
Why do pregnant women have "fetal fatigue"? These physical responses are real, and the five major methods can alleviate them

author:Zhi Ma Parenting said

For the vast majority of pregnant women, "fetal fatigue" is almost inevitable, usually pregnant women who are tired of the fetus, will show more fatigue, the body is very weak, the spirit is relatively poor, the attention is reduced, but also more drowsy, these are also very common pregnancy reactions.

Why do pregnant women have "fetal fatigue"? These physical responses are real, and the five major methods can alleviate them

Why do pregnant women experience "fetal fatigue"?

We all know that during pregnancy, the fetus in the belly is growing and developing rapidly, and this will inevitably lead to the appearance of fetal fatigue, especially after the pregnant mother's body is difficult to withstand the pressure, it will show a more intense fetal fatigue reaction.

After pregnancy, the body energy of pregnant mothers should not only be supplied to themselves, but also to provide the growth and development of the fetus, which is equivalent to the energy that only needs to be supplied to one person, and the result is supplied to two individuals, the body will naturally not be able to withstand this pressure, so the fatigue will become stronger and stronger, especially as the fetus grows up slowly, they need more energy from the pregnant mother, and the mother will naturally be more tired.

Why do pregnant women have "fetal fatigue"? These physical responses are real, and the five major methods can alleviate them

How can pregnant women relieve "fetal fatigue"?

Fetal fatigue is largely caused by poor rest of pregnant mothers, if the pregnant mother's sleep time is insufficient, or the quality of sleep is poor, then the body's energy recovery will also be affected, if it is so for a long time, it will also form a negative cycle, resulting in less body energy, which is more likely to appear fatigue.

In view of this, pregnant mothers must realize that they must go to more rest, because the process of sleep is actually to replenish energy, just like when the battery is out of power, it needs to be restored by charging, and the recovery of physical energy is actually the same reason.

Why do pregnant women have "fetal fatigue"? These physical responses are real, and the five major methods can alleviate them

At the same time, it should be noted that pregnant mothers do not feel that as long as a sufficient amount of sleep time is guaranteed, sufficient energy is not completely supplemented by sleep time, and good sleep quality is also needed.

Some pregnant mothers like to stay up late during pregnancy and then recover their energy by catching up on sleep during the day, but in fact, the effect in this case is greatly reduced. Because staying up late will consume more energy of pregnant women, it is difficult to achieve the effect of normal sleep schedules during the day, so it is not recommended that pregnant mothers stay up late.

Why do pregnant women have "fetal fatigue"? These physical responses are real, and the five major methods can alleviate them

Secondly, the nutritional supplements of pregnant mothers should also keep up, because there is a lack of energy for pregnant mothers, and their lack of nutritional supplements has a lot to do with it, sufficient nutrition can provide energy for pregnant women, and the energy of the human body is actually supported by various nutritional elements, such as if the lack of vitamins, proteins and other nutrients, then the energy possessed by the body will also be reduced.

Therefore, pregnant mothers need to supplement nutrition reasonably and consume comprehensive nutrition in a balanced manner, without being able to consume a single nutrient, otherwise the body will naturally feel tired.

Just like the previous friend in pregnancy, because of the morning sickness pregnancy reaction in the first trimester, causing her to not be able to eat anything, it is precisely because she can't eat something, resulting in a reduction in energy supplementation, accompanied by fatigue reactions, and later when she went to the obstetric examination, the doctor also asked her to eat more, and indeed ate more after going back, improved her diet for a period of time, and her fatigue state also improved a lot.

Why do pregnant women have "fetal fatigue"? These physical responses are real, and the five major methods can alleviate them

In addition to eating and sleeping, pregnant mothers also have to reduce their own amount of labor, because if the body continues to engage in a larger amount of labor in the case of fetal fatigue, it will make pregnant mothers have a stronger sense of fatigue, but some pregnant mothers can not stay idle during pregnancy, although appropriate labor is beneficial to pregnant mothers, but if excessive labor is not suitable. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant mothers must reduce their labor and avoid overwork.

If pregnant mothers themselves have hypoglycemia or anemia, then there may also be frequent "fetal fatigue", because pregnant women's hypoglycemia and anemia mean that the body can supply insufficient energy, in this case, it will naturally feel tired.

Why do pregnant women have "fetal fatigue"? These physical responses are real, and the five major methods can alleviate them

It is recommended that pregnant mothers appropriately supplement sugar during pregnancy, and at the same time pay attention to blood replenishment on weekdays, and appropriately eat more nutritious foods rich in iron, which can alleviate the fatigue of pregnant mothers to a certain extent.

It is also necessary to remind pregnant mothers that in order to alleviate their fatigue, some pregnant mothers will be relieved by drinking coffee during pregnancy, especially those pregnant women who have the habit of drinking coffee before pregnancy, in fact, it is not recommended to drink coffee during pregnancy. On the one hand, it is easy to cause pregnant mothers to become addicted and develop a dependence on coffee. On the other hand, because if pregnant mothers drink coffee regularly, especially in the case of excessive intake, it may cause stimulation to the fetal baby in the belly, which is not conducive to their growth and development.

Finally, pregnant mothers should pay attention to the fact that fetal fatigue is actually a very common reaction during pregnancy, pregnant mothers do not have to feel excessive anxiety, but to treat with a normal heart, and actively regulate their emotions, but also to a certain extent, can play a role in alleviating, so that their body and mind are better relaxed.