
In 1986, Hong Kong Hongkan Gymnasium Teresa Teng Lijun, Zhang Guorong, Mei Yanfang and other superstars joined forces to star-studded

author:A red robot that loves watermelon

In 1986, hong Kong in the early autumn was already covered with a hint of autumn. The sea breeze blows, and the Pearl of the Orient still shines.

What is different from the past is that today's Red Pavilion is very strong and unusual.

In the autumn of September, the stars shrouded the Red Pavilion in Hong Kong, and the platinum superstar Yao Baoliang Charity Performance was grandly opened. After the song and dance, the superstars held the moon and joined hands with Teresa Teng: Mei Yanfang, who was cool and heroic, was dressed in black, and her style was still the same. The elder brother Zhang Guorong is handsome and handsome, and the suit is more handsome. Along with the stage, there were superstars such as Lin Zixiang, Lü Fang and Zhen Ni, and the scene was brightly lit and the applause was thunderous.

Teresa Teng appeared in a fashionable black velvet dress, gentle and elegant, even if she cut three thousand green silks and only had short hair, she did not change her style. This piece of work designed by the famous French designer Vicky Tiel, even if it comes from the West, is worn on Teresa Teng's body to show the gentle and elegant temperament of oriental beauty, and the temperament is fascinating. The same dress, Teresa Teresa also wore on the Japanese Composition Awards, MUSIC FAIR and other programs, highlighting Teresa's frugal style.

In 1986, Hong Kong Hongkan Gymnasium Teresa Teng Lijun, Zhang Guorong, Mei Yanfang and other superstars joined forces to star-studded

Before the official performance, the superstars had already gathered to rehearse. The photos of the superstars are precious today. In fact, in early September, Teresa Teresa arrived in Hong Kong:

In September 1986, Teresa teng was invited by TVB to be the guest of honor at the mysterious performance of platinum superstar Yao Baoliang. Teresa Teng, who has been away from the fluorescent screen for a long time, has turned to another new realm from the outside to the inside. In the past, she suppressed herself for her own fame and for the sake of Teresa Teng's three words. Now she understands and no longer minds what others think. A peaceful and fulfilling state of mind gives her self-confidence.

In 1986, Hong Kong Hongkan Gymnasium Teresa Teng Lijun, Zhang Guorong, Mei Yanfang and other superstars joined forces to star-studded

Teresa Teng, who had cut her hair short, laughed and said that she had cut three thousand troublesome silks. Starting a few years ago, she gradually switched to semi-vegetarian food. In addition to fish and shrimp, other meats do not stick to the lips, but she does not see through the red dust, she first thinks that vegetarian food is healthy, and secondly, she is also influenced by friends around her, plus insisting on exercising every day, she feels refreshed, and the whole person is relaxed. Due to her sensitive skin due to her frequent use of cosmetics in the past, she does not want to rely on cosmetics to beautify herself as before, and she feels that a healthy state of mind is more important than appearance.

In the past, I lost myself to the busy work of recording and appearing on stage, and I didn't have time to understand myself. Now that she finds herself fully comfortable and receptive to a simple life, her happiness is indescribable. At present, she has arranged her work in a more orderly manner, usually only working eight hours, and she does not believe in any religion at present, but she firmly believes in her heart that God must be in charge of all things. --Reported september 19, 1986

Another report also reflects Teresa's return to the truth:

In September 1986, Teresa teng was invited to be the mysterious guest of platinum superstar Yao Baoliang, and it was only three days before the official performance that she arranged to meet with the media to talk about the latest situation. Teresa Teng said that there would be such a hasty arrangement because HKTV should not appear before announcing the list of singers participating in the performance, and Teresa laughed and said that she should keep it mysterious.

To ask a reporter whether he lives in Stanley? She said: 'Sometimes I live in Repulse Bay, sometimes I live in Hong Kong, and I also like Stanley, where the rustic flavor is the strongest, so I often go there to buy things and go shopping.' '

The reporter boldly asked Teresa Teng about heterosexuality and homosexuality. She said: 'No opinion, no matter what kind of relationship, as long as two people are in harmony, the feeling is the most important, and the third party should not comment or interfere.' I don't think that women and women will have a sense of pursuit, because women are together, there is no distance, there will be no oil, as long as everyone can talk, you can't think too much. '

Teresa Teng sang the pop song "Gossip" on the spot as if in response to the "gossip" about her from the outside world

I have a boyfriend, but I don't have a marriage partner, and the most important thing is that I haven't reached that stage yet. Marriage is a major event in life, in our line, good marriage is of course, bad is also rendered by big things, I really don't want to disappoint others, I don't want others to fail me. '

At this stage with others, career is not a problem, the problem is in myself, I always feel that I am not mature enough, impatient, bad temper, in this situation, how to cultivate the next generation? '

The topic returned to the performance, since Teresa Teng participated in the charity performance as a mysterious guest, it seemed that she should perform in the finale, but now it was Zhen Ni who finalized. Teresa Teng said that who sings the finale is not a problem, what is important is to cooperate with the time of the conference.

Teresa teng sang live when she Chinese title song to repay her lover

There is a scandal about her, Teresa Teresa said that she has been rolling in the entertainment industry for more than ten years, after a lot of storms, for all kinds of rumors, she will treat herself as an outsider and will not make a big fuss, because she believes that rumors stop at the wise. Teresa laughed and said: 'Rumors have increased my popularity and helped to publicize'. --Reported september 12, 1986

Teresa is still so optimistic and open-minded, and in the face of rumors from the outside world, she has always smiled. It is known that Teresa Teng's ex-boyfriend Guo Kongcheng has married a Japanese sister, asked her if she would feel sad, she said no, but also congratulated the other party Tim.

She confessed that she has a lot of opposite sexes to pursue her in Hong Kong, Sin Chew and Taiwan, but when it comes to the issue of marriage, she has not yet thought about it, she believes that marriage is a major event in life, so it must be carefully considered.

'What are you thinking about?' The reporter asked.

The main thing is for the next generation, if there is a good next generation, first of all, to mature, I ask myself that I am not mature for the time being, and with a child's temper, in order not to disappoint people, do not want to bear myself, so be especially careful. ’

Teresa believes that having children is a great responsibility, if born, it must be well nurtured, she said that if she married in the future, she will have one or two children.

Just as she sang on the stage of the song "Walking the Road of Life", even if there are many obstacles in life, you must move forward with a smile. Her smile will always give people in difficult situations infinite strength.

And in the on-site dress, it shows that her mentality is relaxed: gloves, jeans, relaxed casual style temperament is still the same. In fact, Teresa especially liked denim tops, which she also wore in France.

In 1986, Hong Kong Hongkan Gymnasium Teresa Teng Lijun, Zhang Guorong, Mei Yanfang and other superstars joined forces to star-studded

In 1987, Teresa traveled to France and took many photos. The romantic capital of Paris has left a lot of Teresa Teng's beautiful shadow, I don't know if in paris, Teresa Teng will look at the moon and homesickness? How many deep feelings have been placed in the bright moon?

At the end of the show, the platinum superstars once again took the stage to sing together, and the show came to an end. This is an extremely rare time for the Uranus superstar to share the stage, because it is rare, so it is more precious and rare. Today, many superstars are no longer alive, and only these videos have frozen the most stunning fanghua on their stage. The chorus at the end of the show is particularly precious

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