
Man drinking tea to drink kidney stones? Drinking boiled water for a long time and drinking tea for a long time, which is good for the body

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

According to the Global Network, Mr. Liu (pseudonym), who was in his early 40s years ago, was found to have kidney stones many years ago, but he was not treated at the time and has been safe for many years. But this year, kidney stones have occurred frequently, and he thinks it may be related to his habit of drinking tea. Since he was young, he has been particularly fond of drinking tea, replacing water with tea almost every day. With the prolongation of the time of drinking tea, he drank more and more tea, and this year he drank 7 pounds of tea in half a year, which is more than the amount of tea in ordinary people's homes in a year.

The frequent pain made him a little afraid of kidney damage, and he quickly took time to go to the hospital for examination. The examination results showed that Mr. Liu had multiple kidney stones in his left kidney, the largest diameter reached 3.3cm, and the uric acid, creatinine and other indicators of the blood routine had exceeded the standard, indicating that the left kidney function had been damaged. Fortunately, Mr. Liu's time for treatment is not too late, and after treatment, all aspects of the indicators have recovered well, and he has been discharged from the hospital.

Drinking tea actually drank yourself out of kidney stones? Kidney function has also been damaged because of this, which makes many "tea black" can't sit still, and they all say don't drink tea, don't drink tea, look! Drinking boiled water is king, and drinking tea is not healthy at all. Which is healthier, drinking tea or drinking water?

Man drinking tea to drink kidney stones? Drinking boiled water for a long time and drinking tea for a long time, which is good for the body

First, long-term drinking boiled water or long-term tea drinking, which is healthier?

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that the average daily water intake of adult men and women should be 1.7L and 1.5L, and the proportion of water in the human body can reach 75%, which is the largest component of the body. Although boiled water has no nutrients, it can provide sufficient water for the human body, it is an important substance to maintain the normal physiological function of the human body, can participate in metabolism, promote nutrient absorption, regulate human body temperature and maintain tissue form.

Tea has more nutrients than water, and tea contains tea polyphenols, amino acids, caffeine, carbohydrates, vitamins, chlorophyll and minerals.

So is it better to drink tea regularly or drink water regularly?

Recently, researchers at Nankai Hospital of Tianjin Medical University released a new study that followed up a median of 720,000 people, including China, Japan and South Korea, for a median period of 5 to 13.6 years, and found that:

No matter what kind of tea they drank, compared with people who drank less tea, people who drank more tea were significantly associated with a 23% decrease in the risk of cerebral hemorrhage, of which the correlation with green tea was the most obvious, and drinking more green tea was associated with a 34% decrease in the risk of cerebral hemorrhage.

Man drinking tea to drink kidney stones? Drinking boiled water for a long time and drinking tea for a long time, which is good for the body

Does this mean that drinking tea is healthier than drinking water? Should tea be used instead of water in life? Follow Ai Xiao to understand this problem in detail.

Second, do not blindly drink tea, it is not advisable to replace water with tea

Drinking tea in moderation has certain benefits for kidney health, because the catechins contained in tea can help inhibit the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones in the kidneys and play a certain protective role in kidney function. However, long-term drinking of strong tea will lead to excessive intake of oxalic acid and low water intake, which will increase the risk of stone occurrence.

Teng Yue, a registered dietitian in the Nutrition Department of Jilin Central Hospital, reminded that it is not recommended to replace boiled water with tea every day, otherwise it may bring two adverse effects to health.

1. Increase the burden on the body

Tea contains oxalic acid, caffeine and other ingredients, these ingredients excessive intake will lead to increased burden on the body, easy to induce insomnia, heart rate and other symptoms.

2. Cause frequent urination and constipation

Under the same amount of drinking, drinking tea will increase the number of urination times compared with drinking water, which can easily lead to frequent urination, serious loss of water in the body, and easy to induce constipation.

For some people who have been diagnosed with kidney stones, how to solve this problem? There are several methods worth learning.

Man drinking tea to drink kidney stones? Drinking boiled water for a long time and drinking tea for a long time, which is good for the body

Third, when kidney stones are found, how to let the "stones" leave the body?

1. Professional medical treatment according to the situation

Some stones are too large in diameter to pass on their own, or have caused bleeding, kidney damage, persistent urinary tract infections, etc., and require professional medical intervention.

2. Drink more water appropriately

Doctors in patients with kidney stones generally recommend that about 2 L of urine be excreted daily to ensure that the patient drinks enough water per day to help dilute crystalline stones in the urine and flush the urinary tract.

3. Adjust your diet

Diet should pay attention to reduce the intake of oxalate-rich, high-protein foods, such as spinach, nuts, okra, beets, animal offal, etc. should be eaten less, while reducing the intake of salt.

4. Review

People who have been found to have nodules are recommended to be rechecked every six months, even if there are no symptoms of discomfort.

Man drinking tea to drink kidney stones? Drinking boiled water for a long time and drinking tea for a long time, which is good for the body

Kidney stone attacks can bring "what a painful realization" to patients, and some bad habits in life are the culprits that induce it to appear. If you want to prevent kidney stones, you must drink more water, and you can't take other drinks to replace drinking water for a long time. #健康真知计划 #


[1] Can tea replace boiled water? 》. Nine Faction News.2021.10.25

[2] Drink more tea and drink green tea! The team of Tianjin Medical University found that drinking more tea was related to a 34% reduction in the risk of cerebral hemorrhage丨 Clinical Big Discovery". Singularity Network.2022.7.2

[3] "The wrong drinking of water causes people to faint? Holiday travel, nutrition experts teach you to drink water properly". Beijing News.2022.4.3

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