
Cultivation methods and precautions for false leaf trees

author:Flower and Bird Park

The false leaf tree is a plant with turquoise branches and leaves, and the plant type is relatively small, which can be potted and ornamental, which is full of fun. Breeding false leaf trees can also look at leaves and fruits, potted false leaf trees, how should they be raised?

Cultivation methods and precautions for false leaf trees

Cultivation methods of false leaf trees

Potting soil selection

Potted false leaf trees, first of all, you can not choose a pot that is too large. False leaf trees are small plants, and smaller pots should be chosen when potting. The pot is too big and easy to be the pot soil with water and rotten roots. The soil should be selected as loose, breathable, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, which is slightly acidic.

Light and temperature

False leaf trees like sunlight and are more shade-tolerant, but avoid direct exposure to strong light. Potted false leaf trees should be placed in a bright place for maintenance. False leaf trees like warmth, afraid of heat and afraid of cold, the temperature in winter should be kept at a high level, above 5 ° C. In addition, in the summer high temperature, the plant of the false leaf tree needs to be properly shaded, and in the winter, the false leaf tree should be placed in a sunny indoor maintenance.

Watering and fertilizing

The cultivation of false leaf trees requires water and fertilizer management. Watering should follow the principle of not drying and not watering, and pouring through. The potting soil should not be kept moist and not too dry, but it should also be noted that there should be no standing water, which will not be conducive to the growth of false leaf trees. When the air is relatively dry, the humidity of the air can be increased by spraying water.

Fertilization does not need to be applied frequently, and thin fertilizer or compound fertilizer can be applied every 15 to 20 days. Topdressing liquid fertilizer can be applied in spring and autumn to promote flowering and fruiting.


The propagation of false leaf trees can be sown and divided, but the sowing and reproduction is relatively slow, and the separation of plants is relatively simple.

Cultivation methods and precautions for false leaf trees

Precautions for the cultivation of false leaf trees

Turn the pot

False leaf trees require smaller pots and do not have to be turned over frequently during growth. It is enough to turn the pot every 2-3 years, which needs to be carried out in the spring.


False leaf tree diseases and insect pests are relatively rare, there will be rotten roots caused by water accumulation in the pot soil, as well as poor ventilation caused by the damage of mesozoic insects, need to do a good job of daily management, so that there is no water in the pot and to ensure ventilation, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases.