
Girls from 8 to 11 years old, parents should pay attention

author:Little fat chat about the defense of the city

The development of a girl's breasts is divided into three stages. The first stage; 8 to 11 years old. The second stage; 12 to 15 years old. The third stage; 16 to 18 years old. ”

The three stages mentioned above are when the physical development of girls is most obvious. Generally speaking, after the age of 18, most girls' bodies are how they are, that is, basically there will not be much change. Of course, the innate conditions are not very good, and some girls can achieve the figure they want through the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

No matter what age a girl is, she has a heart that loves beauty in her heart. If you want to have a good body, you should pay attention to it from an early age. In this way, it is possible that without the efforts of the day after tomorrow, you can have an incomparably narcissistic body. Today, I will share with you how to choose underwear for girls aged 8 to 11!

Girls from 8 to 11 years old, parents should pay attention

Before answering how girls between the ages of 8 and 11 choose their underwear, let's talk to you about an incident that happened when I was in elementary school. When I was in fifth grade, I studied early in the hot summer. The male classmate at my back table saw that there were two more pink "straps" in the white T-shirt of my table, and he was very curious, pulled it with his hand, and then directly let go.

The male classmates at my back table had a very good relationship with me at the same table, and the two of them often played and joked, and shared any delicious snacks with each other. But after my classmates at the back table pulled the straps of my underwear at the same table, I cried directly on the table with me. For a long time, the boy at my table had a stinky expression. I always thought that the two of them would not reconcile. It wasn't until fifteen years later, after receiving invitations from both of them, that I realized I was wrong. The two of them have been playing around since elementary school until they graduated from college, and finally achieved positive results, and now they have two babies.

After telling the story, back to the beginning of the topic, how should girls aged 8 to 11 choose underwear? For this question, from the perspective of girls and parents, I think it should be: comfortable, not bright and not light!

Girls from 8 to 11 years old, parents should pay attention



At the age of 8 to 11, girls' breasts begin to develop slowly. The nipples will begin to protrude and the areola will enlarge. At this time, some unconcerned parents will directly take their children to the street and buy small vests at will. There are even some parents who are not sure whether their children have developed or whether they buy underwear for their children at their child's invitation.

The slow development of a girl's breasts can cause friction between the nipples and the small tank top. If the underwear purchased at this time is not soft and comfortable enough, then this will be a very uncomfortable thing for girls. So the underwear you buy must be comfortable.

Girls from 8 to 11 years old, parents should pay attention


Not bright

Going back to the story I told, the reason why the boys at my back table found out that I was wearing a small tank top underwear at the same table was because I was wearing a white shirt and a fan's small tank top. Some parents are very careless, and when buying small vests for their children, they directly buy underwear such as big red and purple for greed and other reasons. If you match it with white clothes, there will inevitably be accidents.

At any time, boys are very active and curious. Here to say, most boys in the primary school stage, the girl's "hairy hands", have no other thoughts, just simply feel fun and think that the female classmates are angry, which is something worth showing off. Of course, with the development of the Internet today, whether there are other thoughts, it is difficult to say.

Girls from 8 to 11 years old, parents should pay attention


Don't go out of sight

No matter what kind of girl she is, walking away is a very headache problem. Girls between the ages of 8 and 11 are in a stage of physical development. Every month and every year, there will be different changes. At this time, the underwear worn at this time, because it is too thin and other reasons, has a bump in the front, which is very fatal for girls. If there are boys who laugh, then this can be a lifetime of shadows for girls. Many girls are inferior and depressed because of the shame of others. So, girls aged 8 to 11, the choice of underwear should be comfortable, not too bright and not light!