
Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

author:Bean skin loves good food

Today we will officially enter the ambush and open the annual three-volt day. Three-volt day is the hottest season of the year, when the natural yang rises, and the operation law of the human body pays attention to conforming to nature, therefore, the three-volt day is also suitable for the season of replenishing qi and health.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Today, the bean skin shares 8 kinds of health porridge, three volt days of boring weather, bad appetite, these few porridges are not only nutritious and healthy, tonic health, but also appetizing and relieving hunger, it is recommended to drink more on three volt days.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Emerald porridge

Ingredients: 2 abalones, 1/2 cup rice, 1 small piece of carrot, 6 green vegetables, a suitable amount of lean meat, a small piece of ginger.


1: Wash the lean meat, chop it into minced meat, then add a little salt and oil and stir well. Cut the abalone into slices of diced radish and then cut into strips, and finally cut into granules, wash the hearts of the vegetables, and cut into granules; Slice the ginger.

2, the rice is washed, put into the pot, pour the appropriate amount of water, boiled (the boiling time depends on the degree of personal preference, like soft and rotten a little longer to cook, like the grainy feel of the cooking time is less).

3: Add abalone and radish grains, then ginger slices and bring to a boil over high heat.

4: Add minced meat and green vegetables, continue to simmer for 30 seconds and finish.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Mung bean porridge

Ingredients: 100g mung beans, 50g rice, rock sugar to taste.


1. Wash the rice overnight in advance, control the moisture, put it in a container, and then place it in the refrigerator freezer.

2, mung beans are also washed overnight in advance, soaked in water, so that the next day when boiling can save a lot of time.

3: Put the frozen rice and soaked mung beans into the pot, add the appropriate amount of water, the amount of water is about 6 to 8 cm of mung beans and rice.

4: Bring to a boil over high heat, then stir in one direction for about 10 minutes until viscous, then add rock sugar, stir until melted, and finished.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Mei Ling porridge

Ingredients: Yam 250g, glutinous rice 80g, rice 25g, oat rice 30g, milk 250ml, soy milk 800ml, rock sugar to taste, a little goji berries.


1. Soak rice and glutinous rice for 6 hours in advance, and oat rice for 2 hours in advance. (Oat rice is more chewy, eat it will have a sense of layering, if you don't like it, you can directly change to the same amount of oats)

2: Peel the yam (if you are allergic to yam, you can wear a glove or a bag), wash, cut into pieces, put into a steamer to steam, then cut half of it into small cubes, and the other half is pounded into yam puree with a spoon while it is hot.

3, put the milk, soy milk (soy milk can be bought ready-made, you can also grind with soybeans) and water into the pot, boil, and then add glutinous rice, rice and oat rice, cover, boil, turn off the heat, simmer for 15 minutes.

4: After 15 minutes, turn on the heat again, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, and continue to simmer for 10 minutes.

5, 10 minutes later, put down the yam puree, boil and turn to low heat, continue to simmer for 30 minutes, remember to stir halfway, so as not to paste the bottom.

6: Add diced yam and rock sugar, continue to simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, and finish.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Red bean coix porridge

Ingredients: 400g of red beans, 400g of mung beans, 100g of coix seeds, 200g of fresh lotus seeds, 12 pieces of hyacinth fruit, 1 slice of tangerine peel, rock sugar to taste, water 1500ml.


1: Wash the red beans and mung beans and soak them in water overnight in advance.

2: Wash the barley, sauté it slightly in a pot and set aside.

3: Peel and wash the hyacinth fruit, remove the core of the fresh lotus seeds and wash them.

4: Put the red beans, mung beans, barley, fresh lotus seeds, hyacinth fruit and tangerine peel together into the pot, pour in water, bring to a boil on high heat, reduce the heat, and continue to simmer for 1 hour.

5: Add rock sugar, stir well, wait until the rock sugar is completely melted and finished.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Eight treasure porridge

Ingredients: 50g of black rice, 120g of glutinous rice, 30g of red beans, 20g of barley, 30g of peanuts, 12 red dates, 60 lotus seeds, 30g of red kidney beans, 30g of rock sugar, 2000ml of water.


1: Wash black rice, glutinous rice, red beans, barley, peanuts, lotus seeds, red kidney beans, soak in water for more than 2 hours (if possible, you can soak it overnight in advance).

2, put all the ingredients into the rice cooker, add the dates, then add water, choose the boiling porridge key (if you like to thicken a little, you can add less water).

3: When you want to eat, add rock sugar and stir until it melts.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Millet pumpkin porridge

Ingredients: millet to taste, pumpkin 500g, water to taste.


1: Peel the pumpkin, wash it, remove it and cut it into pieces.

2, millet washed clean, put into the pot, pumpkin also put in together, add the appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil on high heat, then turn to low heat, boil until the pumpkin is cooked through, the porridge becomes thick.

3: Crush the pumpkin with a spoon along the wall of the pot, stir well, let the pumpkin puree mix well with the porridge, and continue to simmer for 5 minutes. Finish.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Vegetable shrimp porridge

Ingredients: 4 shrimp, carrots, rice, 2 shiitake mushrooms, 1 spinach, peas, corn, ginger.


1, shrimp wash, shrimp head and shrimp body separated, shrimp head wash and spare, shrimp body shell, use a toothpick to pick off the shrimp line, wash.

2: Cut the shrimp into cubes, add cooking wine and ginger, stir well and marinate for 15 minutes.

3: Heat the oil, add shrimp heads and ginger slices, sauté until fragrant, then add rice (rice can be washed in advance, put into the refrigerator and frozen, can save boiling time), pour water, bring to a boil over high heat.

4: Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce heat until the porridge is viscous, then add shiitake mushrooms, carrots, corn kernels, then add peas and cook until cooked thoroughly.

5: Wash the marinated shrimp, put it into the porridge, then add the chopped vegetables, cook it, add salt and chicken essence to taste, and finish.

Three volt days, should be healthy, these 8 kinds of health porridge, nutritious and healthy, the whole family likes to drink

Red bean black rice milk porridge

Ingredients: 2 bowls of red beans, 1 bowl of black rice, 250ml of milk, rock sugar to taste.


1: Wash the red beans and black rice one night in advance and soak them in clean water overnight.

2: Put the soaked red beans and black rice into the pressure cooker, pour in the appropriate amount of water, cover the lid, turn on the heat, turn the heat down for 20 minutes after breathing, and turn off the heat.

3: After letting go of the air, add rock sugar, stir until completely melted, then add milk, boil for a while and finish.