
Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

author:A guide to popular science knowledge in life
I've been using antiperspirant lotion for more than a decade now! By consulting various materials, and the experience accumulated over the years of fox odor and antiperspirant dew to share with you in the form of an article today, if the banmen gets an axe, I hope you will correct it in the comment area!

Counting down, there are almost thirty kinds of antiperspirant that I have used myself, of course, some people may question "How can one person use so many brands?" ”

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

In fact, on this box is still the products I have saved in recent years, of course, I myself use all these products into empty bottles that is impossible, there are some that I will be allergic to my own use, and some are exaggerated by the merchant but the actual effect is not obvious on the direct idle...

This article is only to take everyone to fully understand this antiperspirant lotion that makes us half-aware, unveil its "mystery", so that we can become handy in the future when choosing antiperspirant lotion, do not step on the thunder, and can find suitable anti-odor products for themselves

First, how should I choose antiperspirant?

For many fox odorous, sweaty people, how to choose a suitable antiperspirant is a headache problem, especially for fox odorous people, with "3 meters isolation circle", so when selecting antiperspirant will look at its ability to cover the smell

At the same time, summer is coming, for people who like sports and often sweat underarms, if you want to avoid the embarrassment of often soaking your armpits with sweat stains, strong antiperspirant strength is their preferred choice for antiperspirant

However, many people fall into a misunderstanding when choosing antiperspirant, it is easy to follow the trend, but the understanding of antiperspirant is unknown, resulting in many people at first with no reaction, for a long time the armpits become black, itchy, dry skin.

Therefore, the selection of antiperspirant must not be sloppy, and it should be carefully selected according to the effect.

Second, the composition of antiperspirant analysis

The composition of most fox odor antiperspirants is: water + plant extracts + antiperspirants + bacteriostatic agents + flavors + preservatives

(1) Plant extracts:

Many antiperspirants add a variety of plant extracts to the ingredients, and their role not only has the effect of adding fragrance, but also some can also play a role in bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, and soothing skin.

(2) Antiperspirant, bacteriostatic agent

The most core ingredient in antiperspirant is antiperspirant / bacteriostatic agent, and the antiperspirant and odor suppression effect of an antiperspirant is good or not depends on the insufficient ingredients it contains. Common antiperspirant ingredients are ulotil, hydroxyaluminum chloride, alum, and aluminum chloride.

At present, the most used is hydroxyaluminum chloride, because of its obvious antiperspirant effect, the least irritating to the human body, so it is widely used. But it still depends on the content, although different products add the same antiperspirant, but the durability and antiperspirant effect is not the same.

(3) Flavors and preservatives

When it comes to flavors and preservatives, everyone subconsciously thinks that they are harmful ingredients to the body, in fact, it is very common to add preservatives and flavors to products

Do not talk about the content of the ingredients is to play hooligans, fragrance plays a role in perfume, increase the sense of use, most consumers are difficult to accept the original fragrance of the product, through the fragrance, you can well cover up the smell of its raw materials themselves, giving cosmetics a pleasant fragrance.

If you ask which antiperspirant is the best to use?

My answer is that there is no absolute good or bad, suitable for their own is the best, to everyone sorted out the common stimulant ingredients, (according to the amount of additives to judge, small doses can be ignored...)

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

After determining the purpose of using antiperspirant, you can more accurately find the antiperspirant that suits you!

Such as: If you just want to stop sweating, choose antiperspirant lotion containing hydroxyaluminum chloride and aluminum chloride (not recommended for a long time). This type of ingredient has a good antiperspirant effect

Q: Can I use it every day?

A: Antiperspirant is available for use every day, but now there are many antiperspirant products with a long duration, basically maintained in 24-48 hours, as long as the antiperspirant is fully acted, cleaning the armpits and bathing are not too much of a problem, because it is not forming a blocking membrane on the surface, but acting on the inside of the skin.

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

Q: Is there any cost-effective antiperspirant lotion?

A: After my own use of feelings, I selected eight representative antiperspirant lotions and divided them according to their respective effects (of course, not all of them are easy to use, and some of them are also shared, so you must be cautious when choosing)

(1) West Schranshalu

Benefits: High odor coverage and durability, but prone to allergies

Applicator: people with good skin tolerance and heavy fox odor Fragrance: light fragrance, not obvious after the upper body

Usage Feeling:

This one does not need me to introduce more, a very famous over-the-counter drug, there are many fox odor crowd because of its cheap price, the effect on fox odor is obvious and into the pit. To exaggerate, as long as half of the ten people who have used it are allergic, although its ingredients are very simple, but the irritation to the skin is very large, its ingredient ranking is more than ethanol, which will give you the illusion of dry underarms, and after use, it will make the skin under the armpits become particularly dry

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

At the same time, ulotine is used as a bacteriostatic and antiperspirant. The advantages are indeed obvious, after use can maintain four or five days of underarm odorless, but the irritation is very large, especially my dry skin after the use of armpits began to burst dry acne, itching every day

Summary: Suitable for moderate fox odor, inexpensive, high-lasting but limited to special skin, sensitive skin and pregnant women should not try

(2) Skin Levi anti-sweat lotion

Efficacy: Antiperspirant, odor shielding effect is not obvious.

Applicable: Sweaty people

Aroma: Cheap perfume flavor

Usage Feeling:

The monthly sales of this antiperspirant on an orange software are very hot, and to be honest, its use effect is really average. Checking its ingredients, the first thing in the list is not antiperspirant but the active agent hamamelis virginiana, followed by hydroxyphenyl methyl ester preservative. Antiperspirants do not rank high.

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

The design I also like is a spray design, the amount of liquid is very large, basically press one or two times can spray the entire armpit. However, its air drying speed is slow, there will be a slight sticky feeling after the film is formed, and it is claimed that the body odor is heavy once every two or three days, and my moderate fox odor spray can only last less than half a day, and the armpits will return to the original taste. Sweat or sweat,

Summary: Pungent taste, low persistence

(3) Ho's fox stinks clean

Efficacy: Obvious odor coverage, high durability

Applicable: People with heavy fox odor

Aroma: The taste is not obvious

Usage Feeling:

The old version of He Shi is a stinking artifact in my heart! However, the ingredients of the previous version were kept secret, and the new version of the ingredients had no flavor and no preservatives. The efficacy of the five extracts added is mainly anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic.

However, the durability of the new version has dropped significantly, and it can only be maintained for three or four days without odor. If it is not very heavy fox stink this is not necessary to enter, the price is really not cheap.

Summary: Suitable for moderate fox odor, the price is high but the odor masking effect is obvious

(4) Mu Zhiyi pure flavor water

Effect: The odor masking effect is obvious

Applicator: mild and moderate fox odor

Aroma: Strong gardenia floral scent, upper body odor fades

Usage Feeling:

Compared with the ball form is not easy to control the dosage, this antiperspirant is the design of the spray, when used in the armpit spray a few times can be completely covered, to achieve a few seconds of rapid absorption, immediately dressed and walk away will not stain the clothes, before using a lot of antiperspirant products inside the added a large number of artificial flavor, spices to cover up the body odor, mixed with the body odor is even more unpleasant

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

This one doesn't just use aluminum or spices to mask body odor and sweat. Instead, it combines hydroxyaluminum chloride in addition to imported North American witch hazel slowly entering the sweat glands, straight into the source to improve odor and underarm sweating problems. Transparent water-like texture, do not worry about the problem of white space, the taste will be a little thick on the upper body, after two minutes the taste is fresh and elegant, lasting fragrance. The favorite thing is its durability, a spray can maintain two days of freshness, which can hang a lot of antiperspirant lotion

(5) Amway Antiperspirant

Benefits: Good taste removal, sufficient capacity

Applicable: sweat odor, mild fox odor

Fragrance: Light botanical fragrance

Usage Feeling:

The ingredients are mild, there is no fragrance, and the taste is a very light plant aroma. After applying it, it fades quickly and does not string together with the smell of perfume. It is a small ball design, the beads are coated out is a slightly white thick texture, just the upper body will be slightly sticky, you can obviously feel the painted part will have a lamination feeling, in the armpit sweat will be a little sticky.

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

However, its odor removal effect is good, although it is not as durable as the old version, but it will have a slight odor on the body once it is applied at night, and if you are afraid of heavy odor, you can maintain a refreshing and clean taste for a day

Summary: Suitable for mild fox odor

(6) Fox purification and dispersal of spirits

Benefits: Good taste removal, sufficient capacity

Applicable: sweat odor, mild fox odor

Fragrance: Light botanical fragrance

Usage Feeling:

Gentle and gentle is my most intuitive feeling for this spray, its spray is dense and delicate, sprayed to the upper body will not have a strong sense of irritation, its anti-sweat effect is quite good, unless it is a super sweat star people basically use it once to meet the anti-sweat requirements of the whole day.

Using N kinds of antiperspirant lotion, the actual test of eight: this antiperspirant assessment please put away

After absorption, there will be no stickiness, and the only drawback of using it in the summer is completely stress-free is that the design of the glass bottle is easy to break, so be careful when using it! These things aside, it is indeed very suitable for people who sweat a lot and smelly foxes

Summary: Suitable for sweating, mild and moderate fox odor

Do you have a heavy body odor in the summer? What good methods are welcome to discuss in the comments section! #Fox Stink##I'm going to make headlines##Antiperspirant#