
Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

author:Foraging in the market

"When the wheel of the day does not go away at noon, the nations are like in the furnace of the flood" - three volts of heaven.

Three-volt days are the hottest time of the year and the most susceptible period of the year. Tomorrow's first ambush is coming, are you ready?

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

Under the unbearable heat of the weather, in the middle of the night, the people who run out to "cool off" in the middle of the night are ordinary people who run out in the sun, at this time, it is a perfect match to come to a few bunches of barbecues and bottles of ice drinks, and liquor is also one of the daily drinks of most people.

However, experts suggest that in the three-volt day, drinking liquor should also pay attention to "5 do not drink", in order to find a touch of "comfort" in the hot and dry three-volt day.

"Don't drink": Don't drink ice liquor

Beer, foreign wine, cocktails, etc. can be accompanied by ice drinks, slightly chilled for a while or add some ice cubes to taste and relieve the heat, but many wine lovers who love liquor will think: "Other wines can be drunk on ice, so can liquor also be used?" ”。

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

Although iced liquor can achieve a direct heat reduction effect from the taste on the surface, it is not. Its lightness affects the original taste of liquor, liquor is essentially ethanol, ethanol freezing point is -117 °, it can be seen that when iced liquor is not wine, but water. After the water melts, it enters the liquor, which greatly reduces the taste. The same is true of chilled liquor, not to mention adding ice cubes directly to the liquor.

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

Heavy increases the internal damage, liquor is hot, and daily drinks can obviously feel the obvious body warmth. Three volt days are easy to get sick, drinking iced liquor in our body, first hot and then cold to form 2 extreme feelings, is undoubtedly to make their body worse.

"Two do not drink": do not drink wine with "additives"

The living standards of the people are getting higher and higher, and with it is the promotion of green diets. Additives are rejected by everyone no matter where they are added, and the most common additives in liquor are edible alcohol, edible flavor, and saccharin, which can be directly observed from the ingredient list on the bottle.

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

In the past, life was poor and the food supply was insufficient, so that the people could only drink a small amount of self-brewed or market alcoholic liquor. The cost of self-brewing is high and the yield is low, and the supply exceeds demand; Alcoholic liquor has a high low cost and high yield, but it is often very harmful. Now the state's control over the quality of liquor is becoming more and more stringent, since the implementation of the new national standard for liquor, even the public ration niu pen mountain cattle two hundred have been "degraded" to the altar, this summer, drinking can be seen clearly.

"Three don't drink": Don't drink wine of unknown origin because of cheapness

A very real problem: how high the income determines how high the level of consumption. Therefore, people in society who do not care about which level of consumption will have the psychology of greed and cheapness, which is also the common sentiment of people.

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

Many businesses have seized the psychology of consumers, the use of low-cost raw materials and simple production conditions to produce a large number of low-quality liquor, in the low-quality liquor can be called "good wine" is made of inferior grain, bad is the use of a variety of "additives" blended, here Xiaobian dare not say that they are brewed, after all, what method is used to produce we do not know. Because the production cost of this wine is extremely low, coupled with some marketing methods, such as lying that it is a self-brewed grain wine, old wine, etc., with these seemingly professional words to win the attention of consumers.

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

Drinking wine is to drink the wine produced by regular real estate developers with production qualifications, if it is not bad money, of course, you can choose a big factory brand such as "Mao Wujian", if it is just for self-drinking, Han Dong Master Wine is the first choice.

Master Han Dong wine is produced from Han Dong Distillery in Moutai Town.

Handong Distillery is a 30-year-old distillery with production qualifications among the few distilleries in Moutai Town. Its wine has three major advantages of sauce wine brewing - Moutai Town is suitable for the brewing environment of sauce wine, the local unique high-quality small red sorghum and the Daqu Kunsha process. These three advantages guarantee the quality of Han Dong Master Wine.

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

Its pro-democracy efforts are due to its low branding and low influence, but now the heat is gradually spreading to the coastal areas. All good wines do not have a high brand premium when the brand value is low, and Han Dong Master Wine is one of them.

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

"Four do not drink": do not drink liquor on an empty stomach

Experienced drinkers know that drinking liquor needs to be paired with wine dishes, but many people do not care about empty stomachs. The composition of liquor is mainly ethanol, simply put, the stomach is empty, what to eat immediately absorb what, if you drink liquor on an empty stomach, it is directly to absorb ethanol, it is easy to get drunk, especially in the hot three-volt day, the body itself is short of water, and the impact of drinking on an empty stomach is greater.

Therefore, when everyone is paired with liquor in the next dish, even if it is a simple plate of peanut rice, you must first eat some cushions to pad your stomach, which is both for the body and for the drinking experience.

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

"Five don't drink": don't pursue "a thousand cups not drunk"

On three days, people like to get together when it is cool at night, and the topic of alcohol is indispensable in large and small liquor bureaus, and the amount of alcohol directly determines the sense of existence at the dinner table. However, in order to increase their sense of existence, some people keep drinking, and really think that they are "not drunk in a thousand cups". This behavior is very dangerous, excessive drinking, whether you pad your stomach or not, it is easy to get drunk.

Everyone's body has a substance that can metabolize alcohol - "alcoholase", although the alcoholase can metabolize alcohol, but its ability is limited, can metabolize up to 2-3 liquors per day, the excess is your internal metabolism, so that drinking can not hurt the body?

Tomorrow into the ambush, the connoisseur: "Futian liquor 5 do not drink", 5 do not drink what? There are many benefits to understanding early

Tomorrow will be ambushed, we must remember to drink liquor "5 don't", if there are other insights, welcome to leave a message to discuss Oh.