
"Classic of Mountains and Seas" Divine Beast - Red Quarry "Classic of Mountains and Seas" Divine Beast - Red Eagle


<h1>The Sacred Beast of the Classic of Mountains and Seas - The Red Bird</h1>

The Classic of Mountains and Seas, the Nanshan Classic

Green Hill Mountain

Red Raven[rú]

English water out of the water,

The southern stream is injected into the Jizhize.

Among them, there are many red squids, whose shape is like a fish and a human face,

Its sound is like a mandarin duck, and it is not scabies.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" Divine Beast - Red Quarry "Classic of Mountains and Seas" Divine Beast - Red Eagle

In the middle of the Qingqiu Mountain, there is a river called Yingshui that originates from this source and flows south into the Yize. There is a magical fish in the lean English water, called the red squid, which is shaped like a fish, but this fish has a beautiful face. The red squid barks like a mandarin duck, and if a person eats it, he can avoid scabies.

The red bird, is a very strange spirit beast, in ancient times, is a common animal (pay attention to the WeChat public account: "Financial Morning News" for more knowledge), it is quite numerous, often travel together, and often hidden in the swamp. The strength of this spirit beast is very weak, but it is good at hiding and is difficult to catch. However, it is rumored that the red squid is delicious and is a rare delicacy.

Red blazers are called spirit beasts because of their extremely high INTELLIGENCE. According to folklore, there was an emperor who wanted to eat the meat of the red squid and sent an army to hunt and kill the red squid. On weekdays, the red squid, like ordinary fish, has no ability to resist at all. But when this army came to the edge of the swamp to hunt the red squid, it did not want to fall into the trap under the red squid cloth.

In order to protect themselves from harm, the red squid weaves a large net at a bottomless swamp to cover the bottomless swamp. Unbeknownst to them, the army slowly went deeper into the swamp, and when they came to the center, the red squid bit through the net. The army sank into the abyss and was completely destroyed. It sounds amazing, but the Classic of Mountains and Seas records some magical animals. The reason for the magic, in addition to literary and artistic processing, there is also no lack of folk oil and vinegar legends.

So is the red squid real? According to research, the scientific name of the red squid is "deep sea salmon", and marine fish specimens similar to the red squid have been found in the Sea of Japan.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" Divine Beast - Red Quarry "Classic of Mountains and Seas" Divine Beast - Red Eagle