after another, and he seemed to want to find a trace of spiritual sustenance in the smoke, but also wanted to numb himself in the smoke and forget the pain of losing his wife.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

As Haji's parents, they are anxious in their eyes! Haji didn't want his parents to worry anymore, and he wanted to go out for a walk, so he left his home silently and began a new journey.

Haji's new journey in life

Originally, Haji's spirit was not too good, and now he lacks the enlightenment of his family, and his heart is even more empty. As a result, he could only increase the frequency of smoking, and when there was no tobacco leaf, he replaced it with animal feces (animal feces were put into the pipe).

His life is also very simple, every day in other people's leftovers to find food, river water, rain can be used to quench thirst. It can be said that Haji completely lived the life of a tramp, until one day, Haji's life appeared a little bright again.

One day, Haji smoked as usual, but in his smoking he smelled a different smell, which belonged to his wife. Haji hurriedly searched, and finally found clues on his body, which made him ecstatic.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

In order to preserve the smell of his wife and the only memory that his wife left for him, Haji decided not to bathe again. At first, people who knew the inside story were very touched by Haji's persistence and thought that he was a very dedicated man.

However, as time went on, haji's body became more and more dirty, and even emitted a very strong sour smell. Some villagers advised Haji to take a bath, but Haji was reluctant to do so, even if he passed by the creek and walked on a rainy day.

It is conceivable that over time, Haji's body will be dirty and smelly, and the people around him will begin to turn away from him and discriminate against him. In fact, from a certain point of view, the smell of the wife has long ceased to exist, or it has long been covered by the sour smell of Haji's body.

However, Haji was immersed in self-hypnosis and could not extricate himself. He turned a blind eye to all the foreign discrimination, and sometimes even frantically sniffed the residual breath of his wife with his nose to numb himself and comfort himself.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

A hurried 60 years have passed, and Haji has also lived in a non-bathing environment for 60 years. So, what does Haji look like 60 years later? The answer has shocked a lot of people.

The Guinness Book of "Armor" old man Haji

After 60 years of accumulation, Haji's body has long been replaced by layers of dirt, and only he himself is still immersed in the "breath of his wife". It is reported that the dirt on the surface of Haji's skin, like thick armor, is firmly "stuck" to his body.

Haji's hands were even more terrifying, the dirt-filled black mud and crumpled skin that made people look terrified. It can be said that the whole world can no longer find an old man who is dirtier than Haji.

The children of his village also gave him an interesting nickname, that is, "the old man in armor all year round", which shows how sloppy Haji is. Interestingly, you say that Haji is sloppy, and his various behaviors seem to refute this statement.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

For example, Haji has a broken car mirror in his hand, which he accidentally obtained, but has been treasured for many years, and every day he will look at the mirror to tidy up his grooming.

At the same time, whenever he found that his hair and clothes were messy, he would tidy up. From time to time, he would also trim his hair, as if he were a person who was dressing up unexpectedly.

However, the way is relatively rough, he will generally burn it with a small flame, and the more elegant way is to cut it with a sharp stone to keep the hairstyle clean.

Such behavior is incompatible with his "armor", how to explain Haji's two diametrically opposed acts (dirty and caring for appearance)? Perhaps it is more appropriate to use a poem by Tang Bohu: "Others laugh at me for being too crazy, and I laugh at others who can't see through ..."

In general, only people who have experienced the same love can understand Haji's inner thoughts! After the time entered the 21st century, the media continued to develop, and Haji's story was also known to more and more people, and the Guinness official was naturally in this ranks.

Before that, the person in the world who did not bathe and had the longest interval was a man named Singh in India, who lasted for up to 38 years. However, when the news of Haji's 60 years of not bathing was officially known to Guinness, they went to interview him, the year 2014.

Iranian man Haji, for his wife 60 years did not bathe, why? Haji: I want to keep her smell

During the interview, Guinness officially asked Haji why he did not bathe, and many people initially thought that Haji was to save water, after all, Iran is very short of water, and in some ethnic customs, there is also a saying that "only 3 bathes in a lifetime" (birth, marriage, death).

It was at this time that Haji slowly explained the reason, because he felt that he had the breath of a wife on his body, which he did not want to wash off all his life. After hearing such an answer, the Guinness officials were deeply moved by Haji's true feelings.

Love is companionship when you are lonely, it is a dependence when you are helpless, and it is better to have you on your lips, but it is not as good as having you in your heart. Time is the best touchstone for testing sincerity, and love is not a day's thing, but a lifelong thing, which is vividly interpreted by Haji.

True love is from moving the heart to warming the heart, and then to the heart of one person, until it is attached to a lifetime. Haji's actions seem to interpret this sentence, although they live a sloppy life, but they are very admirable.

What do you think of Haji's actions? Is it sloppy? Or is it loyalty to his wife?

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