
The Gang of Port-au-Prince is in a big fight, nearly 100 people died and hundreds of thousands of people were trapped, and the United Nations spoke urgently

author:Commentator for the flower planter


The "backyard" of the United States in Haiti is in chaos, the gang struggle in the capital Port-au-Prince is still continuing, and the situation has deteriorated rapidly in a short period of time, resulting in a serious humanitarian crisis, arousing great concern in the international community, and the United Nations has also been alarmed.

According to CCTV News, the UN Security Council has adopted a resolution to extend the mandate of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti until July 15, 2023, and the UN demanded that gang violence and criminal activities in Haiti be stopped immediately.

The Gang of Port-au-Prince is in a big fight, nearly 100 people died and hundreds of thousands of people were trapped, and the United Nations spoke urgently

Haiti, a small country with an area of only 27,800 square kilometers in North America, had a sudden change last year, when President Moiz was suddenly shot and killed in his sleep, and since then, the position of Haitian president has become vacant, leaving the country in a security vacuum. In areas where bloodshed has erupted, there is neither a police force to maintain order nor a court to punish the atrocities, coupled with soaring domestic food prices and fuel shortages, which have exacerbated the security situation on the seabed.

The Gang of Port-au-Prince is in a big fight, nearly 100 people died and hundreds of thousands of people were trapped, and the United Nations spoke urgently

A few days ago, members of the Haitian gang G-9 gang attacked the rival organization G-Pèp, and the riots broke out, and in the following days, the conflict spread to many areas, and as of 20:30 on July 16, hundreds of thousands of people had been trapped in Port-au-Prince, and nearly 100 people had died.

Mudohin, the haitian chief of Médecin Sans Frontières(MSF), recently urged all parties to the conflict to open access to health workers, and subsequently, medical staff found many burned and decomposed bodies in the area, which is why the regional leaders could not determine the death list, and during the conflict, both gangs burned the bodies of enemy dead in areas under their control.

The Gang of Port-au-Prince is in a big fight, nearly 100 people died and hundreds of thousands of people were trapped, and the United Nations spoke urgently

It is hard to imagine that such a thing can happen today in the 21st century, but there are indeed some countries in the world, whether economic or security, that make people lose hope.

Over the years, Haiti has been plagued by poverty and unrest, and violent clashes have been pervasive, with cases such as the assassination of former President Moiz already occurring in many cases. Even the personal safety of the president is not guaranteed, let alone ordinary civilians?

The site of this violent clash is undoubtedly the slums of Haiti, one of the most disturbed areas. According to official statistics, there have been more than 200 kidnappings in Haiti since May alone, and the cases often end in extortion or murder due to a lack of government regulation.

The Gang of Port-au-Prince is in a big fight, nearly 100 people died and hundreds of thousands of people were trapped, and the United Nations spoke urgently

Coinciding with the transition period of government, it just so happens that gangs have a large number of weapons, which has to be reminiscent of the recent black market rampant, and the wanton circulation of weapons.

At the meeting on the 15th, China proposed that the armed forces violence should be curbed by imposing an arms embargo on Haiti.

However, in the formal resolution, the wording on the arms embargo is clearly not strong enough, but merely "calls on" the parties to stop the export of small-calibre weapons and ammunition to Haitian gangs.

The Gang of Port-au-Prince is in a big fight, nearly 100 people died and hundreds of thousands of people were trapped, and the United Nations spoke urgently

Although there is still room for improvement in the resolution, in any case, its promulgation is a correct guide for the situation in Haiti, and the United Nations side calls on Haiti to hold a presidential election as soon as possible, while reaching out to Haiti to help the local government fulfill its responsibilities and safeguard the lives of the Haitian people.