
"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

author:First Chef

The so-called ambush, that is, to enter the hottest season of the year, there are ancient almanacs stipulate: "the summer solstice three Geng will count the volts", that is to say, from the summer solstice to the back, to the third "Geng Day" began to ambush.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

Tomorrow will be ambushed, as the saying goes: "into the ambush first avoid ginger, do not forget to drink three soups", how to make three soups? Many people still don't understand, let's take a look at it.

【Drink three soups】

First, winter melon shrimp soup

The old saying often says: "Eat more melons in summer, Chinese medicine do not have to grasp", the summer climate is hot, especially after the ambush, people sweat too much, the body is easy to lose water, and the melon fruit contains a lot of water and nutrients, often eat after the ambush, supplement nutrition, the body is healthier.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

1. Prepare half a winter melon, first peel off the skin, change the knife to cut into thin thick slices, millet pickled pepper a few halves cut, ginger a small piece cut into ginger slices, garlic a few cut into garlic slices, prawns 5 to 6, open from the middle slice, remove the shrimp head, put into the basin to clean, carrot a small piece cut into diamond-shaped slices.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

2. Heat the wok, add a little rapeseed oil, pour in the prawns and fry them, change the medium heat to fry the prawns until golden brown on both sides, pour into a colander with oil.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

3. Start the pot again and add a little cooking oil, add the green onion ginger and millet pepper to the heat, pour in the winter melon and carrots, simply stir-fry a few times, sauté the ingredients until they are broken, and add the appropriate amount of water.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

4. Change the heat to boil the soup, change to medium-low heat to simmer for about 8 minutes, after the winter melon is cooked, add the fried prawns, continue to cook for 2 minutes, add half a spoonful of pepper, two spoons of salt, a spoonful of chicken essence, stir to open the seasoning, after 30 seconds you can turn off the heat and put it on the plate.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

Second, stew chicken soup

As the old saying goes: "Drink chicken soup in the ambush, a summer is healthy", because the head of the volt has not yet reached the hottest time in the summer, this time is suitable for qing supplementation, eat some high-protein chicken, drink some light chicken soup, both can supplement nutrition, the body will not be dry and hot, healthy to spend three volt days.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

1. Prepare half a chai chicken, wash and chop into small pieces, cut a piece of ginger into thin slices, and cut two chives into pieces for later.

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add chicken nuggets under cool water, add a few slices of ginger, a little cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam in the pot, blanch the water for 3 minutes to fish out the control water.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

3. Start the pot again and add water, add chicken nuggets, ginger and green onions, bring to a boil on high heat, change to low heat and simmer for an hour, pick the raw ginger and green onion, sprinkle a few goji berries, and finally add salt to taste, delicious.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

Three, [three mushroom tofu soup]

Summer is hot, suitable for eating some mushroom ingredients, coupled with hot and dry tofu, the taste is more delicious, after the ambush, it is recommended to drink some three-funnel tofu soup, light and nutritious, suitable for all ages.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

1. Prepare a handful of enoki mushrooms, first cut off the roots, then grasp the loose by hand, put them into a small basin, a small handful of white jade mushrooms, tear open by hand, two oyster mushrooms are torn long strips by hand, and a piece of tender tofu is cut into long strips for later use.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

2. Boil water in a pot, boil the water and add the prepared ingredients, blanch the water for one minute, fish out the controlled water, and then pass the cold water.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to another pot, then pour in the broth prepared in advance, add 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, stir with a spoon to open the seasoning.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

4. After boiling the soup, pour in the ingredients after boiling water, then pour in the tofu strips, continue to boil the soup, and use a spoon to skim off the foam.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

5. Continue to cook for 2 minutes, then hook the appropriate amount of water starch, after boiling, you can turn off the heat and start the pot, and finally pour a little sesame sesame oil, delicious.

[Why is it said that ginger should be avoided first]:

As we all know, ginger is a hot food, after the ambush, the temperature rises, we must pay attention to heat prevention and heat removal, so at this time, we must eat less ginger.

"Avoid ginger before you go into the ambush, don't forget to drink 3 soups"! Tomorrow into the ambush, 3 soups how to make? Early understanding and early benefit

If it is a person with a weak cold constitution, you can eat some ginger appropriately, if it is a person who is hot in the body, do not eat ginger, so as not to add oil to the fire, which is not good for health.

After entering the ambush, we should pay attention to the adjustment of the diet, avoid spicy, avoid cold, mainly light, safe and healthy to spend three volt days.